import os from sfa.util.config import Config from sfa.util.xrn import Xrn, get_leaf, get_authority, hrn_to_urn from import create_uuid from import convert_public_key, Keypair from import dbsession from import RegRecord, RegAuthority, RegSlice, RegNode, RegUser, RegKey class Importer: def __init__ (self, auth_hierarchy, logger): self.auth_hierarchy = auth_hierarchy self.logger=logger def add_options (self, parser): # We don't have any options for now pass # hrn hash is initialized from current db # remember just-created records as we go # xxx might make sense to add a UNIQUE constraint in the db itself def remember_record_by_hrn (self, record): tuple = (record.type, record.hrn) if tuple in self.records_by_type_hrn: self.logger.warning ("Importer.remember_record_by_hrn: duplicate (%s,%s)"%tuple) return self.records_by_type_hrn [ tuple ] = record # ditto for pointer hash def remember_record_by_pointer (self, record): if record.pointer == -1: self.logger.warning ("Importer.remember_record_by_pointer: pointer is void") return tuple = (record.type, record.pointer) if tuple in self.records_by_type_pointer: self.logger.warning ("Importer.remember_record_by_pointer: duplicate (%s,%s)"%tuple) return self.records_by_type_pointer [ ( record.type, record.pointer,) ] = record def remember_record (self, record): self.remember_record_by_hrn (record) self.remember_record_by_pointer (record) def locate_by_type_hrn (self, type, hrn): return self.records_by_type_hrn.get ( (type, hrn), None) def locate_by_type_pointer (self, type, pointer): return self.records_by_type_pointer.get ( (type, pointer), None) ############################################################################ # Object import functions (authorities, resources, users, slices) # def import_auth(self, auth, parent_auth_hrn): """ @return HRN of the newly created authority """ auth_hrn = self.get_auth_naming(auth, parent_auth_hrn) auth_urn = hrn_to_urn(auth_hrn, 'authority') # import if hrn is not in list of existing hrns or if the hrn exists # but its not a auth record auth_record=self.locate_by_type_hrn ('authority', auth_hrn) if not auth_record: try: # We ensure the parent is created through the root #if not self.auth_hierarchy.auth_exists(auth_urn): # self.auth_hierarchy.create_auth(auth_urn) auth_info = self.auth_hierarchy.get_auth_info(auth_urn) auth_record = RegAuthority(hrn = auth_hrn, gid = auth_info.get_gid_object(), pointer = 0, authority = get_authority(auth_hrn)) auth_record.just_created() dbsession.add(auth_record) dbsession.commit()"Importer: imported authority (auth) : %s" % auth_record) self.remember_record (auth_record) except Exception, e: # if the auth import fails then there is no point in trying to import the # auth's child records (node, slices, persons), so skip them. raise Exception, "Importer: failed to import auth. Skipping child records : %s" % e else: # xxx update the record ... pass auth_record.stale=False return auth_hrn def import_resource(self, resource, parent_auth_hrn): """ @return HRN of the newly created resource """ resource_hrn = self.get_resource_naming(resource, parent_auth_hrn) resource_urn = hrn_to_urn(resource_hrn, 'node') resource_record = self.locate_by_type_hrn ('node', resource_hrn ) if not resource_record: try: pkey = Keypair(create=True) resource_gid = self.auth_hierarchy.create_gid(resource_urn, create_uuid(), pkey) resource_record = RegNode (hrn = resource_hrn, gid = resource_gid, pointer = resource['id'], authority = get_authority(resource_hrn)) resource_record.just_created() dbsession.add(resource_record) dbsession.commit()"Importer: imported resource: %s" % resource_record) self.remember_record (resource_record) except: self.logger.log_exc("Importer: failed to import resource") else: # xxx update the record ... pass resource_record.stale=False return resource_hrn def init_user_key(self, user): pubkey = None pkey = None if user['keys']: # pick first working key in set for pubkey in user['keys']: try: pkey = convert_public_key(pubkey) break except: continue if not pkey: self.logger.warn('Importer: unable to convert public key for %s' % user_hrn) pkey = Keypair(create=True) else: # the user has no keys. Creating a random keypair for the user's gid self.logger.warn("Importer: user %s does not have a public key on the testbed"%user_hrn) pkey = Keypair(create=True) return (pubkey, pkey) def import_user(self, user, parent_auth_hrn): """ @return HRN of the newly created user """ user_hrn = self.get_user_naming(user, parent_auth_hrn) user_urn = hrn_to_urn(user_hrn, 'user') # return a tuple pubkey (a public key) and pkey (a Keypair object) user_record = self.locate_by_type_hrn ( 'user', user_hrn) try: if not user_record: (pubkey,pkey) = self.init_user_key (user) user_gid = self.auth_hierarchy.create_gid(user_urn, create_uuid(), pkey) user_gid.set_email(user['email']) user_record = RegUser(hrn = user_hrn, gid = user_gid, pointer = user['id'], authority = get_authority(user_hrn), email = user['email']) if pubkey: user_record.reg_keys=[RegKey(pubkey)] else: self.logger.warning("No key found for user %s" % user_record) user_record.just_created() dbsession.add (user_record) dbsession.commit()"Importer: imported user: %s" % user_record) self.remember_record ( user_record ) else: # update the record ? # if user's primary key has changed then we need to update the # users gid by forcing an update here sfa_keys = user_record.reg_keys def key_in_list (key,sfa_keys): for reg_key in sfa_keys: if reg_key.key==key: return True return False # is there a new key ? XXX understand ? new_keys=False for key in user['keys']: if not key_in_list (key,sfa_keys): new_keys = True if new_keys: (pubkey,pkey) = init_user_key (user) user_gid = self.auth_hierarchy.create_gid(user_urn, create_uuid(), pkey) if not pubkey: user_record.reg_keys=[] else: user_record.reg_keys=[ RegKey (pubkey)]"Importer: updated user: %s" % user_record) = user['email'] dbsession.commit() user_record.stale=False except: self.logger.log_exc("Importer: failed to import user %s %s"%(user['id'],user['email'])) return user_hrn def import_slice(self, slice, parent_auth_hrn): """ @return HRN of the newly created slice """ slice_hrn = self.get_slice_naming(slice, parent_auth_hrn) slice_urn = hrn_to_urn(slice_hrn, 'slice') slice_record = self.locate_by_type_hrn ('slice', slice_hrn) if not slice_record: try: pkey = Keypair(create=True) slice_gid = self.auth_hierarchy.create_gid(slice_urn, create_uuid(), pkey) slice_record = RegSlice (hrn=slice_hrn, gid=slice_gid, pointer=slice['id'], authority=get_authority(slice_hrn)) slice_record.just_created() dbsession.add(slice_record) dbsession.commit()"Importer: imported slice: %s" % slice_record) self.remember_record ( slice_record ) except: self.logger.log_exc("Importer: failed to import slice") else: # xxx update the record ... self.logger.warning ("Slice update not yet implemented") pass # record current users affiliated with the slice slice_record.reg_researchers = \ [ self.locate_by_type_pointer ('user',int(id)) for id in slice['user_ids'] ] dbsession.commit() slice_record.stale=False return slice_hrn ############################################################################ # Recursive import # def import_auth_rec(self, auth, parent=None): """ Import authority and related objects (resources, users, slices), then recurse through all subauthorities. @param auth authority to be processed. @return 1 if successful, exception otherwise """ # Create entry for current authority try: auth_hrn = self.import_auth(auth, parent) # Import objects related to current authority if auth['resource_ids']: for resource_id in auth['resource_ids']: self.import_resource(self.resources_by_id[resource_id], auth_hrn) if auth['user_ids']: for user_id in auth['user_ids']: self.import_user(self.users_by_id[user_id], auth_hrn) if auth['slice_ids']: for slice_id in auth['slice_ids']: self.import_slice(self.slices_by_id[slice_id], auth_hrn) # Recursive import of subauthorities