#!/usr/bin/python import sys import copy from pprint import pformat from sfa.generic import Generic from optparse import OptionParser from pprint import pprint from sfa.util.xrn import Xrn from sfa.storage.record import SfaRecord from sfa.client.sfi import save_records_to_file def args(*args, **kwargs): def _decorator(func): func.__dict__.setdefault('options', []).insert(0, (args, kwargs)) return func return _decorator class Commands(object): def _get_commands(self): available_methods = [] for attrib in dir(self): if callable(getattr(self, attrib)) and not attrib.startswith('_'): available_methods.append(attrib) return available_methods class RegistryCommands(Commands): def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): self.api= Generic.the_flavour().make_api(interface='registry') def version(self): for key, value in self.api.manager.GetVersion(self.api, {}).items(): print "%s: %s" % (key, pformat(value)) @args('-x', '--xrn', dest='xrn', metavar='', help='object hrn/urn') @args('-t', '--type', dest='type', metavar='', help='object type', default=None) def list(self, xrn, type=None): xrn = Xrn(xrn, type) records = self.api.manager.List(self.api, xrn.get_hrn()) for record in records: if not type or record['type'] == type: print "%s (%s)" % (record['hrn'], record['type']) @args('-x', '--xrn', dest='xrn', metavar='', help='object hrn/urn') @args('-t', '--type', dest='type', metavar='', help='object type', default=None) @args('-o', '--outfile', dest='outfile', metavar='', help='save record to file') @args('-f', '--format', dest='format', metavar='', type='choice', choices=('text', 'xml', 'summary'), help='display record in different formats') def show(self, xrn, type=None, format=None, outfile=None): records = self.api.manager.Resolve(self.api, xrn, type, True) for record in records: sfa_record = SfaRecord(dict=record) sfa_record.dump(format) if outfile: save_records_to_file(outfile, records) def register(self, record): pass def update(self, record): pass def remove(self, xrn): pass def credential(self, xrn): pass class CerficiateCommands(Commands): def import_records(self, xrn): pass def export(self, xrn): pass def display(self, xrn): pass def nuke(self): pass class AggregateCommands(Commands): def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): self.api= Generic.the_flavour().make_api(interface='aggregate') def version(self): for key, value in self.api.manager.GetVersion(self.api, {}).items(): print "%s: %s" % (key, pformat(value)) def slices(self): print self.api.manager.ListSlices(self.api, [], {}) @args('-x', '--xrn', dest='xrn', metavar='', help='object hrn/urn') def status(self, xrn): urn = Xrn(xrn, 'slice').get_urn() print self.api.manager.SliverStatus(self.api, urn, [], {}) def resources(self, xrn): pass def create(self, xrn, rspec): pass def delete(self, xrn): pass def start(self, xrn): pass def stop(self, xrn): pass def reset(self, xrn): pass def ticket(self): pass class SliceManagerCommands(AggregateCommands): def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): self.api= Generic().make_api(interface='slicemgr') CATEGORIES = {'registry': RegistryCommands, 'aggregate': AggregateCommands, 'slicemgr': SliceManagerCommands} def main(): argv = copy.deepcopy(sys.argv) script_name = argv.pop(0) if len(argv) < 1: print script_name + " category action []" print "Available categories:" for k in CATEGORIES: print "\t%s" % k sys.exit(2) category = argv.pop(0) usage = "%%prog %s action [options]" % (category) parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) command_class = CATEGORIES[category] command_instance = command_class() actions = command_instance._get_commands() if len(argv) < 1: if hasattr(command_instance, '__call__'): action = '' command = command_instance.__call__ else: print script_name + " category action []" print "Available actions for %s category:" % category for k in actions: print "\t%s" % k sys.exit(2) else: action = argv.pop(0) command = getattr(command_instance, action) options = getattr(command, 'options', []) usage = "%%prog %s %s [options]" % (category, action) parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) for arg, kwd in options: parser.add_option(*arg, **kwd) (opts, cmd_args) = parser.parse_args(argv) cmd_kwds = vars(opts) # dont overrride meth for k, v in cmd_kwds.items(): if v is None: del cmd_kwds[k] try: command(*cmd_args, **cmd_kwds) sys.exit(0) except TypeError: print "Possible wrong number of arguments supplied" print command.__doc__ parser.print_help() #raise raise except Exception: print "Command failed, please check log for more info" raise if __name__ == '__main__': main()