#!/usr/bin/python """ Updates record objects faiyaza at cs dot princeton dot edu Copyright (c) 2009 Board of Trustees, Princeton University """ import sys sys.path.append('.') import os from optparse import OptionParser from pprint import pprint def create_parser(): command = sys.argv[0] argv = sys.argv[1:] usage = "%(command)s [options]" % locals() description = """setRecord will edit a record (from stdin), modify its contents, then print the new record to stdout""" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage,description=description) parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="DEBUG", action="store_true", default=False, help = "print debug info") return parser def editDict(args, recordDict, options): """ Takes the arg list, seperates into tag/value, creates a dict, then munges args. """ # find out if its iterable. for vect in args: if vect.count("+="): # append value modDict({vect.split("+=")[0]: returnVal(vect.split("+=")[1])}, recordDict, options) elif vect.count("="): # reassign value replaceDict({vect.split("=")[0]: returnVal("=".join(vect.split("=")[1:]))}, recordDict, options) else: if vect in recordDict: del recordDict[vect] else: raise TypeError, "Argument error: Records are updated with \n" \ "key=val1,val2,valN or\n" \ "key+=val1,val2,valN \n%s Unknown key/val" % vect def replaceDict(newval, recordDict, options): """ Replaces field in dict """ # Check type of old field matches type of new field for (key, val) in newval.iteritems(): recordDict[key] = val def modDict(newval, recordDict, options): """ Checks type of existing field, addends new field """ for (key, val) in newval.iteritems(): if (type(recordDict[key]) == list): if (type(val) == list): recordDict[key] = recordDict[key] + val else: recordDict[key].append(val) elif type(val) == list: val.append(recordDict[key]) recordDict[key] = val else: recordDict[key] = [recordDict[key], val] def returnVal(arg): """ if given input has ",", then its assumed to be a list. """ if arg.count(","): return list(arg.split(",")) else: return arg def main(): parser = create_parser(); (options, args) = parser.parse_args() record = RecordSpec(xml = sys.stdin.read()) if args: editDict(args, record.dict["record"], options) if options.DEBUG: print "New Record:\n%s" % record.dict record.pprint() record.parseDict(record.dict) s = record.toxml() sys.stdout.write(s) if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except Exception, e: print e