from __future__ import with_statement from sfa.util.faults import * from sfa.util.namespace import * from sfa.util.rspec import RSpec from sfa.server.registry import Registries from sfa.plc.nodes import * import boto from boto.ec2.regioninfo import RegionInfo from boto.exception import EC2ResponseError from ConfigParser import ConfigParser from xmlbuilder import XMLBuilder from lxml import etree as ET from sqlobject import * import sys import os ## # The data structure used to represent a cloud. # It contains the cloud name, its ip address, image information, # key pairs, and clusters information. # cloud = {} ## # The location of the RelaxNG schema. # EUCALYPTUS_RSPEC_SCHEMA='/etc/sfa/eucalyptus.rng' ## # A representation of an Eucalyptus instance. This is a support class # for instance <-> slice mapping. # class EucaInstance(SQLObject): instance_id = StringCol(unique=True, default=None) kernel_id = StringCol() image_id = StringCol() ramdisk_id = StringCol() inst_type = StringCol() key_pair = StringCol() slice = ForeignKey('Slice') ## # Contacts Eucalyptus and tries to reserve this instance. # # @param botoConn A connection to Eucalyptus. # def reserveInstance(self, botoConn): print >>sys.stderr, 'Reserving an instance: image: %s, kernel: ' \ '%s, ramdisk: %s, type: %s, key: %s' % \ (self.image_id, self.kernel_id, self.ramdisk_id, self.inst_type, self.key_pair) # XXX The return statement is for testing. REMOVE in production #return try: reservation = botoConn.run_instances(self.image_id, kernel_id = self.kernel_id, ramdisk_id = self.ramdisk_id, instance_type = self.inst_type, key_name = self.key_pair) for instance in reservation.instances: self.instance_id = # If there is an error, destroy itself. except EC2ResponseError, ec2RespErr: errTree = ET.fromstring(ec2RespErr.body) msg = errTree.find('.//Message') print >>sys.stderr, msg.text self.destroySelf() ## # A representation of a PlanetLab slice. This is a support class # for instance <-> slice mapping. # class Slice(SQLObject): slice_hrn = StringCol() #slice_index = DatabaseIndex('slice_hrn') instances = MultipleJoin('EucaInstance') ## # Initialize the aggregate manager by reading a configuration file. # def init_server(): configParser = ConfigParser()['/etc/sfa/eucalyptus_aggregate.conf', 'eucalyptus_aggregate.conf']) if len(configParser.sections()) < 1: print >>sys.stderr, 'No cloud defined in the config file' raise Exception('Cannot find cloud definition in configuration file.') # Only read the first section. cloudSec = configParser.sections()[0] cloud['name'] = cloudSec cloud['access_key'] = configParser.get(cloudSec, 'access_key') cloud['secret_key'] = configParser.get(cloudSec, 'secret_key') cloud['cloud_url'] = configParser.get(cloudSec, 'cloud_url') cloudURL = cloud['cloud_url'] if cloudURL.find('https://') >= 0: cloudURL = cloudURL.replace('https://', '') elif cloudURL.find('http://') >= 0: cloudURL = cloudURL.replace('http://', '') (cloud['ip'], parts) = cloudURL.split(':') # Initialize sqlite3 database. dbPath = '/etc/sfa/db' dbName = 'euca_aggregate.db' if not os.path.isdir(dbPath): print >>sys.stderr, '%s not found. Creating directory ...' % dbPath os.mkdir(dbPath) conn = connectionForURI('sqlite://%s/%s' % (dbPath, dbName)) sqlhub.processConnection = conn Slice.createTable(ifNotExists=True) EucaInstance.createTable(ifNotExists=True) # Make sure the schema exists. if not os.path.exists(EUCALYPTUS_RSPEC_SCHEMA): err = 'Cannot location schema at %s' % EUCALYPTUS_RSPEC_SCHEMA print >>sys.stderr, err raise Exception(err) ## # Creates a connection to Eucalytpus. This function is inspired by # the make_connection() in Euca2ools. # # @return A connection object or None # def getEucaConnection(): global cloud accessKey = cloud['access_key'] secretKey = cloud['secret_key'] eucaURL = cloud['cloud_url'] useSSL = False srvPath = '/' eucaPort = 8773 if not accessKey or not secretKey or not eucaURL: print >>sys.stderr, 'Please set ALL of the required environment ' \ 'variables by sourcing the eucarc file.' return None # Split the url into parts if eucaURL.find('https://') >= 0: useSSL = True eucaURL = eucaURL.replace('https://', '') elif eucaURL.find('http://') >= 0: