# # sfi.py - basic SFA command-line client # this module is also used in sfascan # import sys sys.path.append('.') import os, os.path import socket import re import datetime import codecs import pickle import json import shutil from lxml import etree from StringIO import StringIO from optparse import OptionParser from pprint import PrettyPrinter from tempfile import mkstemp from sfa.trust.certificate import Keypair, Certificate from sfa.trust.gid import GID from sfa.trust.credential import Credential from sfa.trust.sfaticket import SfaTicket from sfa.util.faults import SfaInvalidArgument from sfa.util.sfalogging import sfi_logger from sfa.util.xrn import get_leaf, get_authority, hrn_to_urn, Xrn from sfa.util.config import Config from sfa.util.version import version_core from sfa.util.cache import Cache from sfa.storage.record import Record from sfa.rspecs.rspec import RSpec from sfa.rspecs.rspec_converter import RSpecConverter from sfa.rspecs.version_manager import VersionManager from sfa.client.sfaclientlib import SfaClientBootstrap from sfa.client.sfaserverproxy import SfaServerProxy, ServerException from sfa.client.client_helper import pg_users_arg, sfa_users_arg from sfa.client.return_value import ReturnValue from sfa.client.candidates import Candidates from sfa.client.manifolduploader import ManifoldUploader CM_PORT=12346 from sfa.client.common import optparse_listvalue_callback, optparse_dictvalue_callback, \ terminal_render, filter_records # display methods def display_rspec(rspec, format='rspec'): if format in ['dns']: tree = etree.parse(StringIO(rspec)) root = tree.getroot() result = root.xpath("./network/site/node/hostname/text()") elif format in ['ip']: # The IP address is not yet part of the new RSpec # so this doesn't do anything yet. tree = etree.parse(StringIO(rspec)) root = tree.getroot() result = root.xpath("./network/site/node/ipv4/text()") else: result = rspec print result return def display_list(results): for result in results: print result def display_records(recordList, dump=False): ''' Print all fields in the record''' for record in recordList: display_record(record, dump) def display_record(record, dump=False): if dump: record.dump(sort=True) else: info = record.getdict() print "%s (%s)" % (info['hrn'], info['type']) return def filter_records(type, records): filtered_records = [] for record in records: if (record['type'] == type) or (type == "all"): filtered_records.append(record) return filtered_records def credential_printable (cred): credential=Credential(cred=cred) result="" result += credential.get_summary_tostring() result += "\n" rights = credential.get_privileges() result += "type=%s\n" % credential.type result += "version=%s\n" % credential.version result += "rights=%s\n"%rights return result def show_credentials (cred_s): if not isinstance (cred_s,list): cred_s = [cred_s] for cred in cred_s: print "Using Credential %s"%credential_printable(cred) # save methods def save_raw_to_file(var, filename, format="text", banner=None): if filename == "-": # if filename is "-", send it to stdout f = sys.stdout else: f = open(filename, "w") if banner: f.write(banner+"\n") if format == "text": f.write(str(var)) elif format == "pickled": f.write(pickle.dumps(var)) elif format == "json": if hasattr(json, "dumps"): f.write(json.dumps(var)) # python 2.6 else: f.write(json.write(var)) # python 2.5 else: # this should never happen print "unknown output format", format if banner: f.write('\n'+banner+"\n") def save_rspec_to_file(rspec, filename): if not filename.endswith(".rspec"): filename = filename + ".rspec" f = open(filename, 'w') f.write(rspec) f.close() return def save_records_to_file(filename, record_dicts, format="xml"): if format == "xml": index = 0 for record_dict in record_dicts: if index > 0: save_record_to_file(filename + "." + str(index), record_dict) else: save_record_to_file(filename, record_dict) index = index + 1 elif format == "xmllist": f = open(filename, "w") f.write("\n") for record_dict in record_dicts: record_obj=Record(dict=record_dict) f.write('\n') f.write("\n") f.close() elif format == "hrnlist": f = open(filename, "w") for record_dict in record_dicts: record_obj=Record(dict=record_dict) f.write(record_obj.hrn + "\n") f.close() else: # this should never happen print "unknown output format", format def save_record_to_file(filename, record_dict): record = Record(dict=record_dict) xml = record.save_as_xml() f=codecs.open(filename, encoding='utf-8',mode="w") f.write(xml) f.close() return # minimally check a key argument def check_ssh_key (key): good_ssh_key = r'^.*(?:ssh-dss|ssh-rsa)[ ]+[A-Za-z0-9+/=]+(?: .*)?$' return re.match(good_ssh_key, key, re.IGNORECASE) # load methods def load_record_from_opts(options): record_dict = {} if hasattr(options, 'xrn') and options.xrn: if hasattr(options, 'type') and options.type: xrn = Xrn(options.xrn, options.type) else: xrn = Xrn(options.xrn) record_dict['urn'] = xrn.get_urn() record_dict['hrn'] = xrn.get_hrn() record_dict['type'] = xrn.get_type() if hasattr(options, 'key') and options.key: try: pubkey = open(options.key, 'r').read() except IOError: pubkey = options.key if not check_ssh_key (pubkey): raise SfaInvalidArgument(name='key',msg="Could not find file, or wrong key format") record_dict['keys'] = [pubkey] if hasattr(options, 'slices') and options.slices: record_dict['slices'] = options.slices if hasattr(options, 'researchers') and options.researchers: record_dict['researcher'] = options.researchers if hasattr(options, 'email') and options.email: record_dict['email'] = options.email if hasattr(options, 'pis') and options.pis: record_dict['pi'] = options.pis # handle extra settings record_dict.update(options.extras) return Record(dict=record_dict) def load_record_from_file(filename): f=codecs.open(filename, encoding="utf-8", mode="r") xml_string = f.read() f.close() return Record(xml=xml_string) import uuid def unique_call_id(): return uuid.uuid4().urn ########## a simple model for maintaing 3 doc attributes per command (instead of just one) # essentially