#!/usr/bin/python # # $Id$ # $URL$ import sys import os.path import pdb import subprocess from optparse import OptionParser import socket # # Thierry Parmentelat - INRIA # # class for issuing commands on a box, either local or remote # # the notion of 'buildname' is for providing each test run with a dir of its own # buildname is generally the name of the build being tested, and can be considered unique # # thus 'run_in_buildname' mostly : # (*) either runs locally in . - as on a local node we are already in a dedicated directory # (*) or makes sure that there's a remote dir called 'buildname' and runs in it # # also, the copy operations # (*) either do nothing if ran locally # (*) or copy a local file into the remote 'buildname' # ######################################## class Logger: def __init__(self): pass def log (self,msg): print >>sys.stderr, msg logger=Logger() ######################################## # bool_to_exit_code def b2e (b): if b: return 0 else: return 1 # exit_to_bool_code def e2b (b): return b==0 verbose=False verbose=True ######################################## class Shell: def __init__(self,dry_run=False): self.dry_run=dry_run def header (self,message): logger.log("==============="+message) # return an exit code def run (self, argv, trash_stdout=False, trash_stderr=False, message="", force_dry_run=False): if self.dry_run: print 'DRY_RUN',message+'RUNNING '+" ".join(argv) return 0 else: if message: self.header(message), if verbose: logger.log ('RUNNING '+" ".join(argv)) if trash_stdout and trash_stderr: return subprocess.call(argv,stdout=file('/dev/null','w'),stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) elif trash_stdout and not trash_stderr: return subprocess.call(argv,stdout=file('/dev/null','w')) elif not trash_stdout and trash_stderr: return subprocess.call(argv,stderr=file('/dev/null','w')) elif not trash_stdout and not trash_stderr: return subprocess.call(argv) # like shell's $(...) which used to be `...` def backquote (self, argv, trash_stderr=False,message=""): if self.dry_run or verbose: if verbose: logger.log("WARNING: " + message + " backquote is actually running "+" ".join(argv)) if not trash_stderr: return subprocess.Popen(argv,stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] else: return subprocess.Popen(argv,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=file('/dev/null','w')).communicate()[0] #################### class Ssh: #################### the class def __init__(self,hostname=None,key=None, username='root',dry_run=False): self.hostname=hostname if not hostname: self.hostname='localhost' self.key=key self.username=username self.dry_run=dry_run # inserts a backslash before each occurence of the following chars # \ " ' < > & | ; ( ) $ * ~ @staticmethod def backslash_shell_specials (command): result='' for char in command: if char in "\\\"'<>&|;()$*~": result +='\\'+char else: result +=char return result # check main IP address against the provided hostname @staticmethod def is_local_hostname (hostname): if hostname == "localhost": return True try: local_ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) remote_ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) return local_ip==remote_ip except: logger.log("WARNING : something wrong in is_local_hostname with hostname=%s"%hostname) return False @staticmethod def canonical_name (hostname): try: ip=socket.gethostbyname(hostname) return socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)[0] except: logger.log( 'Warning - could not find canonical name for host %s'%hostname) return hostname ########## building argv def is_local(self): return Ssh.is_local_hostname(self.hostname) def key_argv (self): if not self.key: return [] return ["-i",self.key] def hostname_arg (self): if not self.username: return self.hostname else: return "%s@%s"%(self.username,self.hostname) std_options="-o BatchMode=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o CheckHostIP=no -o ConnectTimeout=5" # command gets run on the right box def argv (self, argv, keep_stdin=False): if self.is_local(): return argv ssh_argv = ["ssh"] if not keep_stdin: ssh_argv.append('-n') ssh_argv += Ssh.std_options.split() ssh_argv += self.key_argv() ssh_argv.append (self.hostname_arg()) # using subprocess removes the need for special chars at this point #ssh_argv += [Ssh.backslash_shell_specials(x) for x in argv] ssh_argv += argv return ssh_argv # argv is a list def run(self, argv,*args, **kwds): return Shell(self.dry_run).run(self.argv(argv),*args, **kwds) # command is a string def run_string(self, command, *args, **kwds): return Shell(self.dry_run).run(self.argv(command.split()),*args, **kwds) # argv is a list def backquote(self, argv, *args, **kwds): return Shell(self.dry_run).backquote(self.argv(argv),*args, **kwds) # command is a string def backquote_string(self, command, *args, **kwds): return Shell(self.dry_run).backquote(self.argv(command.split()),*args, **kwds) ############################################################ class Vserver: def __init__ (self, name, dry_run=False): try: (self.name,self.hostname)=name.split("@") except: (self.name,self.hostname)=(name,'localhost') self.dry_run=dry_run self.ssh=Ssh(self.hostname,username='root',dry_run=self.dry_run) self._is_running=None # cache run mode def is_running (self): if self._is_running is not None: return self._is_running self._is_running = e2b(self.ssh.run_string('vserver %s status'%self.name, trash_stdout=True,trash_stderr=True, message='retrieving status for %s'%self.name)) def running_char (self): if self._is_running is None: return '?' elif not self._is_running: return '-' else: return '+' def stop (self): # uncache self._is_running=None return e2b(self.ssh.run_string("vserver %s stop"%self.name,message='Stopping %s'%self.name)) def start (self): # uncache self._is_running=None