import sys, os from types import * from pprint import pprint # Add qa root directory to the path to make # imports easier path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) path_parts = path.split(os.sep) sys.path.append(os.sep.join(path_parts[:-2])) from qa import utils from qa.logger import log from qa.Config import Config class Test: """ Base class for all QA test functions. At a minimum all tests must define: call(arg1, arg2, ...): method body """ accepts = [] returns = bool status = "current" def call(self, *args): """ Method body for test functions. Must override. """ return True def __init__(self, config = None): if config is None: config = Config() = self.__class__.__name__ self.path=os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) self.config = config self.errors = [] def __call__(self, *args, **kwds): """ Main entry point for test functions. logs methods """ #(min_args, max_args, defaults) = self.args() # Check that the right number of arguments were passed in #if len(args) < len(min_args) or len(args) > len(max_args): # raise Exception#, (len(args), len(min_args), len(max_args)) module = self.__class__.__module__.replace(".", os.sep) file = self.path + os.sep + module + ".py" result =*args, **kwds) return result def args(self): """ Returns a tuple: ((arg1_name, arg2_name, ...), (arg1_name, arg2_name, ..., optional1_name, optional2_name, ...), (None, None, ..., optional1_default, optional2_default, ...)) That represents the minimum and maximum sets of arguments that this function accepts and the defaults for the optional arguments. """ # Inspect call. Remove self from the argument list. max_args =[] defaults = if defaults is None: defaults = () min_args = max_args[0:len(max_args) - len(defaults)] defaults = tuple([None for arg in min_args]) + defaults return (min_args, max_args, defaults)