for the methods that implement a subcommand like sfi list # we need to keep track of # (*) doc a few lines that tell what it does, still located in __doc__ # (*) args_string a simple one-liner that describes mandatory arguments # (*) example well, one or several releant examples # # since __doc__ only accounts for one, we use this simple mechanism below # however we keep doc in place for easier migration from functools import wraps # we use a list as well as a dict so we can keep track of the order commands_list=[] commands_dict={} def register_command (args_string, example): def wrap(m): name=getattr(m,'__name__') doc=getattr(m,'__doc__',"-- missing doc --") doc=doc.strip(" \t\n") commands_list.append(name) commands_dict[name]=(doc, args_string, example) @wraps(m) def new_method (*args, **kwds): return m(*args, **kwds) return new_method return wrap ########## class Sfi: # dirty hack to make this class usable from the outside required_options=['verbose', 'debug', 'registry', 'sm', 'auth', 'user', 'user_private_key'] @staticmethod def default_sfi_dir (): if os.path.isfile("./sfi_config"): return os.getcwd() else: return os.path.expanduser("~/.sfi/") # dummy to meet Sfi's expectations for its 'options' field # i.e. s/t we can do setattr on class DummyOptions: pass def __init__ (self,options=None): if options is None: options=Sfi.DummyOptions() for opt in Sfi.required_options: if not hasattr(options,opt): setattr(options,opt,None) if not hasattr(options,'sfi_dir'): options.sfi_dir=Sfi.default_sfi_dir() self.options = options self.user = None self.authority = None self.logger = sfi_logger self.logger.enable_console() self.command=None self.config=None self.config_file=None ### suitable if no reasonable command has been provided def print_commands_help (self, options): verbose=getattr(options,'verbose') format3="%18s %-15s %s" line=80*'-' if not verbose: print format3%("command","cmd_args","description") print line else: print line self.create_parser().print_help() # preserve order from the code for command in commands_list: (doc, args_string, example) = commands_dict[command] if verbose: print line doc=doc.replace("\n","\n"+35*' ') print format3%(command,args_string,doc) if verbose: self.create_command_parser(command).print_help() ### now if a known command was found we can be more verbose on that one def print_help (self): print "==================== Generic sfi usage" self.sfi_parser.print_help() (doc,_,example)=commands_dict[self.command] print "\n==================== Purpose of %s"%self.command print doc print "\n==================== Specific usage for %s"%self.command self.command_parser.print_help() if example: print "\n==================== %s example(s)"%self.command print example def create_command_parser(self, command): if command not in commands_dict: msg="Invalid command\n" msg+="Commands: " msg += ','.join(commands_list) self.logger.critical(msg) sys.exit(2) # retrieve args_string (_, args_string, __) = commands_dict[command] parser = OptionParser(add_help_option=False, usage="sfi [sfi_options] %s [cmd_options] %s" % (command, args_string)) parser.add_option ("-h","--help",dest='help',action='store_true',default=False, help="Summary of one command usage") if command in ("add", "update"): parser.add_option('-x', '--xrn', dest='xrn', metavar='', help='object hrn/urn (mandatory)') parser.add_option('-t', '--type', dest='type', metavar='', help='object type', default=None) parser.add_option('-e', '--email', dest='email', default="", help="email (mandatory for users)") parser.add_option('-k', '--key', dest='key', metavar='', help='public key string or file', default=None) parser.add_option('-s', '--slices', dest='slices', metavar='', help='Set/replace slice xrns', default='', type="str", action='callback', callback=optparse_listvalue_callback) parser.add_option('-r', '--researchers', dest='researchers', metavar='', help='Set/replace slice researchers', default='', type="str", action='callback', callback=optparse_listvalue_callback) parser.add_option('-p', '--pis', dest='pis', metavar='', help='Set/replace Principal Investigators/Project Managers', default='', type="str", action='callback', callback=optparse_listvalue_callback) parser.add_option ('-X','--extra',dest='extras',default={},type='str',metavar="", action="callback", callback=optparse_dictvalue_callback, nargs=1, help="set extra/testbed-dependent flags, e.g. --extra enabled=true") # user specifies remote aggregate/sm/component if command in ("resources", "describe", "allocate", "provision", "delete", "allocate", "provision", "action", "shutdown", "renew", "status"): parser.add_option("-d", "--delegate", dest="delegate", default=None, action="store_true", help="Include a credential delegated to the user's root"+\ "authority in set of credentials for this call") # show_credential option if command in ("list","resources", "describe", "provision", "allocate", "add","update","remove","slices","delete","status","renew"): parser.add_option("-C","--credential",dest='show_credential',action='store_true',default=False, help="show credential(s) used in human-readable form") # registy filter option if command in ("list", "show", "remove"): parser.add_option("-t", "--type", dest="type", type="choice", help="type filter ([all]|user|slice|authority|node|aggregate)", choices=("all", "user", "slice", "authority", "node", "aggregate"), default="all") if command in ("show"): parser.add_option("-k","--key",dest="keys",action="append",default=[], help="specify specific keys to be displayed from record") if command in ("resources", "describe"): # rspec version parser.add_option("-r", "--rspec-version", dest="rspec_version", default="SFA 1", help="schema type and version of resulting RSpec") # disable/enable cached rspecs parser.add_option("-c", "--current", dest="current", default=False, action="store_true", help="Request the current rspec bypassing the cache. Cached rspecs are returned by default") # display formats parser.add_option("-f", "--format", dest="format", type="choice", help="display