#!/usr/bin/python # # Sample myplc testing script that makes use of # qaapi modules. import sys from pprint import pprint from qa.Config import Config from qa.tests.plc_configure import plc_configure from qa.tests.plc_start import plc_start from qa.tests.add_test_data import add_test_data from qa.tests.sync_person_key import sync_person_key from qa.tests.boot_node import boot_node from qa.tests.get_boot_state import get_boot_state from qa.tests.node_remote_call import node_remote_call from qa.tests.access_slice import access_slice config = Config() node = config.TEST_NODE_HOSTNAME_1 person = config.TEST_PERSON_EMAIL #plc_configure()() #plc_start()() # Add test site, node, person and slice data # Adds slice to node and person to slice add_test_data()() # Update plc with tests user's current public key sync_person_key()(person) # exit for now untill we get node booted with correct network sys.exit(0) # Boot test node and confirm boot state boot_node()(node) if get_boot_state()(node) not in ['boot']: raise Exception, "%(node)s not fully booted" % locals() # Restart node manager on the node priv_key_path = "/etc/planetlab/root_ssh_key.rsa" % locals() restart_nm = 'service nm restart' node_remote_call(priv_key_path, node, restart_nm) # Try to access the test slice on the test node email = config.TEST_PERSON_EMAIL slice = config.TEST_SLICE_NAME access_slice(email, slice, node)