useSSL = False eucaURL = eucaURL.replace('http://', '') (eucaHost, parts) = eucaURL.split(':') if len(parts) > 1: parts = parts.split('/') eucaPort = int(parts[0]) parts = parts[1:] srvPath = '/'.join(parts) return boto.connect_ec2(aws_access_key_id=accessKey, aws_secret_access_key=secretKey, is_secure=useSSL, region=RegionInfo(None, 'eucalyptus', eucaHost), port=eucaPort, path=srvPath) ## # A class that builds the RSpec for Eucalyptus. # class EucaRSpecBuilder(object): ## # Initizes a RSpec builder # # @param cloud A dictionary containing data about a # cloud (ex. clusters, ip) def __init__(self, cloud): self.eucaRSpec = XMLBuilder(format = True, tab_step = " ") self.cloudInfo = cloud ## # Creates a request stanza. # # @param num The number of instances to create. # @param image The disk image id. # @param kernel The kernel image id. # @param keypair Key pair to embed. # @param ramdisk Ramdisk id (optional). # def __requestXML(self, num, image, kernel, keypair, ramdisk = ''): xml = self.eucaRSpec with xml.request: with xml.instances: xml << str(num) with xml.kernel_image(id=kernel): xml << '' if ramdisk == '': with xml.ramdisk: xml << '' else: with xml.ramdisk(id=ramdisk): xml << '' with xml.disk_image(id=image): xml << '' with xml.keypair: xml << keypair ## # Creates the cluster stanza. # # @param clusters Clusters information. # def __clustersXML(self, clusters): cloud = self.cloudInfo xml = self.eucaRSpec for cluster in clusters: instances = cluster['instances'] with xml.cluster(id=cluster['name']): with xml.ipv4: xml << cluster['ip'] with xml.vm_types: for inst in instances: with xml.vm_type(name=inst[0]): with xml.free_slots: xml << str(inst[1]) with xml.max_instances: xml << str(inst[2]) with xml.cores: xml << str(inst[3]) with xml.memory(unit='MB'): xml << str(inst[4]) with xml.disk_space(unit='GB'): xml << str(inst[5]) if inst[0] == 'm1.small': self.__requestXML(1, 'emi-88760F45', 'eki-F26610C6', 'cortex') if 'instances' in cloud and inst[0] in cloud['instances']: existingEucaInstances = cloud['instances'][inst[0]] with xml.euca_instances: for eucaInst in existingEucaInstances: with xml.euca_instance(id=eucaInst['id']): with xml.state: xml << eucaInst['state'] with xml.public_dns: xml << eucaInst['public_dns'] with xml.keypair: xml << eucaInst['key'] ## # Creates the Images stanza. # # @param images A list of images in Eucalyptus. # def __imagesXML(self, images): xml = self.eucaRSpec with xml.images: for image in images: with xml.image( with xml.type: xml << image.type with xml.arch: xml << image.architecture with xml.state: xml << image.state with xml.location: xml << image.location ## # Creates the KeyPairs stanza. # # @param keypairs A list of key pairs in Eucalyptus. # def __keyPairsXML(self, keypairs): xml = self.eucaRSpec with xml.keypairs: for key in keypairs: with xml.keypair: xml << ## # Generates the RSpec. # def toXML(self): if not self.cloudInfo: print >>sys.stderr, 'No cloud information' return '' xml = self.eucaRSpec cloud = self.cloudInfo with xml.RSpec(type='eucalyptus'): with['name']): with xml.ipv4: xml << cloud['ip'] self.__keyPairsXML(cloud['keypairs']) self.__imagesXML(cloud['images']) self.__clustersXML(cloud['clusters']) return str(xml) ## # A parser to parse the output of availability-zones. # # Note: Only one cluster is supported. If more than one, this will # not work. # class ZoneResultParser(object): def __init__(self, zones): self.zones = zones def parse(self): if len(self.zones) < 3: return clusterList = [] cluster = {} instList = [] cluster['name'] = self.zones[0].name cluster['ip'] = self.zones[0].state for i in range(2, len(self.zones)): currZone = self.zones[i] instType =[1] stateString = currZone.state.split('/') rscString = stateString[1].split() instFree = int(stateString[0]) instMax = int(rscString[0]) instNumCpu = int(rscString[1]) instRam = int(rscString[2]) instDiskSpace = int(rscString[3]) instTuple = (instType, instFree, instMax, instNumCpu, instRam, instDiskSpace) instList.append(instTuple) cluster['instances'] = instList clusterList.append(cluster) return clusterList def get_rspec(api, xrn, origin_hrn): global cloud hrn = urn_to_hrn(xrn)[0] conn = getEucaConnection() if