import os import copy import utils from Remote import Remote from Table import Table class PLC(dict, Remote): fields = { 'name': 'TestPLC', # PLC Name 'host': 'localhost', # Node Hostname 'ip': '', # IP 'chroot': None, # Path to the chroot 'vserver': None, # Vserver where this PLC lives 'rootkey': None, # Root Key 'api_path': '/PLCAPI/', # PLCAPI path 'port': '443' # PLCAPI port } def __init__(self, config, fields = {}): # XX Filter out fields not specified in fields dict.__init__(self, self.fields) # Merge defined fields with defaults self.update(fields) # init config self.config = config self.config.update_api(self) def start_xmlrpc_server(self): """ PLCAPI comes with a SimpleServer script that allows you to run a standalone http server that listens on the specified port. This is useful for running multiple api servers on the same machine. """ if 'port' in self and not self['port'] in ['443', None]: server_script = "/usr/share/plc_api/" self.popen3("%s -p %s &" % (server_script, self['port'])) if self.config.verbose: utils.header("Starting api server at %s on listening on port %s" % (self['host'], self['port'])) class PLCs(list, Table): def __init__(self, config, plcs): plclist = [PLC(config, plc) for plc in plcs] list.__init__(self, plclist)