format ([xml]|dns|ip)", default="xml", choices=("xml", "dns", "ip")) #panos: a new option to define the type of information about resources a user is interested in parser.add_option("-i", "--info", dest="info", help="optional component information", default=None) # a new option to retreive or not reservation-oriented RSpecs (leases) parser.add_option("-l", "--list_leases", dest="list_leases", type="choice", help="Retreive or not reservation-oriented RSpecs ([resources]|leases|all )", choices=("all", "resources", "leases"), default="resources") if command in ("resources", "describe", "allocate", "provision", "show", "list", "gid"): parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="file", help="output XML to file", metavar="FILE", default=None) if command in ("show", "list"): parser.add_option("-f", "--format", dest="format", type="choice", help="display format ([text]|xml)", default="text", choices=("text", "xml")) parser.add_option("-F", "--fileformat", dest="fileformat", type="choice", help="output file format ([xml]|xmllist|hrnlist)", default="xml", choices=("xml", "xmllist", "hrnlist")) if command == 'list': parser.add_option("-r", "--recursive", dest="recursive", action='store_true', help="list all child records", default=False) parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action='store_true', help="gives details, like user keys", default=False) if command in ("delegate"): parser.add_option("-u", "--user", action="store_true", dest="delegate_user", default=False, help="delegate your own credentials; default if no other option is provided") parser.add_option("-s", "--slice", dest="delegate_slices",action='append',default=[], metavar="slice_hrn", help="delegate cred. for slice HRN") parser.add_option("-a", "--auths", dest='delegate_auths',action='append',default=[], metavar='auth_hrn', help="delegate cred for auth HRN") # this primarily is a shorthand for -a my_hrn^ parser.add_option("-p", "--pi", dest='delegate_pi', default=None, action='store_true', help="delegate your PI credentials, so s.t. like -a your_hrn^") parser.add_option("-A","--to-authority",dest='delegate_to_authority',action='store_true',default=False, help="""by default the mandatory argument is expected to be a user, use this if you mean an authority instead""") if command in ("version"): parser.add_option("-R","--registry-version", action="store_true", dest="version_registry", default=False, help="probe registry version instead of sliceapi") parser.add_option("-l","--local", action="store_true", dest="version_local", default=False, help="display version of the local client") return parser def create_parser(self): # Generate command line parser parser = OptionParser(add_help_option=False, usage="sfi [sfi_options] command [cmd_options] [cmd_args]", description="Commands: %s"%(" ".join(commands_list))) parser.add_option("-r", "--registry", dest="registry", help="root registry", metavar="URL", default=None) parser.add_option("-s", "--sliceapi", dest="sm", default=None, metavar="URL", help="slice API - in general a SM URL, but can be used to talk to an aggregate") parser.add_option("-R", "--raw", dest="raw", default=None, help="Save raw, unparsed server response to a file") parser.add_option("", "--rawformat", dest="rawformat", type="choice", help="raw file format ([text]|pickled|json)", default="text", choices=("text","pickled","json")) parser.add_option("", "--rawbanner", dest="rawbanner", default=None, help="text string to write before and after raw output") parser.add_option("-d", "--dir", dest="sfi_dir", help="config & working directory - default is %default", metavar="PATH", default=Sfi.default_sfi_dir()) parser.add_option("-u", "--user", dest="user", help="user name", metavar="HRN", default=None) parser.add_option("-a", "--auth", dest="auth", help="authority name", metavar="HRN", default=None) parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="count", dest="verbose", default=0, help="verbose mode - cumulative") parser.add_option("-D", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False, help="Debug (xml-rpc) protocol messages") # would it make sense to use ~/.ssh/id_rsa as a default here ? parser.add_option("-k", "--private-key", action="store", dest="user_private_key", default=None, help="point to the private key file to use if not yet installed in sfi_dir") parser.add_option("-t", "--timeout", dest="timeout", default=None, help="Amout of time to wait before timing out the request") parser.add_option("-h", "--help", action="store_true", dest="help", default=False, help="one page summary on commands & exit") parser.disable_interspersed_args() return parser # # Main: parse arguments and dispatch to command # def dispatch(self, command, command_options, command_args): method=getattr(self, command, None) if not method: print "Unknown command %s"%command return return method(command_options, command_args) def main(self): self.sfi_parser = self.create_parser() (options, args) = self.sfi_parser.parse_args() if options.help: self.print_commands_help(options) sys.exit(1) self.options = options self.logger.setLevelFromOptVerbose(self.options.verbose) if len(args) <= 0: self.logger.critical("No command given. Use -h for help.") self.print_commands_help(options) return -1 # complete / find unique match with command set command_candidates = Candidates (commands_list) input = args[0] command = command_candidates.only_match(input) if not command: self.print_commands_help(options) sys.exit(1) # second pass options parsing self.command=command self.command_parser = self.create_command_parser(command) (command_options, command_args) = self.command_parser.parse_args(args[1:]) if command_options.help: self.print_help() sys.exit(1) self.command_options = command_options self.read_config () self.bootstrap () self.logger.debug("Command=%s" % self.command) try: self.dispatch(command, command_options, command_args) except SystemExit: return 1 except: self.logger.log_exc ("sfi command %s failed"%command) return 1 return 0 #################### def