from xml.dom.minidom import * sample_xml_file = 'sample_rspec.xml' f = open(sample_xml_file, 'r') lines = f.readlines() xml = "" for line in lines: xml += line.replace('\n', '',).replace('\t', '').strip() dom = parseString(xml) def getText(nodelist): rc = "" for node in nodelist: if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: rc = rc + return rc def handleRspec(rspec): # create rspec dict rdict = {} tempdic = [] # loop through each network element for i in rspec.getElementsByTagName("NetSpec"): # handle networks call temp = handleNetworks(i) tempdic.append(temp) # append the temp dict rdict['networks'] = tempdic return rdict def handleIfs(interf): # create if dict ifdict = {} # loop through attribs and put key value pair into array for i in interf.attributes: a = node.attributes[i] ifdict[] = a.value return ifdict def handleNodes(node): # create node dict nodict = {} # loop through attribs and put key value pair into array for i in node.attributes: a = node.attributes[i] nodict[] = a.value tempd = [] # loop through each IF element for i in node.getElementsByTagName("IfSpec"): # handle ifs tempd.append(handleIfs(i)) # append temp dict nodict['ifs'] = tempd return nodict def handleNetworks(network): # create network dict ndict = {'name':network.nodeName} tempdict = [] # loop through each node element for i in network.getElementsByTagName("NodeSpec"): # handle nodes tempdict.append(handleNodes(i)) # append temp dict ndict['nodes'] = tempdict return ndict def handleTest(slices): for slide in slices: sdict = slice.getElementsByTagName("slices")[0] print "


" % getText(slice.childNodes) handleRspec(dom)