#!/usr/bin/python import sys import socket import re import pygraphviz from optparse import OptionParser from sfa.client.sfi import Sfi from sfa.util.sfalogging import sfa_logger,sfa_logger_goes_to_console import sfa.util.xmlrpcprotocol as xmlrpcprotocol m_url_with_proto=re.compile("\w+://(?P[\w\-\.]+):(?P[0-9]+).*") m_url_without_proto=re.compile("(?P[\w\-\.]+):(?P[0-9]+).*") def url_to_hostname_port (url): match=m_url_with_proto.match(url) if match: return (match.group('hostname'),match.group('port')) match=m_url_without_proto.match(url) if match: return (match.group('hostname'),match.group('port')) return ('undefined','???') ### class Interface: def __init__ (self,url): self._url=url try: (self.hostname,self.port)=url_to_hostname_port(url) self.ip=socket.gethostbyname(self.hostname) self.probed=False except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() self.hostname="unknown" self.ip='' self.port="???" self.probed=True self._version={} def url(self): # return "http://%s:%s/"%(self.hostname,self.port) return self._url # this is used as a key for creating graph nodes and to avoid duplicates def uid (self): return "%s:%s"%(self.ip,self.port) # connect to server and trigger GetVersion def get_version(self): if self.probed: return self._version # dummy to meet Sfi's expectations for its 'options' field class DummyOptions: pass options=DummyOptions() options.verbose=False try: client=Sfi(options) client.read_config() key_file = client.get_key_file() cert_file = client.get_cert_file(key_file) url="http://%s:%s/"%(self.hostname,self.port) sfa_logger().info('issuing get version at %s'%url) server=xmlrpcprotocol.get_server(url, key_file, cert_file, options) self._version=server.GetVersion() except: self._version={} self.probed=True return self._version @staticmethod def multi_lines_label(*lines): return '<
' + \ '
'.join(lines) + \ '
>' # default is for when we can't determine the type of the service # typically the server is down, or we can't authenticate, or it's too old code shapes = {"registry": "diamond", "slicemgr":"ellipse", "aggregate":"box", 'default':'plaintext'} abbrevs = {"registry": "REG", "slicemgr":"SA", "aggregate":"AM", 'default':'[unknown]>'} # return a dictionary that translates into the node's attr def get_layout (self): layout={} ### retrieve cached GetVersion version=self.get_version() # set the href; xxx would make sense to try and 'guess' the web URL, not the API's one... layout['href']=self.url() ### set html-style label ### see http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/shapes.html#html # if empty the service is unreachable if not version: label="offline" else: label='' try: abbrev=Interface.abbrevs[version['interface']] except: abbrev=['default'] label += abbrev if 'hrn' in version: label += " %s"%version['hrn'] else: label += "[no hrn]" if 'code_tag' in version: label += " %s"%version['code_tag'] if 'testbed' in version: label += " (%s)"%version['testbed'] layout['label']=Interface.multi_lines_label(self.url(),label) ### set shape try: shape=Interface.shapes[version['interface']] except: shape=Interface.shapes['default'] layout['shape']=shape ### fill color to outline wrongly configured bodies print 'Version for %s'%self.url(),version if 'sfa' not in version: layout['style']='filled' layout['fillcolor']='gray' return layout class SfaScan: # provide the entry points (a list of interfaces) def __init__ (self): pass def graph (self,entry_points): graph=pygraphviz.AGraph(directed=True) self.scan(entry_points,graph) return graph # scan from the given interfaces as entry points def scan(self,interfaces,graph): if not isinstance(interfaces,list): interfaces=[interfaces] # remember node to interface mapping node2interface={} # add entry points right away using the interface uid's as a key to_scan=interfaces for i in interfaces: graph.add_node(i.uid()) node2interface[graph.get_node(i.uid())]=i scanned=[] # keep on looping until we reach a fixed point # don't worry about abels and shapes that will get fixed later on while to_scan: for interface in to_scan: # performing xmlrpc call version=interface.get_version() # 'sfa' is expected if the call succeeded at all # 'peers' is needed as well as AMs typically don't have peers if 'sfa' in version and 'peers' in version: # proceed with neighbours for (next_name,next_url) in version['peers'].items(): next_interface=Interface(next_url) # locate or create node in graph try: # if found, we're good with this one next_node=graph.get_node(next_interface.uid()) except: # otherwise, let's move on with it graph.add_node(next_interface.uid()) next_node=graph.get_node(next_interface.uid()) node2interface[next_node]=next_interface to_scan.append(next_interface) graph.add_edge(interface.uid(),next_interface.uid()) scanned.append(interface) to_scan.remove(interface) # we've scanned the whole graph, let's get the labels and shapes right for node in graph.nodes(): interface=node2interface.get(node,None) if interface: for (k,v) in interface.get_layout().items(): node.attr[k]=v else: sfa_logger().error("MISSED interface with node %s"%node) default_outfiles=['sfa.png','sfa.svg','sfa.dot'] def main(): sfa_logger_goes_to_console() usage="%prog [options] url-entry-point(s)" parser=OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-o","--output",action='append',dest='outfiles',default=[], help="output filenames (cumulative) - defaults are %r"%default_outfiles) (options,args)=parser.parse_args() if not args: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if not options.outfiles: options.outfiles=default_outfiles scanner=SfaScan() entries = [ Interface(entry) for entry in args ] g=scanner.graph(entries) sfa_logger().info("creating layout") g.layout(prog='dot') for outfile in options.outfiles: sfa_logger().info("drawing in %s"%outfile) g.draw(outfile) sfa_logger().info("done") if __name__ == '__main__': main()