read_config(self): config_file = os.path.join(self.options.sfi_dir,"sfi_config") shell_config_file = os.path.join(self.options.sfi_dir,"sfi_config.sh") try: if Config.is_ini(config_file): config = Config (config_file) else: # try upgrading from shell config format fp, fn = mkstemp(suffix='sfi_config', text=True) config = Config(fn) # we need to preload the sections we want parsed # from the shell config config.add_section('sfi') # sface users should be able to use this same file to configure their stuff config.add_section('sface') # manifold users should be able to specify the details # of their backend server here for 'sfi myslice' config.add_section('myslice') config.load(config_file) # back up old config shutil.move(config_file, shell_config_file) # write new config config.save(config_file) except: self.logger.critical("Failed to read configuration file %s"%config_file) self.logger.info("Make sure to remove the export clauses and to add quotes") if self.options.verbose==0: self.logger.info("Re-run with -v for more details") else: self.logger.log_exc("Could not read config file %s"%config_file) sys.exit(1) self.config=config errors = 0 # Set SliceMgr URL if (self.options.sm is not None): self.sm_url = self.options.sm elif hasattr(config, "SFI_SM"): self.sm_url = config.SFI_SM else: self.logger.error("You need to set e.g. SFI_SM='http://your.slicemanager.url:12347/' in %s" % config_file) errors += 1 # Set Registry URL if (self.options.registry is not None): self.reg_url = self.options.registry elif hasattr(config, "SFI_REGISTRY"): self.reg_url = config.SFI_REGISTRY else: self.logger.error("You need to set e.g. SFI_REGISTRY='http://your.registry.url:12345/' in %s" % config_file) errors += 1 # Set user HRN if (self.options.user is not None): self.user = self.options.user elif hasattr(config, "SFI_USER"): self.user = config.SFI_USER else: self.logger.error("You need to set e.g. SFI_USER='plc.princeton.username' in %s" % config_file) errors += 1 # Set authority HRN if (self.options.auth is not None): self.authority = self.options.auth elif hasattr(config, "SFI_AUTH"): self.authority = config.SFI_AUTH else: self.logger.error("You need to set e.g. SFI_AUTH='plc.princeton' in %s" % config_file) errors += 1 self.config_file=config_file if errors: sys.exit(1) def show_config (self): print "From configuration file %s"%self.config_file flags=[ ('SFI_USER','user'), ('SFI_AUTH','authority'), ('SFI_SM','sm_url'), ('SFI_REGISTRY','reg_url'), ] for (external_name, internal_name) in flags: print "%s='%s'"%(external_name,getattr(self,internal_name)) # # Get various credential and spec files # # Establishes limiting conventions # - conflates MAs and SAs # - assumes last token in slice name is unique # # Bootstraps credentials # - bootstrap user credential from self-signed certificate # - bootstrap authority credential from user credential # - bootstrap slice credential from user credential # # init self-signed cert, user credentials and gid def bootstrap (self): client_bootstrap = SfaClientBootstrap (self.user, self.reg_url, self.options.sfi_dir, logger=self.logger) # if -k is provided, use this to initialize private key if self.options.user_private_key: client_bootstrap.init_private_key_if_missing (self.options.user_private_key) else: # trigger legacy compat code if needed # the name has changed from just .pkey to .pkey if not os.path.isfile(client_bootstrap.private_key_filename()): self.logger.info ("private key not found, trying legacy name") try: legacy_private_key = os.path.join (self.options.sfi_dir, "%s.pkey"%Xrn.unescape(get_leaf(self.user))) self.logger.debug("legacy_private_key=%s"%legacy_private_key) client_bootstrap.init_private_key_if_missing (legacy_private_key) self.logger.info("Copied private key from legacy location %s"%legacy_private_key) except: self.logger.log_exc("Can't find private key ") sys.exit(1) # make it bootstrap client_bootstrap.bootstrap_my_gid() # extract what's needed self.private_key = client_bootstrap.private_key() self.my_credential_string = client_bootstrap.my_credential_string () self.my_credential = {'geni_type': 'geni_sfa', 'geni_version': '3.0', 'geni_value': self.my_credential_string} self.my_gid = client_bootstrap.my_gid () self.client_bootstrap = client_bootstrap def my_authority_credential_string(self): if not self.authority: self.logger.critical("no authority specified. Use -a or set SF_AUTH") sys.exit(-1) return self.client_bootstrap.authority_credential_string (self.authority) def authority_credential_string(self, auth_hrn): return self.client_bootstrap.authority_credential_string (auth_hrn) def slice_credential_string(self, name): return self.client_bootstrap.slice_credential_string (name) def slice_credential(self, name): return {'geni_type': 'geni_sfa', 'geni_version': '3.0', 'geni_value': self.slice_credential_string(name)} # xxx should be supported by sfaclientbootstrap as well def delegate_cred(self, object_cred, hrn, type='authority'): # the gid and hrn of the object we are delegating if isinstance(object_cred, str): object_cred = Credential(string=object_cred) object_gid = object_cred.get_gid_object() object_hrn = object_gid.get_hrn() if not object_cred.get_privileges().get_all_delegate(): self.logger.error("Object credential %s does not have delegate bit set"%object_hrn) return # the delegating user's gid caller_gidfile = self.my_gid() # the gid of the user who will be delegated to delegee_gid = self.client_bootstrap.gid(hrn,type) delegee_hrn = delegee_gid.get_hrn() dcred = object_cred.delegate(delegee_gid, self.private_key, caller_gidfile) return dcred.save_to_string(save_parents=True) # # Management of the servers # def registry (self): # cache the result if not hasattr (self, 'registry_proxy'): self.logger.info("Contacting Registry at: %s"%self.reg_url) self.registry_proxy = SfaServerProxy(self.reg_url, self.private_key, self.my_gid, timeout=self.options.timeout, verbose=self.options.debug) return self.registry_proxy def sliceapi (self): # cache the result if not hasattr (self, 'sliceapi_proxy'): # if