import sys, os import traceback import tests from Config import Config from logger import log class QAAPI: tests_path = os.path.realpath(tests.__path__[0]) methods = [] def __init__(self, globals, config = None, logging=None, verbose=None): if config is None: self.config = Config() else: self.config = Config(config) test_files = self.test_files(self.tests_path) callables = set() # determine what is callable for file in test_files: tests = self.callables(file) tests = filter(lambda t: t.test_name not in ['Test'], tests) callables.update(tests) # Add methods to self and global environemt for method in callables: if logging: method = log(method, method.test_name) elif hasattr(self.config, 'log') and self.config.log: method = log(method, method.test_name) class Dummy: pass paths = method.test_name.split(".") if len(paths) > 1: first = paths.pop(0) if not hasattr(self, first): obj = Dummy() setattr(self, first, obj) # Also add to global environment if specified if globals is not None: globals[first] = obj obj = getattr(self, first) for path in paths: if not hasattr(obj, path): if path == paths[-1]: setattr(obj, path, method) globals[method.test_name]=obj else: setattr(obj, path, Dummy()) obj = getattr(obj, path) else: if globals is not None: globals[method.test_name] = method def test_files(self, tests_dir): """ Build a list of files """ # Load files from tests direcotry real_files = lambda name: not name.startswith('__init__') \ and name.endswith('.py') remove_ext = lambda name: name.split(".py")[0] iterator = os.walk(tests_dir) (root, basenames, files) = test_base = "" test_files = [] test_files.extend([test_base+file for file in map(remove_ext, filter(real_files, files))]) # recurse through directory #for (root, dirs, files) in iterator: # parts = root.split(os.sep) # for basename in basenames: # if basename in parts: # test_base = ".".join(parts[parts.index(basename):])+"." # files = filter(real_files, files) # files = map(remove_ext, files) # test_files.extend([test_base+file for file in files]) return list(set(test_files)) def callables(self, test_file): """ Return a new instance of the specified method. """ # Get new instance of method parts = test_file.split(".") # add every part except for the last to name (filename) tests_dir = "tests." test_basename = ".".join(parts[:-1]) if test_basename: test_basename += '.' test_path = tests_dir + test_file try: test = __import__(test_path, globals(), locals(), test_path) callables = [] for attribute in dir(test): attr = getattr(test, attribute) if callable(attr) and hasattr(attr, 'status'): setattr(attr, 'test_name', test_basename+attribute) callables.append(attr(self.config)) return callables except ImportError, AttributeError: raise