# Copyright 2005 Princeton University import errno import fcntl import os import re import sys import time import traceback #import mount import linuxcaps import passfdimpl import vserverimpl from util_vserver_vars import * CAP_SAFE = (linuxcaps.CAP_CHOWN | linuxcaps.CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE | linuxcaps.CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH | linuxcaps.CAP_FOWNER | linuxcaps.CAP_FSETID | linuxcaps.CAP_KILL | linuxcaps.CAP_SETGID | linuxcaps.CAP_SETUID | linuxcaps.CAP_SETPCAP | linuxcaps.CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG | linuxcaps.CAP_LEASE | linuxcaps.CAP_SYS_CHROOT | linuxcaps.CAP_SYS_PTRACE) # # these are the flags taken from the kernel linux/vserver/legacy.h # FLAGS_LOCK = 1 FLAGS_SCHED = 2 # XXX - defined in util-vserver/src/chcontext.c FLAGS_NPROC = 4 FLAGS_PRIVATE = 8 FLAGS_INIT = 16 FLAGS_HIDEINFO = 32 FLAGS_ULIMIT = 64 FLAGS_NAMESPACE = 128 class VServer: INITSCRIPTS = [('/etc/rc.vinit', 'start'), ('/etc/rc.d/rc', '%(runlevel)d')] def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.config = self.__read_config_file("/etc/vservers.conf") self.config.update(self.__read_config_file("/etc/vservers/%s.conf" % self.name)) self.flags = 0 flags = self.config["S_FLAGS"].split(" ") if "lock" in flags: self.flags |= FLAGS_LOCK if "nproc" in flags: self.flags |= FLAGS_NPROC self.remove_caps = ~CAP_SAFE self.ctx = int(self.config["S_CONTEXT"]) config_var_re = re.compile(r"^ *([A-Z_]+)=(.*)\n?$", re.MULTILINE) def __read_config_file(self, filename): f = open(filename, "r") data = f.read() f.close() config = {} for m in self.config_var_re.finditer(data): (key, val) = m.groups() config[key] = val.strip('"') return config def __do_chroot(self): return os.chroot("%s/%s" % (VROOTDIR, self.name)) def open(self, filename, mode = "r", bufsize = -1): (sendsock, recvsock) = passfdimpl.socketpair() child_pid = os.fork() if child_pid == 0: try: # child process self.__do_chroot() f = open(filename, mode) passfdimpl.sendmsg(f.fileno(), sendsock) os._exit(0) except EnvironmentError, ex: (result, errmsg) = (ex.errno, ex.strerror) except Exception, ex: (result, errmsg) = (255, str(ex)) os.write(sendsock, errmsg) os._exit(result) # parent process # XXX - need this since a lambda can't raise an exception def __throw(ex): raise ex os.close(sendsock) throw = lambda : __throw(Exception(errmsg)) while True: try: (pid, status) = os.waitpid(child_pid, 0) if os.WIFEXITED(status): result = os.WEXITSTATUS(status) if result != 255: errmsg = os.strerror(result) throw = lambda : __throw(IOError(result, errmsg)) else: errmsg = "unexpected exception in child" else: result = -1 errmsg = "child killed" break except OSError, ex: if ex.errno != errno.EINTR: os.close(recvsock) raise ex fcntl.fcntl(recvsock, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK) try: (fd, errmsg) = passfdimpl.recvmsg(recvsock) except OSError, ex: if ex.errno != errno.EAGAIN: throw = lambda : __throw(ex) fd = 0 os.close(recvsock) if not fd: throw() return os.fdopen(fd, mode, bufsize) def __do_chcontext(self, state_file = None): vserverimpl.chcontext(self.ctx, self.remove_caps) if not state_file: return print >>state_file, "S_CONTEXT=%d" % self.ctx print >>state_file, "S_PROFILE=%s" % self.config.get("S_PROFILE", "") state_file.close() def __prep(self, runlevel, log): """ Perform all the crap that the vserver script does before actually executing the startup scripts. """ # remove /var/run and /var/lock/subsys files # but don't remove utmp from the top-level /var/run RUNDIR = "/var/run" LOCKDIR = "/var/lock/subsys" filter_fn = lambda fs: filter(lambda f: f != 'utmp', fs) garbage = reduce((lambda (out, ff), (dir, subdirs, files): (out + map((dir + "/").__add__, ff(files)), lambda fs: fs)), list(os.walk(RUNDIR)), ([], filter_fn))[0] garbage += filter(os.path.isfile, map((LOCKDIR + "/").__add__, os.listdir(LOCKDIR))) for f in garbage: print >>log, "removing " + f os.unlink(f) # set the initial runlevel # mount /proc and /dev/pts def enter(self): state_file = open("/var/run/vservers/%s.ctx" % self.name, "w") self.__do_chroot() self.__do_chcontext(state_file) def start(self, runlevel = 3): child_pid = os.fork() if child_pid == 0: # child process try: # get a new session os.setsid() # open state file to record vserver info state_file = open("/var/run/vservers/%s.ctx" % self.name, "w") # use /dev/null for stdin, /var/log/boot.log for stdout/err os.close(0) os.close(1) os.open("/dev/null", os.O_RDONLY) self.__do_chroot() log = open("/var/log/boot.log", "w", 0) os.dup2(1, 2) print >>log, ("%s: starting the virtual server %s" % (time.asctime(time.gmtime()), self.name)) # perform pre-init cleanup self.__prep(runlevel, log) # execute each init script in turn # XXX - we don't support all scripts that vserver script does cmd_pid = 0 for cmd in self.INITSCRIPTS + [None]: # don't bother waiting for last command to terminate if cmd == None: os._exit(0) # wait for previous command to terminate if cmd_pid: try: os.waitpid(cmd_pid, 0) except: print >>log, "error waiting for %s:" % cmd_pid traceback.print_exc() # fork and exec next command cmd_pid = os.fork() if cmd_pid == 0: try: # enter vserver context self.__do_chcontext(state_file) arg_subst = { 'runlevel': runlevel } cmd_args = [cmd[0]] + map(lambda x: x % arg_subst, cmd[1:]) print >>log, "executing '%s'" % " ".join(cmd_args) os.execl(cmd[0], *cmd_args) except: traceback.print_exc() os._exit(1) else: # don't want to write state_file multiple times state_file = None # we get here due to an exception in the top-level child process except Exception, ex: traceback.print_exc() os._exit(0) # parent process return child_pid