the command exposes the --component option, figure it's hostname and connect at CM_PORT if hasattr(self.command_options,'component') and self.command_options.component: # resolve the hrn at the registry node_hrn = self.command_options.component records = self.registry().Resolve(node_hrn, self.my_credential_string) records = filter_records('node', records) if not records: self.logger.warning("No such component:%r"% opts.component) record = records[0] cm_url = "http://%s:%d/"%(record['hostname'],CM_PORT) self.sliceapi_proxy=SfaServerProxy(cm_url, self.private_key, self.my_gid) else: # otherwise use what was provided as --sliceapi, or SFI_SM in the config if not self.sm_url.startswith('http://') or self.sm_url.startswith('https://'): self.sm_url = 'http://' + self.sm_url self.logger.info("Contacting Slice Manager at: %s"%self.sm_url) self.sliceapi_proxy = SfaServerProxy(self.sm_url, self.private_key, self.my_gid, timeout=self.options.timeout, verbose=self.options.debug) return self.sliceapi_proxy def get_cached_server_version(self, server): # check local cache first cache = None version = None cache_file = os.path.join(self.options.sfi_dir,'sfi_cache.dat') cache_key = server.url + "-version" try: cache = Cache(cache_file) except IOError: cache = Cache() self.logger.info("Local cache not found at: %s" % cache_file) if cache: version = cache.get(cache_key) if not version: result = server.GetVersion() version= ReturnValue.get_value(result) # cache version for 20 minutes cache.add(cache_key, version, ttl= 60*20) self.logger.info("Updating cache file %s" % cache_file) cache.save_to_file(cache_file) return version ### resurrect this temporarily so we can support V1 aggregates for a while def server_supports_options_arg(self, server): """ Returns true if server support the optional call_id arg, false otherwise. """ server_version = self.get_cached_server_version(server) result = False # xxx need to rewrite this if int(server_version.get('geni_api')) >= 2: result = True return result def server_supports_call_id_arg(self, server): server_version = self.get_cached_server_version(server) result = False if 'sfa' in server_version and 'code_tag' in server_version: code_tag = server_version['code_tag'] code_tag_parts = code_tag.split("-") version_parts = code_tag_parts[0].split(".") major, minor = version_parts[0], version_parts[1] rev = code_tag_parts[1] if int(major) == 1 and minor == 0 and build >= 22: result = True return result ### ois = options if supported # to be used in something like serverproxy.Method (arg1, arg2, *self.ois(api_options)) def ois (self, server, option_dict): if self.server_supports_options_arg (server): return [option_dict] elif self.server_supports_call_id_arg (server): return [ unique_call_id () ] else: return [] ### cis = call_id if supported - like ois def cis (self, server): if self.server_supports_call_id_arg (server): return [ unique_call_id ] else: return [] ######################################## miscell utilities def get_rspec_file(self, rspec): if (os.path.isabs(rspec)): file = rspec else: file = os.path.join(self.options.sfi_dir, rspec) if (os.path.isfile(file)): return file else: self.logger.critical("No such rspec file %s"%rspec) sys.exit(1) def get_record_file(self, record): if (os.path.isabs(record)): file = record else: file = os.path.join(self.options.sfi_dir, record) if (os.path.isfile(file)): return file else: self.logger.critical("No such registry record file %s"%record) sys.exit(1) #========================================================================== # Following functions implement the commands # # Registry-related commands #========================================================================== @register_command("","") def version(self, options, args): """ display an SFA server version (GetVersion) or version information about sfi itself """ if options.version_local: version=version_core() else: if options.version_registry: server=self.registry() else: server = self.sliceapi() result = server.GetVersion() version = ReturnValue.get_value(result) if self.options.raw: save_raw_to_file(result, self.options.raw, self.options.rawformat, self.options.rawbanner) else: pprinter = PrettyPrinter(indent=4) pprinter.pprint(version) @register_command("authority","") def list(self, options, args): """ list entries in named authority registry (List) """ if len(args)!= 1: self.print_help() sys.exit(1) hrn = args[0] opts = {} if options.recursive: opts['recursive'] = options.recursive if options.show_credential: show_credentials(self.my_credential_string) try: list = self.registry().List(hrn, self.my_credential_string, options) except IndexError: raise Exception, "Not enough parameters for the 'list' command" # filter on person, slice, site, node, etc. # This really should be in the self.filter_records funct def comment... list = filter_records(options.type, list) terminal_render (list, options) if options.file: save_records_to_file(options.file, list, options.fileformat) return @register_command("name","") def show(self, options, args): """ show details about named registry record (Resolve) """ if len(args)!= 1: self.print_help() sys.exit(1) hrn = args[0] # explicitly require Resolve to run in details mode record_dicts = self.registry().Resolve(hrn, self.my_credential_string, {'details':True}) record_dicts = filter_records(options.type, record_dicts) if not record_dicts: self.logger.error("No record of type %s"% options.type) return # user has required to focus on some keys if options.keys: def project (record): projected={} for key in options.keys: try: projected[key]=record[key] except: pass return projected record_dicts = [ project (record) for record in record_dicts ] records = [ Record(dict=record_dict) for record_dict in record_dicts ] for record in records: if (options.format == "text"): record.dump(sort=True) else: print record.save_as_xml() if options.file: save_records_to_file(options.file, record_dicts, options.fileformat) return @register_command("[xml-filename]","") def add(self, options, args): """add