### $Id: slices.py 15842 2009-11-22 09:56:13Z anil $ ### $URL: https://svn.planet-lab.org/svn/sfa/trunk/sfa/plc/slices.py $ import datetime import time import traceback import sys from types import StringTypes from sfa.util.misc import * from sfa.util.rspec import * from sfa.util.specdict import * from sfa.util.faults import * from sfa.util.record import GeniRecord from sfa.util.policy import Policy from sfa.util.prefixTree import prefixTree from sfa.util.debug import log from sfa.server.registry import Registries import sfa.plc.peers as peers def delete_slice(api, hrn): slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(hrn) slices = api.plshell.GetSlices(api.plauth, {'name': slicename}) if not slices: return 1 slice = slices[0] # determine if this is a peer slice peer = peers.get_peer(api, hrn) if peer: api.plshell.UnBindObjectFromPeer(api.plauth, 'slice', slice['slice_id'], peer) api.plshell.DeleteSliceFromNodes(api.plauth, slicename, slice['node_ids']) if peer: api.plshell.BindObjectToPeer(api.plauth, 'slice', slice['slice_id'], peer, slice['peer_slice_id']) return 1 def create_slice(api, hrn, rspec): # XX just import the legacy module and excute that until # we transition the code to this module from sfa.plc.slices import Slices slices = Slices(api) slices.create_slice(hrn, rspec) def start_slice(api, hrn): slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(hrn) slices = api.plshell.GetSlices(api.plauth, {'name': slicename}, ['slice_id']) if not slices: raise RecordNotFound(hrn) slice_id = slices[0] attributes = api.plshell.GetSliceTags(api.plauth, {'slice_id': slice_id, 'name': 'enabled'}, ['slice_attribute_id']) attribute_id = attreibutes[0]['slice_attribute_id'] api.plshell.UpdateSliceTag(api.plauth, attribute_id, "1" ) return 1 def stop_slice(api, hrn): slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(hrn) slices = api.plshell.GetSlices(api.plauth, {'name': slicename}, ['slice_id']) if not slices: raise RecordNotFound(hrn) slice_id = slices[0]['slice_id'] attributes = api.plshell.GetSliceTags(api.plauth, {'slice_id': slice_id, 'name': 'enabled'}, ['slice_attribute_id']) attribute_id = attributes[0]['slice_attribute_id'] api.plshell.UpdateSliceTag(api.plauth, attribute_id, "0") return 1 def reset_slice(api, hrn): # XX not implemented at this interface return 1 def get_slices(api): # XX just import the legacy module and excute that until # we transition the code to this module from sfa.plc.slices import Slices slices = Slices(api) slices.refresh() return slices['hrn'] def get_rspec(api, hrn=None, caller_cred=None): from sfa.plc.nodes import Nodes nodes = Nodes(api, caller_cred=caller_cred) if hrn: rspec = nodes.get_rspec(hrn) else: nodes.refresh() rspec = nodes['rspec'] return rspec """ Returns the request context required by sfatables. At some point, this mechanism should be changed to refer to "contexts", which is the information that sfatables is requesting. But for now, we just return the basic information needed in a dict. """ def fetch_context(slice_hrn, user_hrn, contexts): base_context = {'sfa':{'user':{'hrn':user_hrn}}} return base_context def main(): r = RSpec() r.parseFile(sys.argv[1]) rspec = r.toDict() create_slice(None,'plc.princeton.tmacktestslice',rspec) if __name__ == "__main__": main()