not conn: print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: Cannot create a connection to Eucalyptus' return 'Cannot create a connection to Eucalyptus' try: # Zones zones = conn.get_all_zones(['verbose']) p = ZoneResultParser(zones) clusters = p.parse() cloud['clusters'] = clusters # Images images = conn.get_all_images() cloud['images'] = images # Key Pairs keyPairs = conn.get_all_key_pairs() cloud['keypairs'] = keyPairs if hrn: instanceId = [] instances = [] # Get the instances that belong to the given slice from sqlite3 # XXX use getOne() in production because the slice's hrn is supposed # to be unique. For testing, uniqueness is turned off in the db. # If the slice isn't found in the database, create a record for the # slice. matchedSlices = list( == hrn)) if matchedSlices: theSlice = matchedSlices[-1] else: theSlice = Slice(slice_hrn = hrn) for instance in theSlice.instances: instanceId.append(instance.instance_id) # Get the information about those instances using their ids. if len(instanceId) > 0: reservations = conn.get_all_instances(instanceId) else: reservations = [] for reservation in reservations: for instance in reservation.instances: instances.append(instance) # Construct a dictory for the EucaRSpecBuilder instancesDict = {} for instance in instances: instList = instancesDict.setdefault(instance.instance_type, []) instInfoDict = {} instInfoDict['id'] = instInfoDict['public_dns'] = instance.public_dns_name instInfoDict['state'] = instance.state instInfoDict['key'] = instance.key_name instList.append(instInfoDict) cloud['instances'] = instancesDict except EC2ResponseError, ec2RespErr: errTree = ET.fromstring(ec2RespErr.body) errMsgE = errTree.find('.//Message') print >>sys.stderr, errMsgE.text rspec = EucaRSpecBuilder(cloud).toXML() # Remove the instances records so next time they won't # show up. if 'instances' in cloud: del cloud['instances'] return rspec """ Hook called via ' create' """ def create_slice(api, xrn, xml): global cloud hrn = urn_to_hrn(xrn)[0] conn = getEucaConnection() if not conn: print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: Cannot create a connection to Eucalyptus' return False # Validate RSpec schemaXML = ET.parse(EUCALYPTUS_RSPEC_SCHEMA) rspecValidator = ET.RelaxNG(schemaXML) rspecXML = ET.XML(xml) if not rspecValidator(rspecXML): error = rspecValidator.error_log.last_error message = '%s (line %s)' % (error.message, error.line) # XXX: InvalidRSpec is new. Currently, I am not working with Trunk code. #raise InvalidRSpec(message) raise Exception(message) # Get the slice from db or create one. s = == hrn).getOne(None) if s is None: s = Slice(slice_hrn = hrn) # Process any changes in existing instance allocation pendingRmInst = [] for sliceInst in s.instances: pendingRmInst.append(sliceInst.instance_id) existingInstGroup = rspecXML.findall('.//euca_instances') for instGroup in existingInstGroup: for existingInst in instGroup: if existingInst.get('id') in pendingRmInst: pendingRmInst.remove(existingInst.get('id')) for inst in pendingRmInst: print >>sys.stderr, 'Instance %s will be terminated' % inst dbInst = == inst).getOne(None) dbInst.destroySelf() conn.terminate_instances(pendingRmInst) # Process new instance requests requests = rspecXML.findall('.//request') for req in requests: vmTypeElement = req.getparent() instType = vmTypeElement.get('name') numInst = int(req.find('instances').text) instKernel = req.find('kernel_image').get('id') instDiskImg = req.find('disk_image').get('id') instKey = req.find('keypair').text ramDiskElement = req.find('ramdisk') ramDiskAttr = ramDiskElement.attrib if 'id' in ramDiskAttr: instRamDisk = ramDiskAttr['id'] else: instRamDisk = None # Create the instances for i in range(0, numInst): eucaInst = EucaInstance(slice = s, kernel_id = instKernel, image_id = instDiskImg, ramdisk_id = instRamDisk, key_pair = instKey, inst_type = instType) eucaInst.reserveInstance(conn) return True def main(): init_server() theRSpec = None with open(sys.argv[1]) as xml: theRSpec = create_slice(None, 'planetcloud.pc.test', theRSpec) #rspec = get_rspec('euca', 'planetcloud.pc.test', 'planetcloud.pc.marcoy') #print rspec if __name__ == "__main__": main()