""" File used to handle all the nodes querying: - get nodes list along with their properties """ from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger class CortexlabQueryTestbed: def __init__(self): pass def get_all_nodes(self, node_filter_dict=None, return_fields_list=None): """Get all the nodes and their properties. Called by GetNodes. Filtering on nodes properties can be done here or in GetNodes. Search for specific nodes if some filters are specified. Returns all the nodes properties if no return_fields_list given. :param node_filter_dict: dictionary of lists with node properties. For instance, if you want to look for a specific node with its hrn, the node_filter_dict should be {'hrn': [hrn_of_the_node]}. :type node_filter_dict: dict :param return_fields_list: list of specific fields the user wants to be returned. :type return_fields_list: list :returns: list of dictionaries with node properties :rtype: list TODO: Define which properties have to be listed here. Useful ones: node architecture, radio type, position (x,y,z) """ node_dict_list = None # Get the nodes here, eventually filter here # See iotlabapi.py GetNodes to get the filtering (node_filter_dict and # return_fields_list ) part, if necessary # Format example node_dict_list = [ {'hrn': 'iotlab.wsn430-11.devlille.iot-lab.info', 'archi': 'wsn430', 'mobile': 'True', 'hostname': 'wsn430-11.devlille.iot-lab.info', 'site': 'devlille', 'mobility_type': 'None', 'boot_state': 'Suspected', 'node_id': 'wsn430-11.devlille.iot-lab.info', 'radio': 'cc2420', 'posx': '2.3', 'posy': '2.3', 'node_number': 11, 'posz': '1'}, {'hrn': 'iotlab.wsn430-10.devlille.iot-lab.info', 'archi': 'wsn430', 'mobile': 'True', 'hostname': 'wsn430-10.devlille.iot-lab.info', 'site': 'devlille', 'mobility_type': 'None', 'boot_state': 'Alive', 'node_id': 'wsn430-10.devlille.iot-lab.info', 'radio': 'cc2420', 'posx': '1.3', 'posy': '2.3', 'node_number': 10, 'posz': '1'}, {'hrn': 'iotlab.wsn430-1.devlille.iot-lab.info', 'archi': 'wsn430', 'mobile': 'False', 'hostname': 'wsn430-1.devlille.iot-lab.info', 'site': 'devlille', 'mobility_type': 'None', 'boot_state': 'Alive', 'node_id': 'wsn430-1.devlille.iot-lab.info', 'radio': 'cc2420', 'posx': '0.3', 'posy': '0.3', 'node_number': 1, 'posz': '1'} ] return node_dict_list def get_sites(self, site_filter_name_list=None, return_fields_list=None): """Get the different cortexlab sites and for each sites, the nodes hostnames on this site. :param site_filter_name_list: used to specify specific sites :param return_fields_list: fields that has to be returned :type site_filter_name_list: list :type return_fields_list: list :rtype: list of dictionaries """ site_dict_list = None site_dict_list = [ {'address_ids': [], 'slice_ids': [], 'name': 'iotlab', 'node_ids': [u'wsn430-11.devlille.iot-lab.info', u'wsn430-10.devlille.iot-lab.info', u'wsn430-1.devlille.iot-lab.info'], 'url': 'https://portal.senslab.info', 'person_ids': [], 'site_tag_ids': [], 'enabled': True, 'site': 'devlille', 'longitude': '- 2.10336', 'pcu_ids': [], 'max_slivers': None, 'max_slices': None, 'ext_consortium_id': None, 'date_created': None, 'latitude': '48.83726', 'is_public': True, 'peer_site_id': None, 'peer_id': None, 'abbreviated_name': 'iotlab'}] # list of dict with mandatory keys ['name', 'node_ids', 'longitude', # 'site' ]. Value for key node_ids is a hostname list. # See iotlabapi.py GetSites to get the filtering return site_dict_list def get_reserved_nodes(self, username): """Get list of leases. Get the leases for the username if specified, otherwise get all the leases. :param username: user's LDAP login :type username: string :returns: list of reservations dict :rtype: list of dictionaries """ reserved_nodes_list_dict = None reserved_nodes_list_dict = [{'lease_id': 1658, 'reserved_nodes': [ 'wsn430-11.devlille.iot-lab.info'], 'state': 'Waiting', 'user': 'avakian', 'resource_ids': [11], 't_from': 1412938800, 't_until': 1412942640}] return reserved_nodes_list_dict def schedule_experiment(self, lease_dict): """Schedule/ run an experiment based on the information provided in the lease dictionary. :param lease_dict: contains lease_start_time, lease_duration, added_nodes, slice_name , slice_user, grain: :type lease_dict: dictionary :rtype: dict """ answer = {} answer['id'] = None #experiment id answer['msg'] = None #message in case of error answer['id'] = 1659 # Launch the experiment here return answer def delete_experiment(self, experiment_id, username): """Delete the experiment designated by its experiment id and its user. :param experiment_id: experiment identifier :param username: user's LDAP login :type experiment_id: integer :type username: string :returns: dict with delete status {'status': True of False} :rtype: dict TODO: If the username is not necessary to delete the lease, then you can remove it from the parameters, given that you propagate the changes """ # Delete the experiment here. Ret['status'] should be True or False # depending if the delete was effective or not. ret = {} ret['status'] = None return ret