record into registry (Register) from command line options (recommended) old-school method involving an xml file still supported""" auth_cred = self.my_authority_credential_string() if options.show_credential: show_credentials(auth_cred) record_dict = {} if len(args) > 1: self.print_help() sys.exit(1) if len(args)==1: try: record_filepath = args[0] rec_file = self.get_record_file(record_filepath) record_dict.update(load_record_from_file(rec_file).todict()) except: print "Cannot load record file %s"%record_filepath sys.exit(1) if options: record_dict.update(load_record_from_opts(options).todict()) # we should have a type by now if 'type' not in record_dict : self.print_help() sys.exit(1) # this is still planetlab dependent.. as plc will whine without that # also, it's only for adding if record_dict['type'] == 'user': if not 'first_name' in record_dict: record_dict['first_name'] = record_dict['hrn'] if 'last_name' not in record_dict: record_dict['last_name'] = record_dict['hrn'] return self.registry().Register(record_dict, auth_cred) @register_command("[xml-filename]","") def update(self, options, args): """update record into registry (Update) from command line options (recommended) old-school method involving an xml file still supported""" record_dict = {} if len(args) > 0: record_filepath = args[0] rec_file = self.get_record_file(record_filepath) record_dict.update(load_record_from_file(rec_file).todict()) if options: record_dict.update(load_record_from_opts(options).todict()) # at the very least we need 'type' here if 'type' not in record_dict: self.print_help() sys.exit(1) # don't translate into an object, as this would possibly distort # user-provided data; e.g. add an 'email' field to Users if record_dict['type'] == "user": if record_dict['hrn'] == self.user: cred = self.my_credential_string else: cred = self.my_authority_credential_string() elif record_dict['type'] in ["slice"]: try: cred = self.slice_credential_string(record_dict['hrn']) except ServerException, e: # XXX smbaker -- once we have better error return codes, update this # to do something better than a string compare if "Permission error" in e.args[0]: cred = self.my_authority_credential_string() else: raise elif record_dict['type'] in ["authority"]: cred = self.my_authority_credential_string() elif record_dict['type'] == 'node': cred = self.my_authority_credential_string() else: raise "unknown record type" + record_dict['type'] if options.show_credential: show_credentials(cred) return self.registry().Update(record_dict, cred) @register_command("name","") def remove(self, options, args): "remove registry record by name (Remove)" auth_cred = self.my_authority_credential_string() if len(args)!=1: self.print_help() sys.exit(1) hrn = args[0] type = options.type if type in ['all']: type = '*' if options.show_credential: show_credentials(auth_cred) return self.registry().Remove(hrn, auth_cred, type) # ================================================================== # Slice-related commands # ================================================================== @register_command("","") def slices(self, options, args): "list instantiated slices (ListSlices) - returns urn's" server = self.sliceapi() # creds creds = [self.my_credential_string] # options and call_id when supported api_options = {} api_options['call_id']=unique_call_id() if options.show_credential: show_credentials(creds) result = server.ListSlices(creds, *self.ois(server,api_options)) value = ReturnValue.get_value(result) if self.options.raw: save_raw_to_file(result, self.options.raw, self.options.rawformat, self.options.rawbanner) else: display_list(value) return # show rspec for named slice @register_command("","") def resources(self, options, args): """ discover available resources (ListResources) """ server = self.sliceapi() # set creds creds = [self.my_credential] if options.delegate: creds.append(self.delegate_cred(cred, get_authority(self.authority))) if options.show_credential: show_credentials(creds) # no need to check if server accepts the options argument since the options has # been a required argument since v1 API api_options = {} # always send call_id to v2 servers api_options ['call_id'] = unique_call_id() # ask for cached value if available api_options ['cached'] = True if options.info: api_options['info'] = options.info if options.list_leases: api_options['list_leases'] = options.list_leases if options.current: if options.current == True: api_options['cached'] = False else: api_options['cached'] = True if options.rspec_version: version_manager = VersionManager() server_version = self.get_cached_server_version(server) if 'sfa' in server_version: # just request the version the client wants api_options['geni_rspec_version'] = version_manager.get_version(options.rspec_version).to_dict() else: api_options['geni_rspec_version'] = {'type': 'geni', 'version': '3.0'} else: api_options['geni_rspec_version'] = {'type': 'geni', 'version': '3.0'} result = server.ListResources (creds, api_options) value = ReturnValue.get_value(result) if self.options.raw: save_raw_to_file(result, self.options.raw, self.options.rawformat, self.options.rawbanner) if options.file is not None: save_rspec_to_file(value, options.file) if (self.options.raw is None) and (options.file is None): display_rspec(value, options.format) return @register_command("slice_hrn","") def describe(self, options, args): """ shows currently allocated/provisioned resources of the named slice or set of slivers (Describe) """ server = self.sliceapi() # set creds creds = [self.slice_credential(args[0])] if options.delegate: creds.append(self.delegate_cred(cred, get_authority(self.authority))) if options.show_credential: show_credentials(creds) api_options = {'call_id': unique_call_id(), 'cached': True, 'info': options.info, 'list_leases': options.list_leases, 'geni_rspec_version': {'type': 'geni', 'version': '3.0'}, } if options.rspec_version: version_manager = VersionManager() server_version = self.get_cached_server_version(server) if 