#!/usr/bin/python2 import os, sys, shutil import MySQLdb import string import logging import Queue import time import re import comon import soltesz from threading import * # TODO: merge the RT mailer from mailer.py into this file. # RT database access constants file RT_DB_CONSTANTS_PATH='rt_db' #Logging logger = logging.getLogger("monitor") # seconds between ticket update RTSLEEP = 7200 def stripQuotes( str ): quotes= ["'",'"'] if str[0] in quotes: str= str[1:] if str[len(str)-1] in quotes: str= str[:len(str)-1] return str def readConstantsFile( file_path ): """ read a file consisting of lines of NAME=VALUE NAME='VALUE' NAME="VALUE" and return a dictionary of the values. blank lines, and lines starting with # (comments) are skipped """ contents= {} try: input_file= file(file_path,"r") except IOError, err: return None for line in input_file: if line[0] == "#": continue line= string.strip(line) if len(line) == 0: continue parts= string.split(line,"=",) if len(parts) <> 2: continue contents[parts[0]]= stripQuotes(parts[1]) return contents def open_rt_db(): # read plc database passwords and connect rt_db_constants= readConstantsFile(RT_DB_CONSTANTS_PATH) if rt_db_constants is None: print "Unable to read database access constants from %s" % \ RT_DB_CONSTANTS_PATH return -1 try: rt_db = MySQLdb.connect(host=rt_db_constants['RT_DB_HOST'], user=rt_db_constants['RT_DB_USER'], passwd=rt_db_constants['RT_DB_PASSWORD'], db=rt_db_constants['RT_DB_NAME']) except Exception, err: print "Failed to connect to RT database: %s" %err return -1 return rt_db def fetch_from_db(db, sql): try: # create a 'cursor' (required by MySQLdb) c = db.cursor() c.execute(sql) except Exception, err: print "Could not execute RT query %s" %err return -1 # fetch all rows (list of lists) raw = c.fetchall() return raw def rt_tickets(): db = open_rt_db() if db == -1: return "" # sql = """SELECT distinct Tk.id, Tk.Status, Tk.Subject # FROM Tickets AS Tk # JOIN Transactions AS Tr ON Tk.id=Tr.ObjectId # JOIN Attachments AS At ON Tr.id=At.TransactionID # WHERE (At.Content LIKE '%%%s%%' OR # At.Subject LIKE '%%%s%%') AND # (Tk.Status = 'new' OR Tk.Status = 'open') AND # Tk.Queue = 3 OR Tk.Queue = 19 # ORDER BY Tk.Status, Tk.LastUpdated DESC""" \ # % (hostname,hostname) # sql = """SELECT distinct Tk.id, Tk.Status, Tk.Subject # FROM Tickets AS Tk # JOIN Transactions AS Tr ON Tk.id=Tr.ObjectId # JOIN Attachments AS At ON Tr.id=At.TransactionID # WHERE (At.Content LIKE '%%%s%%' OR # At.Subject LIKE '%%%s%%') AND # (Tk.Status = 'new' OR Tk.Status = 'open') # ORDER BY Tk.Status, Tk.LastUpdated DESC""" \ # % (hostname,hostname) # Queue == 10 is the spam Queue in RT. # SELECT Tk.* FROM Tickets AS Tk, Attachments AS At JOIN Transactions AS Tr ON Tk.id=Tr.ObjectId WHERE Tk.Queue != 10 AND Tk.id > 10000 AND Tr.id=At.TransactionID AND Tk.Status = 'open' ; # sql = """SELECT distinct Tk.id, Tk.Status, Tk.Subject, At.Content FROM Tickets AS Tk, Attachments AS At JOIN Transactions AS Tr ON Tk.id=Tr.ObjectId WHERE Tk.Queue != 10 AND Tk.id > 10000 AND Tr.id=At.TransactionID AND Tk.Status = 'open'""" #Tr.id=At.TransactionID AND (Tk.Status = 'new' OR Tk.Status = 'open')""" #sqlall = """SELECT distinct Tk.id, Tk.Status, Tk.Subject, At.Content #FROM Tickets AS Tk, Attachments AS At #JOIN Transactions AS Tr ON Tk.id=Tr.ObjectId #WHERE Tk.Queue != 10 AND Tk.id > 10000 AND #Tr.id=At.TransactionID AND ( Tk.Status = 'open' OR #Tk.Status = 'new') """ sqlall = """SELECT distinct Tk.id, Tk.Status, Tk.Subject, At.Content, Us.EmailAddress, Tk.LastUpdated FROM Tickets AS Tk, Attachments AS At, Users as Us JOIN Transactions AS Tr ON Tk.id=Tr.ObjectId WHERE (Tk.Queue=3 OR Tk.Queue=22) AND Tk.id > 10000 AND Tr.id=At.TransactionID AND ( Tk.Status = 'open' OR Tk.Status = 'new') AND Us.id=Tk.LastUpdatedBy """ raw = fetch_from_db(db, sql) if raw == -1: return raw tickets = map(lambda x: {"ticket_id":str(x[0]), "status":x[1], "subj":str(x[2]), "content":str(x[3])}, raw) raw = fetch_from_db(db,sqlall) if raw == -1: return raw tickets_all = map(lambda x: {"ticket_id":str(x[0]), "status":x[1], "subj":str(x[2]), "content":str(x[3]), "email":str(x[4]), "lastupdated":str(x[5]), }, raw) db.close() idTickets = {} for t in tickets_all: idTickets[t['ticket_id']] = t soltesz.dbDump("idTickets", idTickets) return tickets def is_host_in_rt_tickets(host, ticket_blacklist, ad_rt_tickets): # ad_rt_tickets is an array of dicts, defined above. if len(ad_rt_tickets) == 0: return (False, None) d_ticket = ad_rt_tickets[0] if not ('ticket_id' in d_ticket and 'status' in d_ticket and 'subj' in d_ticket and 'content' in d_ticket): logger.debug("RT_tickets array has wrong fields!!!") return (False, None) #logger.debug("Searching all tickets for %s" % host) def search_tickets(host, ad_rt_tickets): # compile once for more efficiency re_host = re.compile(host) for x in ad_rt_tickets: if re_host.search(x['subj'], re.MULTILINE|re.IGNORECASE) or \ re_host.search(x['content'], re.MULTILINE|re.IGNORECASE): logger.debug("\t ticket %s has %s" % (x['ticket_id'], host)) print "\t ticket %s has %s" % (x['ticket_id'], host) if x['ticket_id'] in ticket_blacklist: return (False, x) else: return (True, x) print "\t noticket -- has %s" % host #logger.debug("\t noticket -- has %s" % host) return (False, None) # This search, while O(tickets), takes less than a millisecond, 05-25-07 #t = soltesz.MyTimer() ret = search_tickets(host, ad_rt_tickets) #del t return ret ''' Finds tickets associated with hostnames. The idea is if you give it an array of host names, presumeably from comon's list of bad nodes, it starts a few threads to query RT. RT takes a while to return. This is turning into a reinvention of DB design, which I dont believe in. In an effort to keep things minimal, here's the basic algo: Give list of hostnames to RT() Finds tickets associate with new hostnames (not in dict(tickets)). Remove nodes that have come backup. Don't care of ticket is closed after first query. Another thread refresh tickets of nodes already in dict and remove nodes that have come up. ''' class RT(Thread): def __init__(self, dbTickets, q_toRT, q_fromRT, l_ticket_blacklist, target = None): # Time of last update of ticket DB self.dbTickets = dbTickets self.lastupdated = 0 self.l_ticket_blacklist = l_ticket_blacklist self.q_toRT = q_toRT self.q_fromRT = q_fromRT self.tickets = {} Thread.__init__(self,target = self.getTickets) # Takes node from q_toRT, gets tickets. # Thread that actually gets the tickets. def getTickets(self): self.count = 0 while 1: diag_node = self.q_toRT.get(block = True) if diag_node != None: host = diag_node['nodename'] (b_host_inticket, r_ticket) = is_host_in_rt_tickets(host, \ self.l_ticket_blacklist, \ self.dbTickets) diag_node['found_rt_ticket'] = None if b_host_inticket: logger.debug("RT: found tickets for %s" %host) diag_node['found_rt_ticket'] = r_ticket['ticket_id'] else: if r_ticket is not None: print "Ignoring ticket %s" % r_ticket['ticket_id'] # TODO: why do i return the ticket id for a # blacklisted ticket id? #diag_node['found_rt_ticket'] = r_ticket['ticket_id'] self.count = self.count + 1 self.q_fromRT.put(diag_node) else: print "RT processed %d nodes with noticket" % self.count logger.debug("RT filtered %d noticket nodes" % self.count) self.q_fromRT.put(None) break # Removes hosts that are no longer down. def remTickets(self): logger.debug("Removing stale entries from DB.") prevdown = self.tickets.keys() currdown = [] ##BEGIN HACK. This should be outside of this file. passed to class. #cmn = comon.Comon(None, None) # cmn.updatebkts() #for bucket in cmn.comonbkts.keys(): # for host in getattr(cmn,bucket): # if host not in currdown: currdown.append(host) ##END HACK # Actually do the comparison #for host in prevdown: # if host not in currdown: # del self.tickets[host] # logger.info("RT: %s no longer down." % host) # Update Tickets def updateTickets(self): logger.info("Refreshing DB.") for host in self.tickets.keys(): # Put back in Q to refresh self.q_toRT.put(host) def cleanTickets(self): while 1: self.remTickets() self.updateTickets() time.sleep(RTSLEEP) def main(): logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) tickets = rt_tickets() soltesz.dbDump("ad_dbTickets", tickets) if __name__ == '__main__': main()