#! /usr/bin/env python import sys from sfa.util.rspecHelper import RSpec, Commands command = Commands(usage="%prog [options]", description="List all slivers in the RSpec. " + "Use this to display the list of nodes belonging to " + "the slice.") command.add_show_attributes_option() command.prep() nodes = command.rspec.get_sliver_list() if command.opts.showatt: defaults = command.rspec.get_default_sliver_attributes() if defaults: print "ALL NODES" for (name, value) in defaults: print " %s: %s" % (name, value) for node in nodes: print node if command.opts.showatt: atts = command.rspec.get_sliver_attributes(node) for (name, value) in atts: print " %s: %s" % (name, value)