from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger from sfa.util.faults import SfaFault # this is probably too big to swallow but for a starting point.. from sfa.planetlab.pldriver import PlDriver from sfa.federica.fdshell import FdShell # hardwired for now # this could/should be obtained by issuing getRSpecVersion federica_version_string="RSpecV2" #### avail. methods on the federica side as of 2012/02/13 # listAvailableResources(String credentials, String rspecVersion) # listSliceResources(String credentials, String rspecVersion, String sliceUrn) # createSlice(String credentials, String sliceUrn, String rspecVersion, String rspecString) # deleteSlice(String credentials, String sliceUrn) # listSlices() # getRSpecVersion() ##### all return # Result: {'code': 0, 'value': RSpec} if success # {'code': code_id, 'output': Error message} if error class FdDriver (PlDriver): def __init__ (self,config): PlDriver.__init__ (self, config) # the agreement with the federica driver is for them to expose results in a way # compliant with the avpi v2 return code, i.e. a dict with 'code' 'value' 'output' # essentially, either 'code'==0, then 'value' is set to the actual result # otherwise, 'code' is set to an error code and 'output' holds an error message def response (self, from_xmlrpc): if isinstance (from_xmlrpc, dict) and 'code' in from_xmlrpc: if from_xmlrpc['code']==0: return from_xmlrpc['value'] else: raise SfaFault(from_xmlrpc['code'],from_xmlrpc['output']) else: logger.warning("unexpected result from federica xmlrpc api") return from_xmlrpc def aggregate_version (self): result={} federica_version_string_api = self.response( result ['federica_version_string_api']=federica_version_string_api if federica_version_string_api != federica_version_string: result['WARNING']="hard-wired rspec version %d differs from what the API currently exposes"%\ federica_version_string return result def testbed_name (self): return "federica" def list_slices (self, creds, options): # the issue is that federica returns the list of slice's urn in a string format # this is why this dirty hack is needed until federica fixes it. slices_str =['value'][1:-2] slices_list = slices_str.split(", ") return slices_list def sliver_status (self, slice_urn, slice_hrn): return "fddriver.sliver_status: undefined/todo for slice %s"%slice_hrn def list_resources (self, slice_urn, slice_hrn, creds, options): # right now rspec_version is ignored on the federica side # we normally derive it from options # look in cache if client has requested so cached_requested = options.get('cached', True) # global advertisement if not slice_hrn: # self.cache is initialized unless the global config has it turned off if cached_requested and self.cache: # using federica_version_string as the key into the cache rspec = self.cache.get(federica_version_string) if rspec: logger.debug("FdDriver.ListResources: returning cached advertisement") return self.response(rspec) # otherwise, need to get it # java code expects creds as a String # rspec = (creds, federica_version_string) rspec = ("", federica_version_string) # rspec = (federica_version_string) # cache it for future use if self.cache: logger.debug("FdDriver.ListResources: stores advertisement in cache") self.cache.add(federica_version_string, rspec) return self.response(rspec) # about a given slice : don't cache else: # java code expects creds as a String # return self.response(, federica_version_string, slice_urn)) return self.response("", federica_version_string, slice_urn)) def create_sliver (self, slice_urn, slice_hrn, creds, rspec_string, users, options): # right now version_string is ignored on the federica side # we normally derive it from options # java code expects creds as a String # return self.response(, slice_urn, federica_version_string, rspec_string)) return self.response("", slice_urn, federica_version_string, rspec_string)) def delete_sliver (self, slice_urn, slice_hrn, creds, options): # right now version_string is ignored on the federica side # we normally derive it from options # xxx not sure if that's currentl supported at all # java code expects creds as a String # return self.response(, slice_urn)) return self.response("", slice_urn)) # for the the following methods we use what is provided by the default driver class #def renew_sliver (self, slice_urn, slice_hrn, creds, expiration_time, options): #def start_slice (self, slice_urn, slice_xrn, creds): #def stop_slice (self, slice_urn, slice_xrn, creds): #def reset_slice (self, slice_urn, slice_xrn, creds): #def get_ticket (self, slice_urn, slice_xrn, creds, rspec, options):