#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- #yum -y install python-pip #pip install requests import requests import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import subprocess import time # module for bonfire to connect with sfa (following the Rspec) # inspired by the following documenation : # https://svn.planet-lab.org/wiki/SfaDeveloperDummyTutorial#RunningSFAinDummyflavour # 1) list all the resources from bonfire's point of view # python -c 'import bonfire; print bonfire.bonsources()' # 2) retrieve the url, the name and the key that will currently use by sfa for a compute N°3656 located at fr-inria # python -c 'import bonfire; print bonfire.rsa_user_bonfire("fr-inria", "3656") # 3) create a new user and slice for sfa wrap # python -c 'import bonfire; print bonfire.new_user_slice() # 4) changing the status to running status for the experiment 2911 # python -c 'import bonfire; print bonfire.provisioning("2911") # 5) stop virtual machine n°3756 at fr-inira testbed # python -c 'import bonfire; print bonfire.stop_vm("fr-inria", "3756") # 6) create an experiment bonfire with the slice id n°2345423 and the experiment owner : foo+bar.stuff+emulab+professor # python -c 'import bonfire; print bonfire.create_fed4fire_exp("nlebreto", "nlebreto", "desc", "300", "2345423", "foo+bar.stuff+emulab+professor") # ########################################################## # # retrieve the url, the name and the key that will currently use by sfa def rsa_user_bonfire(testbed, num_compute): url = "https://api.integration.bonfire.grid5000.fr/" + "locations/" + testbed + "/computes/" + num_compute pagebonfirecompute = callcurl(url) xmlreduit = ET.fromstring(pagebonfirecompute) hash = {} hash["url"] = url for name in xmlreduit: if name.tag == "{http://api.bonfire-project.eu/doc/schemas/occi}groups": hash["name"] = name.text for context in name: if context.tag == "{http://api.bonfire-project.eu/doc/schemas/occi}authorized_keys": hash["keys"] = context.text return hash # create a new user and slice for sfa wrap def new_user_slice(): n = rsa_user_bonfire("fr-inria", "3656") #url = n["url"] + "." + n["name"] # fix to do add -k id_rsa.pub (pb key convert) url = "topdomain.dummy." + n["name"] txtcreateuser = "sfaadmin.py reg register -x {0} -t user -e {1}@dummy.net".format(url, n["name"]) createusersfa = subprocess.Popen(txtcreateuser, shell=True) #slice = n["url"] + "." + n["name"] + "_" + n["name"] slice = "topdomain.dummy." + n["name"] + "_slice" txtslice = "sfaadmin.py reg register -x {0} -t slice -r {1}".format(slice, url) createslice = subprocess.Popen(txtslice, shell=True) # create a experiment bonfire with the slice id and the experiment owner def create_fed4fire_exp(name, groups, description, walltime, slice_id, exp_owner): # fix this to have the exact mapping to retrieve slice # xmldescription='' + name +'' + groups + '' + description + '' + walltime + 'ready' + slice_id + '' + exp_owner + '' postexp("https://api.integration.bonfire.grid5000.fr/experiments", 'testnlebretonlebretosdg3000ready2345423foo+bar.stuff+emulab+professor') # simple post method for request def postexp(url, xmldescription): headers = {'content-type': 'application/vnd.bonfire+xml'} r = requests.post(url, data=xmldescription, headers=headers, verify=False, auth=('nlebreto', 'GDRU_23tc$')) # stop a virtual machine for bonfire # changing the state to stopped state def stop_vm(testbed, num_compute): url = "https://api.integration.bonfire.grid5000.fr/" + "locations/" + testbed + "/computes/" + num_compute xmldescription = 'stopped' headers = {'content-type': 'application/vnd.bonfire+xml'} requests.put(url, data=xmldescription, headers=headers, verify=False, auth=('nlebreto', 'GDRU_23tc$')) # provisioning : set an experiment to running # changing the status to running status def provisioning(num_experiment): url = "https://api.integration.bonfire.grid5000.fr/experiments/" + num_experiment xmldescription = 'running' headers = {'content-type': 'application/vnd.bonfire+xml'} requests.put(url, data=xmldescription, headers=headers, verify=False, auth=('nlebreto', 'GDRU_23tc$')) # retrieving the url, the name and the keys for a specific compute def rsa_user_bonfire(testbed, num_compute): url = "https://api.integration.bonfire.grid5000.fr/" + "locations/" + testbed + "/computes/" + num_compute pagebonfirecompute = callcurl(url) xmlreduit = ET.fromstring(pagebonfirecompute) hash = {} hash["url"] = url for name in xmlreduit: if name.tag == "{http://api.bonfire-project.eu/doc/schemas/occi}groups": hash["name"] = name.text for context in name: if context.tag == "{http://api.bonfire-project.eu/doc/schemas/occi}authorized_keys": hash["keys"] = context.text return hash # do a curl request def callcurl(url): r = requests.get(url, verify=False, auth=('nlebreto', 'GDRU_23tc$')) if r.status_code == 200: return r.text # create the url page def buildpagehttp(part1, part2, locations): res = [] for page in locations: res.append(part1 + page + "/" + part2) return res def boucle(itemname, xmltree, hashrspec, name): for item in xmltree.findall(itemname): hashrspec[name.text][itemname] = item.text # method to list all information from testbeds def jfedfeat(bonfires, pageurl): pageforstatus = callcurl(pageurl) xmlreduit = ET.fromstring(pageforstatus) hashrspec = {} itemshost = ["DISK_USAGE", "MEM_USAGE", "CPU_USAGE", "MAX_DISK", "MAX_MEM", "MAX_CPU", "FREE_DISK", "FREE_MEM", "FREE_CPU", "FREE_MEM", "FREE_CPU", "USED_DISK", "USED_MEM", "USED_CPU", "RUNNING_VMS" ] # retrieve info for xml tree for host in xmlreduit.findall('HOST'): for name in host.findall('NAME'): hashrspec[name.text] = {"name" : name.text} for hostshare in host.findall('HOST_SHARE'): for itemshostname in itemshost: boucle(itemshostname, hostshare, hashrspec, name) # jfed feature for clef in hashrspec: bonfires.append("" + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " ") for infohost in itemshost: bonfires.append(" ") bonfires.append("") # remove the useless xml tag version def remove_needless_txt(txt): txt=str(txt) txt=txt.replace("\n","\n") txt=txt.replace("\n","\n") return txt # list all bonfire resources following the sfa specification def bonsources(): # parameters locations = ["fr-inria", "be-ibbt", "uk-epcc"] urlnetworks = buildpagehttp("https://api.integration.bonfire.grid5000.fr/locations/", "networks", locations) urlstorages = buildpagehttp("https://api.integration.bonfire.grid5000.fr/locations/", "storages", locations) urlcomputes = buildpagehttp("https://api.integration.bonfire.grid5000.fr/locations/", "computes", locations) # main code bonfires = [] generatedtime = time.strftime("%FT%T%Z") sfabegin = "" bonfires.append("") bonfires.append(sfabegin) bonfires.append("") manag_exp = remove_needless_txt(callcurl("https://api.bonfire-project.eu/managed_experiments")) bonfires.append(manag_exp) bonfires.append("") jfedfeat(bonfires, "http://frontend.bonfire.grid5000.fr/one-status.xml") jfedfeat(bonfires, "http://bonfire.epcc.ed.ac.uk/one-status.xml") jfedfeat(bonfires, "http://bonfire.psnc.pl/one-status.xml") jfedfeat(bonfires, "http://nebulosus.rus.uni-stuttgart.de/one-status.xml") bonfires.append("") for xmlnetworks in urlnetworks: bonfires.append(remove_needless_txt(callcurl(xmlnetworks))) bonfires.append("") for xmlstorages in urlstorages: bonfires.append(remove_needless_txt(callcurl(xmlstorages))) bonfires.append("") for xmlcomputes in urlcomputes: bonfires.append(remove_needless_txt(callcurl(xmlcomputes))) bonfires.append("") exp = callcurl("https://api.integration.bonfire.grid5000.fr/experiments") rexp = remove_needless_txt(exp) bonfires.append(rexp) bonfires.append("") reserv = callcurl("https://api.integration.bonfire.grid5000.fr/locations/fr-inria/reservations") rreserv = remove_needless_txt(reserv) bonfires.append(rreserv) bonfires.append("") bonfires.append("") bonfires = "\n".join(bonfires) bonfires = bonfires.replace("\n\n","") return bonfires