import sys import socket import struct #The following is not essential #from soaplib.wsgi_soap import SimpleWSGISoapApp #from soaplib.serializers.primitive import * #from soaplib.serializers.clazz import * from sfa.util.faults import * from sfa.util.xrn import urn_to_hrn from sfa.util.rspec import RSpec from sfa.server.registry import Registries from sfa.util.config import Config from sfa.plc.nodes import * from sfa.util.callids import Callids # Message IDs for all the SFA light calls # This will be used by the aggrMgr controller SFA_GET_RESOURCES = 101 SFA_CREATE_SLICE = 102 SFA_START_SLICE = 103 SFA_STOP_SLICE = 104 SFA_DELETE_SLICE = 105 SFA_GET_SLICES = 106 SFA_RESET_SLICES = 107 DEBUG = 1 def print_buffer(buf): for i in range(0,len(buf)): print('%x' % buf[i]) def extract(sock): # Shud we first obtain the message length? # msg_len = socket.ntohs(sock.recv(2)) msg = "" while (1): try: chunk = sock.recv(1) except socket.error, message: if 'timed out' in message: break else: sys.exit("Socket error: " + message) if len(chunk) == 0: break msg += chunk print 'Done extracting %d bytes of response from aggrMgr' % len(msg) return msg def connect(server, port): '''Connect to the Aggregate Manager module''' sock = socket.socket ( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM ) sock.connect ( ( server, port) ) sock.settimeout(1) if DEBUG: print 'Connected!' return sock def connect_aggrMgr(): (aggr_mgr_ip, aggr_mgr_port) = Config().get_openflow_aggrMgr_info() if DEBUG: print """Connecting to port %d of %s""" % (aggr_mgr_port, aggr_mgr_ip) return connect(aggr_mgr_ip, aggr_mgr_port) def generate_slide_id(cred, hrn): if cred == None: cred = "" if hrn == None: hrn = "" #return cred + '_' + hrn return str(hrn) def msg_aggrMgr(cred, hrn, msg_id): slice_id = generate_slide_id(cred, hrn) msg = struct.pack('> B%ds' % len(slice_id), msg_id, slice_id) buf = struct.pack('> H', len(msg)+2) + msg try: aggrMgr_sock = connect_aggrMgr() aggrMgr_sock.send(buf) aggrMgr_sock.close() return 1 except socket.error, message: print "Socket error" except IOerror, message: print "IO error" return 0 def start_slice(cred, xrn): hrn = urn_to_hrn(xrn)[0] if DEBUG: print "Received start_slice call" return msg_aggrMgr(SFA_START_SLICE) def stop_slice(cred, xrn): hrn = urn_to_hrn(xrn)[0] if DEBUG: print "Received stop_slice call" return msg_aggrMgr(SFA_STOP_SLICE) def DeleteSliver(cred, xrn, call_id): if Callids().already_handled(call_id): return "" hrn = urn_to_hrn(xrn)[0] if DEBUG: print "Received DeleteSliver call" return msg_aggrMgr(SFA_DELETE_SLICE) def reset_slices(cred, xrn): hrn = urn_to_hrn(xrn)[0] if DEBUG: print "Received reset_slices call" return msg_aggrMgr(SFA_RESET_SLICES) ### Thierry: xxx this should ahve api as a first arg - probably outdated def CreateSliver(cred, xrn, rspec, call_id): if Callids().already_handled(call_id): return "" hrn = urn_to_hrn(xrn)[0] if DEBUG: print "Received CreateSliver call" slice_id = generate_slide_id(cred, hrn) msg = struct.pack('> B%ds%ds' % (len(slice_id)+1, len(rspec)), SFA_CREATE_SLICE, slice_id, rspec) buf = struct.pack('> H', len(msg)+2) + msg try: aggrMgr_sock = connect_aggrMgr() aggrMgr_sock.send(buf) if DEBUG: print "Sent %d bytes and closing connection" % len(buf) aggrMgr_sock.close() if DEBUG: print "----------------" return rspec except socket.error, message: print "Socket error" except IOerror, message: print "IO error" return "" # Thierry : xxx this would need to handle call_id like the other AMs but is outdated... def ListResources(cred, xrn=None): hrn = urn_to_hrn(xrn)[0] if DEBUG: print "Received ListResources call" slice_id = generate_slide_id(cred, hrn) msg = struct.pack('> B%ds' % len(slice_id), SFA_GET_RESOURCES, slice_id) buf = struct.pack('> H', len(msg)+2) + msg try: aggrMgr_sock = connect_aggrMgr() aggrMgr_sock.send(buf) resource_list = extract(aggrMgr_sock); aggrMgr_sock.close() if DEBUG: print "----------------" return resource_list except socket.error, message: print "Socket error" except IOerror, message: print "IO error" return None """ Returns the request context required by sfatables. At some point, this mechanism should be changed to refer to "contexts", which is the information that sfatables is requesting. But for now, we just return the basic information needed in a dict. """ def fetch_context(slice_hrn, user_hrn, contexts): base_context = {'sfa':{'user':{'hrn':user_hrn}}} return base_context def main(): r = RSpec() r.parseFile(sys.argv[1]) rspec = r.toDict() CreateSliver(None,'plc',rspec,'call-id-plc') if __name__ == "__main__": main()