if auth['auth_ids']: for auth_id in auth['auth_ids']: self.import_auth_rec(self.authorities_by_id[auth_id], auth_hrn) except Exception, e: self.logger.log_exc(e) pass def locate_by_type_hrn (self, type, hrn): return self.records_by_type_hrn.get ( (type, hrn), None) ############################################################################ # Main processing function # def run (self, options): config = Config () interface_hrn = config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN root_auth = config.SFA_REGISTRY_ROOT_AUTH # shell = NitosShell (config) ######## retrieve all existing SFA objects all_records = dbsession.query(RegRecord).all() # create hash by (type,hrn) # we essentially use this to know if a given record is already known to SFA self.records_by_type_hrn = \ dict ( [ ( (record.type, record.hrn) , record ) for record in all_records ] ) # create hash by (type,pointer) self.records_by_type_pointer = \ dict ( [ ( (record.type, record.pointer) , record ) for record in all_records if record.pointer != -1] ) # initialize record.stale to True by default, then mark stale=False on the ones that are in use for record in all_records: record.stale=True ######## Data collection # Here we make the adaptation between the testbed API, and dictionaries with required fields # AUTHORITIES authorities = self.get_authorities() self.authorities_by_id = {} if authorities: self.authorities_by_id = dict([(auth['id'], auth) for auth in authorities]) # USERS & KEYS users = self.get_users() self.users_by_id = {} self.keys_by_id = {} if users: self.users_by_id = dict ( [ ( user['id'], user) for user in users ] ) self.keys_by_id = dict ( [ ( user['id'], user['keys']) for user in users ] ) # RESOURCES resources = self.get_resources() self.resources_by_id = {} if resources: self.resources_by_id = dict ( [ (resource['id'], resource) for resource in resources ] ) # SLICES slices = self.get_slices() self.slices_by_id = {} if slices: self.slices_by_id = dict ( [ (slice['id'], slice) for slice in slices ] ) ######## Import process if authorities: # Everybody belongs to sub-authorities, and we rely on the different # subauthorities to give appropriate pointers to objects. root = { 'id': 0, 'name': interface_hrn, 'auth_ids': self.authorities_by_id.keys(), 'user_ids': None, 'resource_ids': None, 'slice_ids': None } else: # We create a root authority with all objects linked to it. root = { 'id': 0, 'name': interface_hrn, 'auth_ids': self.authorities_by_id.keys(), 'user_ids': self.users_by_id.keys(), 'resource_ids': self.resources_by_id.keys(), 'slice_ids': self.slices_by_id.keys() } # Recurse through authorities and import the different objects self.import_auth_rec(root) ######## Remove stale records # special records must be preserved system_hrns = [interface_hrn, root_auth, interface_hrn + '.slicemanager'] for record in all_records: if record.hrn in system_hrns: record.stale=False if record.peer_authority: record.stale=False for record in all_records: try: stale = record.stale except: stale = True self.logger.warning("stale not found with %s"%record) if stale:"Importer: deleting stale record: %s" % record) dbsession.delete(record) dbsession.commit() ############################################################################ # Testbed specific functions # OBJECTS def get_authorities(self): raise Exception, "Not implemented" def get_resources(self): raise Exception, "Not implemented" def get_users(self): raise Exception, "Not implemented" def get_slices(self): raise Exception, "Not implemented" # NAMING def get_auth_naming(self, site, interface_hrn): raise Exception, "Not implemented" def get_resource_naming(self, site, node): raise Exception, "Not implemented" def get_user_naming(self, site, user): raise Exception, "Not implemented" def get_slice_naming(self, site, slice): raise Exception, "Not implemented" if __name__ == "__main__": from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger importer = Importer("mytestbed", logger)