'sfa' in server_version: # just request the version the client wants api_options['geni_rspec_version'] = version_manager.get_version(options.rspec_version).to_dict() else: api_options['geni_rspec_version'] = {'type': 'geni', 'version': '3.0'} urn = Xrn(args[0], type='slice').get_urn() result = server.Describe([urn], creds, api_options) value = ReturnValue.get_value(result) if self.options.raw: save_raw_to_file(result, self.options.raw, self.options.rawformat, self.options.rawbanner) if options.file is not None: save_rspec_to_file(value, options.file) if (self.options.raw is None) and (options.file is None): display_rspec(value, options.format) return @register_command("slice_hrn","") def delete(self, options, args): """ de-allocate and de-provision all or named slivers of the slice (Delete) """ server = self.sliceapi() # slice urn slice_hrn = args[0] slice_urn = hrn_to_urn(slice_hrn, 'slice') # creds slice_cred = self.slice_credential(slice_hrn) creds = [slice_cred] # options and call_id when supported api_options = {} api_options ['call_id'] = unique_call_id() if options.show_credential: show_credentials(creds) result = server.Delete([slice_urn], creds, *self.ois(server, api_options ) ) value = ReturnValue.get_value(result) if self.options.raw: save_raw_to_file(result, self.options.raw, self.options.rawformat, self.options.rawbanner) else: print value return value @register_command("slice_hrn rspec","") def allocate(self, options, args): """ allocate resources to the named slice (Allocate) """ server = self.sliceapi() server_version = self.get_cached_server_version(server) slice_hrn = args[0] slice_urn = Xrn(slice_hrn, type='slice').get_urn() # credentials creds = [self.slice_credential(slice_hrn)] delegated_cred = None if server_version.get('interface') == 'slicemgr': # delegate our cred to the slice manager # do not delegate cred to slicemgr...not working at the moment pass #if server_version.get('hrn'): # delegated_cred = self.delegate_cred(slice_cred, server_version['hrn']) #elif server_version.get('urn'): # delegated_cred = self.delegate_cred(slice_cred, urn_to_hrn(server_version['urn'])) if options.show_credential: show_credentials(creds) # rspec rspec_file = self.get_rspec_file(args[1]) rspec = open(rspec_file).read() api_options = {} api_options ['call_id'] = unique_call_id() result = server.Allocate(slice_urn, creds, rspec, api_options) value = ReturnValue.get_value(result) if self.options.raw: save_raw_to_file(result, self.options.raw, self.options.rawformat, self.options.rawbanner) if options.file is not None: save_rspec_to_file (value, options.file) if (self.options.raw is None) and (options.file is None): print value return value @register_command("slice_hrn","") def provision(self, options, args): """ provision already allocated resources of named slice (Provision) """ server = self.sliceapi() server_version = self.get_cached_server_version(server) slice_hrn = args[0] slice_urn = Xrn(slice_hrn, type='slice').get_urn() # credentials creds = [self.slice_credential(slice_hrn)] delegated_cred = None if server_version.get('interface') == 'slicemgr': # delegate our cred to the slice manager # do not delegate cred to slicemgr...not working at the moment pass #if server_version.get('hrn'): # delegated_cred = self.delegate_cred(slice_cred, server_version['hrn']) #elif server_version.get('urn'): # delegated_cred = self.delegate_cred(slice_cred, urn_to_hrn(server_version['urn'])) if options.show_credential: show_credentials(creds) api_options = {} api_options ['call_id'] = unique_call_id() # set the requtested rspec version version_manager = VersionManager() rspec_version = version_manager._get_version('geni', '3.0').to_dict() api_options['geni_rspec_version'] = rspec_version # users # need to pass along user keys to the aggregate. # users = [ # { urn: urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+user+alice # keys: [, ] # }] users = [] slice_records = self.registry().Resolve(slice_urn, [self.my_credential_string]) if slice_records and 'researcher' in slice_records[0] and slice_records[0]['researcher']!=[]: slice_record = slice_records[0] user_hrns = slice_record['researcher'] user_urns = [hrn_to_urn(hrn, 'user') for hrn in user_hrns] user_records = self.registry().Resolve(user_urns, [self.my_credential_string]) users = pg_users_arg(user_records) api_options['geni_users'] = users result = server.Provision([slice_urn], creds, api_options) value = ReturnValue.get_value(result) if self.options.raw: save_raw_to_file(result, self.options.raw, self.options.rawformat, self.options.rawbanner) if options.file is not None: save_rspec_to_file (value, options.file) if (self.options.raw is None) and (options.file is None): print value return value @register_command("slice_hrn","") def status(self, options, args): """ retrieve the status of the slivers belonging to tne named slice (Status) """ server = self.sliceapi() # slice urn slice_hrn = args[0] slice_urn = hrn_to_urn(slice_hrn, 'slice') # creds slice_cred = self.slice_credential(slice_hrn) creds = [slice_cred] # options and call_id when supported api_options = {} api_options['call_id']=unique_call_id() if options.show_credential: show_credentials(creds) result = server.Status([slice_urn], creds, *self.ois(server,api_options)) value = ReturnValue.get_value(result) if self.options.raw: save_raw_to_file(result, self.options.raw, self.options.rawformat, self.options.rawbanner) else: print value # Thierry: seemed to be missing return value @register_command("slice_hrn action","") def action(self, options, args): """ Perform the named operational action on these slivers """ server = self.sliceapi() api_options = {} # slice urn slice_hrn = args[0] action = args[1] slice_urn = Xrn(slice_hrn, type='slice').get_urn() # cred slice_cred = self.slice_credential(args[0]) creds = [slice_cred] if options.delegate: delegated_cred = self.delegate_cred(slice_cred, get_authority(self.authority)) creds.append(delegated_cred) result = server.PerformOperationalAction([slice_urn], creds, action , api_options) value = ReturnValue.get_value(result) if self.options.raw: save_raw_to_file(result, self.options.raw, self.options.rawformat, self.options.rawbanner) else: print value return value @register_command("slice_hrn time","") def renew(self, options, args): """ renew slice (RenewSliver) """ server = self.sliceapi() if len(args) != 2: self.print_help() sys.exit(1) [ slice_hrn, input_time ] = args # slice urn slice_urn = hrn_to_urn(slice_hrn, 'slice') # time: don't try to be smart on the time format, server-side will # creds slice_cred = self.slice_credential(args[0]) creds = [slice_cred] # options and call_id when supported api_options = {} api_options['call_id']=unique_call_id() if options.show_credential: show_credentials(creds) result = server.Renew([slice_urn], creds, input_time, *self.ois(server,api_options)) value = ReturnValue.get_value(result) if self.options.raw: save_raw_to_file(result, self.options.raw, self.options.rawformat, self.options.rawbanner) else: print value return value @register_command("slice_hrn","") def shutdown(self, options, args): """ shutdown named slice (Shutdown) """ server = self.sliceapi() # slice urn slice_hrn = args[0] slice_urn = hrn_to_urn(slice_hrn, 'slice') # creds slice_cred = self.slice_credential(slice_hrn) creds = [slice_cred] result = server.Shutdown(slice_urn, creds) value = ReturnValue.get_value(result) if self.options.raw: save_raw_to_file(result, self.options.raw, self.options.rawformat, self.options.rawbanner) else: print value return value @register_command("[name]","") def gid(self, options, args): """ Create a GID (CreateGid) """ if len(args) < 1: self.print_help() sys.exit(1) target_hrn = args[0] my_gid_string = open(self.client_bootstrap.my_gid()).read() gid = self.registry().CreateGid(self.my_credential_string, target_hrn, my_gid_string) if options.file: filename = options.file else: filename = os.sep.join([self.options.sfi_dir, '%s.gid' % target_hrn]) self.logger.info("writing %s gid to %s" % (target_hrn, filename)) GID(string=gid).save_to_file(filename) @register_command("to_hrn","""$ sfi delegate -u -p -s ple.inria.heartbeat -s ple.inria.omftest ple.upmc.slicebrowser will locally create a set of delegated credentials for the benefit of ple.upmc.slicebrowser the set of credentials in the scope for this call would be (*) ple.inria.thierry_parmentelat.user_for_ple.upmc.slicebrowser.user.cred as per -u/--user (*) ple.inria.pi_for_ple.upmc.slicebrowser.user.cred as per -p/--pi (*) ple.inria.heartbeat.slice_for_ple.upmc.slicebrowser.user.cred (*) ple.inria.omftest.slice_for_ple.upmc.slicebrowser.user.cred because of the two -s options """) def delegate (self, options, args): """ (locally) create delegate credential for use by given hrn make sure to check for 'sfi myslice' instead if you plan on using MySlice """ if len(args) != 1: self.print_help() sys.exit(1) to_hrn = args[0] # support for several delegations in the same call # so first we gather the things to do tuples=[] for slice_hrn in options.delegate_slices: message="%s.slice"%slice_hrn original = self.slice_credential_string(slice_hrn) tuples.append ( (message, original,) ) if options.delegate_pi: my_authority=self.authority message="%s.pi"%my_authority original = self.my_authority_credential_string() tuples.append ( (message, original,) ) for auth_hrn in options.delegate_auths: message="%s.auth"%auth_hrn original=self.authority_credential_string(auth_hrn) tuples.append ( (message, original, ) ) # if nothing was specified at all at this point, let's assume -u if not tuples: options.delegate_user=True # this user cred if options.delegate_user: message="%s.user"%self.user original = self.my_credential_string tuples.append ( (message, original, ) ) # default type for beneficial is user unless -A if options.delegate_to_authority: to_type='authority' else: to_type='user' # let's now handle all this # it's all in the filenaming scheme for (message,original) in tuples: delegated_string = self.client_bootstrap.delegate_credential_string(original, to_hrn, to_type) delegated_credential = Credential (string=delegated_string) filename = os.path.join ( self.options.sfi_dir, "%s_for_%s.%s.cred"%(message,to_hrn,to_type)) delegated_credential.save_to_file(filename, save_parents=True) self.logger.info("delegated credential for %s to %s and wrote to %s"%(message,to_hrn,filename)) #################### @register_command("","""$ less +/myslice sfi_config [myslice] backend = 'http://manifold.pl.sophia.inria.fr:7080' # the HRN that myslice uses, so that we are delegating to delegate = 'ple.upmc.slicebrowser' # platform - this is a myslice concept platform = 'ple' # username - as of this writing (May 2013) a simple login name user = 'thierry' $ sfi myslice will first collect the slices that you are part of, then make sure all your credentials are up-to-date (read: refresh expired ones) then compute delegated credentials for user 'ple.upmc.slicebrowser' and upload them all on myslice backend, using 'platform' and 'user'. A password will be prompted for the upload part. """ ) # register_command def myslice (self, options, args): """ This helper is for refreshing your credentials at myslice; it will * compute all the slices that you currently have credentials on * refresh all your credentials (you as a user and pi, your slices) * upload them to the manifold backend server for last phase, sfi_config is read to look for the [myslice] section, and namely the 'backend', 'delegate' and 'user' settings""" ########## if len(args)>0: self.print_help() sys.exit(1) # ManifoldUploader pass @register_command("cred","") def trusted(self, options, args): """ return the trusted certs at this interface (get_trusted_certs) """ trusted_certs = self.registry().get_trusted_certs() for trusted_cert in trusted_certs: gid = GID(string=trusted_cert) gid.dump() cert = Certificate(string=trusted_cert) self.logger.debug('Sfi.trusted -> %r'%cert.get_subject()) return @register_command("","") def config (self, options, args): "Display contents of current config" self.show_config()