return e2b(self.ssh.run_string("vserver %s start"%self.name,message='Starting %s'%self.name)) def printable_simple(self): return self.name + '@' + self.hostname def printable_dbg(self): return "%s@%s (%s)"%(self.name,self.hostname,self.running_char()) def printable(self): # force fetch self.is_running() return "%s@%s (%s)"%(self.name,self.hostname,self.running_char()) def is_local (self): return self.ssh.is_local() @staticmethod def probe_host (hostname, dry_run=False): canonical=Ssh.canonical_name(hostname) ssh=Ssh(hostname,dry_run=dry_run) ls=ssh.backquote_string("ls -d1 /vservers/*",trash_stderr=True) return [ '%s@%s'%(path.replace('/vservers/',''),canonical) for path in ls.split()] # renaming def rename (self, newname): target=Vserver(newname) if self.hostname != target.hostname: # make user's like easier, no need to mention hostname again if target.is_local(): target.hostname=self.hostname else: logger.log('rename cannot rename (%s->%s) - must be on same box'%(self.hostname, target.hostname)) return False logger.log("Renaming %s into %s"%(self.printable(),target.printable_simple())) ssh=self.ssh oldname=self.name newname=target.name xid=ssh.backquote(['cat','/etc/vservers/%(oldname)s/context'%locals()]) currently_running=self.is_running() result=True if currently_running: result = result and self.stop() result = result \ and e2b(ssh.run_string("mv /vservers/%(oldname)s /vservers/%(newname)s"%locals())) \ and e2b(ssh.run_string("mv /etc/vservers/%(oldname)s /etc/vservers/%(newname)s"%locals())) \ and e2b(ssh.run_string("rm /etc/vservers/%(newname)s/run"%locals())) \ and e2b(ssh.run_string("ln -s /var/run/vservers/%(newname)s /etc/vservers/%(newname)s/run"%locals())) \ and e2b(ssh.run_string("rm /etc/vservers/%(newname)s/vdir"%locals())) \ and e2b(ssh.run_string("ln -s /etc/vservers/.defaults/vdirbase/%(newname)s /etc/vservers/%(newname)s/vdir"%locals())) \ and e2b(ssh.run_string("rm /etc/vservers/%(newname)s/cache"%locals())) \ and e2b(ssh.run_string("ln -s /etc/vservers/.defaults/cachebase/%(newname)s /etc/vservers/%(newname)s/cache"%locals())) \ and e2b(ssh.run_string("rm /var/run/vservers.rev/%(xid)s"%locals())) \ and e2b(ssh.run_string("ln -s /etc/vserver/%(newname)s /var/run/vservers.rev/%(xid)s"%locals())) if currently_running: result = result and self.start() return result def ok(self,message): logger.log('OK %s: %s'%(self.printable(),message)) def error(self,message): logger.log('ERROR %s: %s'%(self.printable(),message)) def warning(self,message): logger.log( 'WARNING %s: %s'%(self.printable(),message)) def netcheck(self): result=True ssh=self.ssh name=self.name hostname=ssh.backquote_string("cat /etc/vservers/%(name)s/uts/nodename"%locals()).strip() if not hostname: self.error('no uts/nodename') result=False ip=ssh.backquote_string("cat /etc/vservers/%(name)s/interfaces/0/ip"%locals()).strip() if not ip: self.error('no interfaces/0/ip') result=False try: expected_ip=socket.gethostbyname(hostname) if expected_ip == ip: self.ok('hostname %s maps to IP %s'%(hostname,ip)) else: self.error('IP mismatch, current %s -- expected %s'%(ip,expected_ip)) result=False except: self.warning ('could not resolve hostname <%s>'%hostname) expected_ip='' result=False mask_path="/etc/vservers/%(name)s/interfaces/mask"%locals() mask_exists = e2b(ssh.run_string('ls %s'%mask_path,trash_stderr=True)) if mask_exists: self.error('found a mask file in %s'%(self.printable(),mask_path)) result=False else: self.ok('no mask file %s'%mask_path) return result class Main: modes={ # expected arg numbers can be either # negative int, e.g. -1 means at least one arg # positive int, exactly that number of args # list of ints : allowed number of args 'probe' : "hostname(s)\n\tprobes all hostnames and returns the found vservers", 'netcheck' : "vsname\n\tchecks the network config for a vserver", 'rename' : "oldname newname\n\trename a vserver - both named must be local", 'migrate' : "oldname hostname@newname\n\tmigrate a vserver over to a new box; must be run on the current box\n\tnot implemented yet", } def read_args_from_file (self,args_from_file): if not args_from_file: return [] try: raw=file(args_from_file).read().split() return [x for x in raw if x.find('#')<0] except: logger.log('ERROR: Could not open args file %s'%args_from_file) return [] def run (self): mode=None for function in Main.modes.keys(): if sys.argv[0].find(function) >= 0: mode = function mode_desc = Main.modes[mode] break if not mode: print "Unsupported command",sys.argv[0] print "Supported commands:" + " ".join(Main.modes.keys()) sys.exit(1) parser=OptionParser(usage="%prog " + mode_desc) parser.add_option('-n','--dry-run',dest='dry_run',action='store_true',default=False, help="dry run") if mode == 'probe' or mode == 'netcheck': parser.add_option ('-f','--file',action='store',dest='args_from_file',default=None, help='read args from file') (options,args) = parser.parse_args() parser.set_usage("%prog " + mode_desc) # check number of arguments def bail_out (msg): parser.print_help(msg) sys.exit(1) # if mode == 'probe': names=[] if not options.args_from_file and len(args)==0: bail_out('no arg specified') for arg in args + self.read_args_from_file(options.args_from_file): names += Vserver.probe_host(arg,options.dry_run) names.sort() for name in names: print name elif mode=='netcheck': result=True if not options.args_from_file and len(args)==0: bail_out('no arg specified') for arg in args + self.read_args_from_file(options.args_from_file): if not b2e(Vserver(arg,options.dry_run).netcheck()): result=False return result elif mode=='rename': [x,y]=args return b2e(Vserver(x,options.dry_run).rename(y)) elif mode=='migrate': print 'migrate not yet implemented' return 1 else: print 'unknown mode %s'%mode return b2e(False) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit( Main().run() )