import xmlrpclib import os import sys import re import socket import utils import copy from logger import logfile from PLCs import PLC, PLCs from Sites import Site, Sites from Nodes import Node, Nodes from Slices import Slice, Slices from Persons import Person, Persons path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) class Config: path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) tests_path = path + os.sep + 'tests' + os.sep node_tests_path = tests_path + os.sep + 'node' + os.sep slice_tests_path = tests_path + os.sep + 'slice' + os.sep vserver_scripts_path = path + os.sep + 'vserver' + os.sep log_filename = logfile.filename def update_api(self, plc = None): # Set up API acccess # If plc is specified, find its configuration # and use its API if plc is not None: protocol, host, path, port = 'http', plc['host'], plc['api_path'], plc['port'] if port in ['443']: protocol = 'https' api_server = "%(protocol)s://%(host)s:%(port)s/%(path)s" % locals() self.api = xmlrpclib.Server(api_server, allow_none = 1) self.api_type = 'xmlrpc' else: # Try importing the API shell for direct api access. # If that fails fall back to using xmlrpm try: sys.path.append('/usr/share/plc_api') from PLC.Shell import Shell shell = Shell(globals = globals()) # test it shell.GetRoles() self.api = shell self.api_type = 'direct' except: self.api = xmlrpclib.Server('https://%s/PLCAPI/' % self.PLC_API_HOST, allow_none = 1) self.api_type = 'xmlrpc' def __init__(self, config_file = path+os.sep+'qa_config'): # Load config file try: execfile(config_file, self.__dict__) except: raise "Could not find system config in %s" % config_file self.logfile = logfile self.auth = {} self.auth['Username'] = self.PLC_ROOT_USER self.auth['AuthString'] = self.PLC_ROOT_PASSWORD self.auth['AuthMethod'] = 'password' self.verbose = self.VERBOSE # try setting hostname and ip self.hostname = socket.gethostname() try: command = "/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep -v inet6 | grep inet | awk '{print$2;}'" (status, output) = utils.commands(command) self.ip = re.findall(r'[0-9\.]+', output)[0] except: self.ip = '' api_host = self.__dict__.get("PLC_API_HOST",self.ip) self.PLC_API_HOST=api_host self.update_api() # Load list of node tests valid_node_test_files = lambda name: not name.startswith('__init__') \ and not name.endswith('pyc') node_test_files = os.listdir(self.node_tests_path) self.node_test_files = filter(valid_node_test_files, node_test_files) def get_plc(self, plc_name): plc = PLC(self) if hasattr(self, 'plcs') and plc_name in self.plcs.keys(): plc.update(self.plcs[plc_name]) plc.update_api() return plc def get_node(self, hostname): node = Node(self) if hasattr(self, 'nodes') and hostname in self.nodes.keys(): node.update(self.nodes[hostname]) node.__init_logfile__() return node def load(self, conffile): confdata = {} try: execfile(conffile, confdata) except: raise from Nodes import Nodes from PLCs import PLCs loadables = ['plcs', 'sites', 'nodes', 'slices', 'persons'] config = Config() for loadable in loadables: if loadable in confdata and loadable in ['plcs']: setattr(self, loadable, PLCs(config, confdata[loadable]).dict('name')) elif loadable in confdata and loadable in ['nodes']: setattr(self, loadable, Nodes(config, confdata[loadable]).dict('hostname')) elif loadable in confdata and loadable in ['sites']: setattr(self, loadable, Sites(confdata[loadable]).dict('login_base')) elif loadable in confdata and loadable in ['slices']: setattr(self, loadable, Slices(confdata[loadable]).dict('name')) elif loadable in confdata and loadable in ['persons']: setattr(self, loadable, Persons(confdata[loadable]).dict('email'))