import datetime import time import sys from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger from sfa.util.faults import RecordNotFound, SliverDoesNotExist from sfa.util.xrn import get_authority, hrn_to_urn, urn_to_hrn, Xrn, urn_to_sliver_id from sfa.util.plxrn import slicename_to_hrn, hrn_to_pl_slicename from sfa.util.version import version_core from sfa.util.sfatime import utcparse from sfa.util.callids import Callids from import SfaTicket from import Credential from sfa.rspecs.version_manager import VersionManager from sfa.rspecs.rspec import RSpec from sfa.server.sfaapi import SfaApi import sfa.plc.peers as peers from sfa.plc.plaggregate import PlAggregate from sfa.plc.plslices import PlSlices class AggregateManager: def __init__ (self): # xxx Thierry : caching at the aggregate level sounds wrong... self.caching=True #self.caching=False def GetVersion(self, api, options={}): version_manager = VersionManager() ad_rspec_versions = [] request_rspec_versions = [] for rspec_version in version_manager.versions: if rspec_version.content_type in ['*', 'ad']: ad_rspec_versions.append(rspec_version.to_dict()) if rspec_version.content_type in ['*', 'request']: request_rspec_versions.append(rspec_version.to_dict()) xrn=Xrn(api.hrn) version_more = {'interface':'aggregate', 'sfa': 2, 'geni_api': api.config.SFA_AGGREGATE_API_VERSION, 'testbed':'myplc', 'hrn':xrn.get_hrn(), 'geni_request_rspec_versions': request_rspec_versions, 'geni_ad_rspec_versions': ad_rspec_versions, } return version_core(version_more) def SliverStatus(self, api, slice_xrn, creds, options={}): call_id = options.get('call_id') if Callids().already_handled(call_id): return {} (hrn, _) = urn_to_hrn(slice_xrn) # find out where this slice is currently running slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(hrn) slices = api.driver.GetSlices([slicename], ['slice_id', 'node_ids','person_ids','name','expires']) if len(slices) == 0: raise Exception("Slice %s not found (used %s as slicename internally)" % (slice_xrn, slicename)) slice = slices[0] # report about the local nodes only nodes = api.driver.GetNodes({'node_id':slice['node_ids'],'peer_id':None}, ['node_id', 'hostname', 'site_id', 'boot_state', 'last_contact']) site_ids = [node['site_id'] for node in nodes] result = {} top_level_status = 'unknown' if nodes: top_level_status = 'ready' slice_urn = Xrn(slice_xrn, 'slice').get_urn() result['geni_urn'] = slice_urn result['pl_login'] = slice['name'] result['pl_expires'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(slice['expires']).ctime() resources = [] for node in nodes: res = {} res['pl_hostname'] = node['hostname'] res['pl_boot_state'] = node['boot_state'] res['pl_last_contact'] = node['last_contact'] if node['last_contact'] is not None: res['pl_last_contact'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(node['last_contact']).ctime() sliver_id = urn_to_sliver_id(slice_urn, slice['slice_id'], node['node_id']) res['geni_urn'] = sliver_id if node['boot_state'] == 'boot': res['geni_status'] = 'ready' else: res['geni_status'] = 'failed' top_level_status = 'failed' res['geni_error'] = '' resources.append(res) result['geni_status'] = top_level_status result['geni_resources'] = resources return result def CreateSliver(self, api, slice_xrn, creds, rspec_string, users, options={}): """ Create the sliver[s] (slice) at this aggregate. Verify HRN and initialize the slice record in PLC if necessary. """ call_id = options.get('call_id') if Callids().already_handled(call_id): return "" aggregate = PlAggregate(self.driver) slices = PlSlices(api) (hrn, _) = urn_to_hrn(slice_xrn) peer = slices.get_peer(hrn) sfa_peer = slices.get_sfa_peer(hrn) slice_record=None if users: slice_record = users[0].get('slice_record', {}) # parse rspec rspec = RSpec(rspec_string) requested_attributes = rspec.version.get_slice_attributes() # ensure site record exists site = slices.verify_site(hrn, slice_record, peer, sfa_peer, options=options) # ensure slice record exists slice = slices.verify_slice(hrn, slice_record, peer, sfa_peer, options=options) # ensure person records exists persons = slices.verify_persons(hrn, slice, users, peer, sfa_peer, options=options) # ensure slice attributes exists slices.verify_slice_attributes(slice, requested_attributes, options=options) # add/remove slice from nodes requested_slivers = [node.get('component_name') for node in rspec.version.get_nodes_with_slivers()] nodes = slices.verify_slice_nodes(slice, requested_slivers, peer) # add/remove links links slices.verify_slice_links(slice, rspec.version.get_link_requests(), nodes) # handle MyPLC peer association. # only used by plc and ple. slices.handle_peer(site, slice, persons, peer) return aggregate.get_rspec(slice_xrn=slice_xrn, version=rspec.version) def RenewSliver(self, api, xrn, creds, expiration_time, options={}): call_id = options.get('call_id') if Callids().already_handled(call_id): return True (hrn, _) = urn_to_hrn(xrn) slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(hrn) slices = api.driver.GetSlices({'name': slicename}, ['slice_id']) if not slices: raise RecordNotFound(hrn) slice = slices[0] requested_time = utcparse(expiration_time) record = {'expires': int(time.mktime(requested_time.timetuple()))} try: api.driver.UpdateSlice(slice['slice_id'], record) return True except: return False def start_slice(self, api, xrn, creds): (hrn, _) = urn_to_hrn(xrn) slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(hrn) slices = api.driver.GetSlices({'name': slicename}, ['slice_id']) if not slices: raise RecordNotFound(hrn) slice_id = slices[0]['slice_id'] slice_tags = api.driver.GetSliceTags({'slice_id': slice_id, 'tagname': 'enabled'}, ['slice_tag_id']) # just remove the tag if it exists if slice_tags: api.driver.DeleteSliceTag(slice_tags[0]['slice_tag_id']) return 1 def stop_slice(self, api, xrn, creds): hrn, _ = urn_to_hrn(xrn) slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(hrn) slices = api.driver.GetSlices({'name': slicename}, ['slice_id']) if not slices: raise RecordNotFound(hrn) slice_id = slices[0]['slice_id'] slice_tags = api.driver.GetSliceTags({'slice_id': slice_id, 'tagname': 'enabled'}) if not slice_tags: api.driver.AddSliceTag(slice_id, 'enabled', '0') elif slice_tags[0]['value'] != "0": tag_id = slice_tags[0]['slice_tag_id'] api.driver.UpdateSliceTag(tag_id, '0') return 1 def reset_slice(self, api, xrn): # XX not implemented at this interface return 1 def DeleteSliver(self, api, xrn, creds, options={}): call_id = options.get('call_id') if Callids().already_handled(call_id): return "" (hrn, _) = urn_to_hrn(xrn) slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(hrn) slices = api.driver.GetSlices({'name': slicename}) if not slices: return 1 slice = slices[0] # determine if this is a peer slice peer = peers.get_peer(api, hrn) try: if peer: api.driver.UnBindObjectFromPeer('slice', slice['slice_id'], peer) api.driver.DeleteSliceFromNodes(slicename, slice['node_ids']) finally: if peer: api.driver.BindObjectToPeer('slice', slice['slice_id'], peer, slice['peer_slice_id']) return 1 def ListSlices(self, api, creds, options={}): call_id = options.get('call_id') if Callids().already_handled(call_id): return [] # look in cache first if self.caching and api.cache: slices = api.cache.get('slices') if slices: return slices # get data from db slices = api.driver.GetSlices({'peer_id': None}, ['name']) slice_hrns = [slicename_to_hrn(api.hrn, slice['name']) for slice in slices] slice_urns = [hrn_to_urn(slice_hrn, 'slice') for slice_hrn in slice_hrns] # cache the result if self.caching and api.cache: api.cache.add('slices', slice_urns) return slice_urns def ListResources(self, api, creds, options={}): call_id = options.get('call_id') if Callids().already_handled(call_id): return "" # get slice's hrn from options xrn = options.get('geni_slice_urn', None) cached = options.get('cached', True) (hrn, _) = urn_to_hrn(xrn) version_manager = VersionManager() # get the rspec's return format from options rspec_version = version_manager.get_version(options.get('geni_rspec_version')) version_string = "rspec_%s" % (rspec_version) #panos adding the info option to the caching key (can be improved) if options.get('info'): version_string = version_string + "_"+options.get('info', 'default') # look in cache first if self.caching and api.cache and not xrn and cached: rspec = api.cache.get(version_string) if rspec:"aggregate.ListResources: returning cached value for hrn %s"%hrn) return rspec #panos: passing user-defined options #print "manager options = ",options aggregate = PlAggregate(self.driver) rspec = aggregate.get_rspec(slice_xrn=xrn, version=rspec_version, options=options) # cache the result if self.caching and api.cache and not xrn: api.cache.add(version_string, rspec) return rspec def GetTicket(self, api, xrn, creds, rspec, users, options={}): (slice_hrn, _) = urn_to_hrn(xrn) slices = PlSlices(api) peer = slices.get_peer(slice_hrn) sfa_peer = slices.get_sfa_peer(slice_hrn) # get the slice record credential = api.getCredential() interface = api.registries[api.hrn] registry = api.server_proxy(interface, credential) records = registry.Resolve(xrn, credential) # make sure we get a local slice record record = None for tmp_record in records: if tmp_record['type'] == 'slice' and \ not tmp_record['peer_authority']: #Error (E0602, GetTicket): Undefined variable 'SliceRecord' record = SliceRecord(dict=tmp_record) if not record: raise RecordNotFound(slice_hrn) # similar to CreateSliver, we must verify that the required records exist # at this aggregate before we can issue a ticket # parse rspec rspec = RSpec(rspec_string) requested_attributes = rspec.version.get_slice_attributes() # ensure site record exists site = slices.verify_site(hrn, slice_record, peer, sfa_peer) # ensure slice record exists slice = slices.verify_slice(hrn, slice_record, peer, sfa_peer) # ensure person records exists persons = slices.verify_persons(hrn, slice, users, peer, sfa_peer) # ensure slice attributes exists slices.verify_slice_attributes(slice, requested_attributes) # get sliver info slivers = slices.get_slivers(slice_hrn) if not slivers: raise SliverDoesNotExist(slice_hrn) # get initscripts initscripts = [] data = { 'timestamp': int(time.time()), 'initscripts': initscripts, 'slivers': slivers } # create the ticket object_gid = record.get_gid_object() new_ticket = SfaTicket(subject = object_gid.get_subject()) new_ticket.set_gid_caller(api.auth.client_gid) new_ticket.set_gid_object(object_gid) new_ticket.set_issuer(key=api.key, subject=api.hrn) new_ticket.set_pubkey(object_gid.get_pubkey()) new_ticket.set_attributes(data) new_ticket.set_rspec(rspec) #new_ticket.set_parent(api.auth.hierarchy.get_auth_ticket(auth_hrn)) new_ticket.encode() new_ticket.sign() return new_ticket.save_to_string(save_parents=True)