#!/usr/bin/python """ Updates record objects faiyaza at cs dot princeton dot edu Copyright (c) 2009 Board of Trustees, Princeton University $Id$ $HeadURL$ """ import sys import os from optparse import OptionParser from pprint import pprint from sfa.util.rspec import RecordSpec def create_parser(): command = sys.argv[0] argv = sys.argv[1:] usage = "%(command)s [options]" % locals() description = """setRecord will edit a record (from stdin), modify its contents, then print the new record to stdout""" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage,description=description) parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="DEBUG", action="store_true", default=False, help = "print debug info") return parser def editDict(args, recordDict, options): """ Takes the arg list, seperates into tag/value, creates a dict, then munges args. """ # find out if its iterable. for vect in args: if vect.count("+="): # append value modDict({vect.split("+=")[0]: returnVal(vect.split("+=")[1])}, recordDict, options) elif vect.count("="): # reassign value replaceDict({vect.split("=")[0]: returnVal(vect.split("=")[1])}, recordDict, options) else: raise TypeError, "Argument error: Records are updated with \n" \ "key=val1,val2,valN or\n" \ "key+=val1,val2,valN \n%s Unknown key/val" % vect def replaceDict(newval, recordDict, options): """ Replaces field in dict """ # Check type of old field matches type of new field for (key, val) in newval.iteritems(): recordDict[key] = val def modDict(newval, recordDict, options): """ Checks type of existing field, addends new field """ for (key, val) in newval.iteritems(): if (type(recordDict[key]) == list): if (type(val) == list): recordDict[key] = recordDict[key] + val else: recordDict[key].append(val) elif type(val) == list: val.append(recordDict[key]) recordDict[key] = val else: recordDict[key] = [recordDict[key], val] def returnVal(arg): """ if given input has ",", then its assumed to be a list. """ if arg.count(","): return list(arg.split(",")) else: return arg def main(): parser = create_parser(); (options, args) = parser.parse_args() record = RecordSpec(xml = sys.stdin.read()) if args: editDict(args, record.dict["record"], options) if options.DEBUG: print "New Record:\n%s" % record.dict record.pprint() record.parseDict(record.dict) s = record.toxml() sys.stdout.write(s) if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except Exception, e: print e