from sfa.util.xrn import urn_to_hrn, hrn_to_urn, get_authority from sfa.util.plxrn import hrn_to_pl_slicename from sfa.util.plxrn import hrn_to_pl_slicename from sfa.util.rspec import RSpec from sfa.util.sfalogging import sfa_logger from sfa.util.config import Config from sfa.managers.aggregate_manager_pl import GetVersion import os import time RSPEC_TMP_FILE_PREFIX = "/tmp/max_rspec" # execute shell command and return both exit code and text output def shell_execute(cmd, timeout): pipe = os.popen('{ ' + cmd + '; } 2>&1', 'r') pipe = os.popen(cmd + ' 2>&1', 'r') text = '' while timeout: line = text += line time.sleep(1) timeout = timeout-1 code = pipe.close() if code is None: code = 0 if text[-1:] == '\n': text = text[:-1] return code, text """ call AM API client with command like in the following example: cd aggregate_client; java -classpath AggregateWS-client-api.jar:lib/* \ net.geni.aggregate.client.examples.CreateSliceNetworkClient \ ./repo https://geni:8443/axis2/services/AggregateGENI \ ... params ... """ def call_am_apiclient(client_app, params, timeout): (client_path, am_url) = Config().get_max_aggrMgr_info() sys_cmd = "cd " + client_path + "; java -classpath AggregateWS-client-api.jar:lib/* net.geni.aggregate.client.examples." + client_app + " ./repo " + am_url + " " + ' '.join(params) ret = shell_execute(sys_cmd, timeout) sfa_logger().debug("shell_execute cmd: %s returns %s" % (sys_cmd, ret)) # save request RSpec xml content to a tmp file def save_rspec_to_file(rspec): path = RSPEC_TMP_FILE_PREFIX + "_" + time.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(time.time())) +".xml" file = open(path, "w") file.write(rspec) file.close() return path # get stripped down slice id/name plc:maxpl:xi_slice1 --> xi_slice1 def get_short_slice_id(cred, hrn): if hrn == None: return None slice_id = hrn[hrn.rfind('+')+1:] if slice_id == None: slice_id = hrn[hrn.rfind(':')+1:] if slice_id == None: return hrn pass return str(slice_id) # extract xml def get_xml_by_tag(text, tag): indx1 = text.find('<'+tag) indx2 = text.find('/'+tag+'>') xml = None if indx1!=-1 and indx2>indx1: xml = text[indx1:indx2+len(tag)+2] return xml def create_slice(api, xrn, cred, rspec, users): indx1 = rspec.find("") if indx1 > -1 and indx2 > indx1: rspec = rspec[indx1+len(""):indx2-1] rspec_path = save_rspec_to_file(rspec) (ret, output) = call_am_apiclient("CreateSliceNetworkClient", [rspec_path,], 3) # parse output ? rspec = " Done! " def delete_slice(api, xrn, cred): slice_id = get_short_slice_id(cred, xrn) (ret, output) = call_am_apiclient("DeleteSliceNetworkClient", [slice_id,], 3) # parse output ? def get_rspec(api, cred, options): #geni_slice_urn: urn:publicid:IDN+plc:maxpl+slice+xi_rspec_test1 urn = options.get('geni_slice_urn') slice_id = get_short_slice_id(cred, urn) if slice_id == None: (ret, output) = call_am_apiclient("GetResourceTopology", ['all', '\"\"'], 5) (ret, output) = call_am_apiclient("GetResourceTopology", ['all', slice_id,], 5) # parse output into rspec XML if output.find("No resouce found") > 0: rspec = " No resource found " else: comp_rspec = get_xml_by_tag(output, 'computeResource') sfa_logger().debug("#### computeResource %s" % comp_rspec) topo_rspec = get_xml_by_tag(output, 'topology') sfa_logger().debug("#### topology %s" % topo_rspec) rspec = " "; if comp_rspec != None: rspec = rspec + get_xml_by_tag(output, 'computeResource') if topo_rspec != None: rspec = rspec + get_xml_by_tag(output, 'topology') rspec = rspec + " " return (rspec) def start_slice(api, xrn, cred): # service not supported return None def stop_slice(api, xrn, cred): # service not supported return None def reset_slices(api, xrn): # service not supported return None """ Returns the request context required by sfatables. At some point, this mechanism should be changed to refer to "contexts", which is the information that sfatables is requesting. But for now, we just return the basic information needed in a dict. """ def fetch_context(slice_hrn, user_hrn, contexts): base_context = {'sfa':{'user':{'hrn':user_hrn}}} return base_context api = SfaAPI() create_slice(api, "plc.maxpl.test000", None, rspec_xml, None)