import types import time from sfa.server.registry import Registries from sfa.util.prefixTree import prefixTree from sfa.util.record import SfaRecord from sfa.util.table import SfaTable from sfa.util.record import SfaRecord from import GID from sfa.util.namespace import * from import * from import * from sfa.util.faults import * def get_credential(api, xrn, type, is_self=False): # convert xrn to hrn if type: hrn = urn_to_hrn(xrn)[0] else: hrn, type = urn_to_hrn(xrn) # Is this a root or sub authority auth_hrn = api.auth.get_authority(hrn) if not auth_hrn or hrn == api.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN: auth_hrn = hrn # get record info auth_info = api.auth.get_auth_info(auth_hrn) table = SfaTable() records = table.findObjects({'type': type, 'hrn': hrn}) if not records: raise RecordNotFound(hrn) record = records[0] # verify_cancreate_credential requires that the member lists # (researchers, pis, etc) be filled in api.fill_record_info(record) if record['type']=='user': if not record['enabled']: raise AccountNotEnabled(": PlanetLab account %s is not enabled. Please contact your site PI" %(record['email'])) # get the callers gid # if this is a self cred the record's gid is the caller's gid if is_self: caller_hrn = hrn caller_gid = record.get_gid_object() else: caller_gid = api.auth.client_cred.get_gid_caller() caller_hrn = caller_gid.get_hrn() object_hrn = record.get_gid_object().get_hrn() rights = api.auth.determine_user_rights(caller_hrn, record) # make sure caller has rights to this object if rights.is_empty(): raise PermissionError(caller_hrn + " has no rights to " + record['name']) object_gid = GID(string=record['gid']) new_cred = Credential(subject = object_gid.get_subject()) new_cred.set_gid_caller(caller_gid) new_cred.set_gid_object(object_gid) new_cred.set_issuer(key=auth_info.get_pkey_object(), subject=auth_hrn) new_cred.set_pubkey(object_gid.get_pubkey()) new_cred.set_privileges(rights) new_cred.set_delegate(True) auth_kind = "authority,ma,sa" new_cred.set_parent(api.auth.hierarchy.get_auth_cred(auth_hrn, kind=auth_kind)) new_cred.encode() new_cred.sign() return new_cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True) def resolve(api, xrns, type=None, origin_hrn=None, full=True): # load all know registry names into a prefix tree and attempt to find # the longest matching prefix if not isinstance(xrns, types.ListType): xrns = [xrns] hrns = [urn_to_hrn(xrn)[0] for xrn in xrns] # create a dict whre key is an registry hrn and its value is a # hrns at that registry (determined by the known prefix tree). xrn_dict = {} # XX Preload this into the api module registries = Registries(api) tree = prefixTree() registry_hrns = registries.keys() tree.load(registry_hrns) for xrn in xrns: registry_hrn = tree.best_match(urn_to_hrn(xrn)[0]) if registry_hrn not in xrn_dict: xrn_dict[registry_hrn] = [] xrn_dict[registry_hrn].append(xrn) records = [] for registry_hrn in xrn_dict: # skip the hrn without a registry hrn # XX should we let the user know the authority is unknown? if not registry_hrn: continue # if the best match (longest matching hrn) is not the local registry, # forward the request xrns = xrn_dict[registry_hrn] if registry_hrn != api.hrn: credential = api.getCredential() peer_records = registries[registry_hrn].resolve(credential, xrns, origin_hrn) records.extend([SfaRecord(dict=record).as_dict() for record in peer_records]) # try resolving the remaining unfound records at the local registry remaining_hrns = set(hrns).difference([record['hrn'] for record in records]) # convert set to list remaining_hrns = [hrn for hrn in remaining_hrns] table = SfaTable() local_records = table.findObjects({'hrn': remaining_hrns}) if full: api.fill_record_info(local_records) records.extend(local_records) if not records: raise RecordNotFound(str(hrns)) if type: records = filter(lambda rec: rec['type'] in [type], records) return records def list(api, xrn, origin_hrn=None): hrn, type = urn_to_hrn(xrn) # load all know registry names into a prefix tree and attempt to find # the longest matching prefix records = [] registries = Registries(api) registry_hrns = registries.keys() tree = prefixTree() tree.load(registry_hrns) registry_hrn = tree.best_match(hrn) #if there was no match then this record belongs to an unknow registry if not registry_hrn: raise MissingAuthority(xrn) # if the best match (longest matching hrn) is not the local registry, # forward the request records = [] if registry_hrn != api.hrn: credential = api.getCredential() record_list = registries[registry_hrn].list(credential, xrn, origin_hrn) records = [SfaRecord(dict=record).as_dict() for record in record_list] # if we still havnt found the record yet, try the local registry if not records: if not api.auth.hierarchy.auth_exists(hrn): raise MissingAuthority(hrn) table = SfaTable() records = table.find({'authority': hrn}) return records def register(api, record): hrn, type = record['hrn'], record['type'] # validate the type if type not in ['authority', 'slice', 'node', 'user']: raise UnknownSfaType(type) # check if record already exists table = SfaTable() existing_records = table.find({'type': type, 'hrn': hrn}) if existing_records: raise ExistingRecord(hrn) record = SfaRecord(dict = record) record['authority'] = get_authority(record['hrn']) type = record['type'] hrn = record['hrn'] api.auth.verify_object_permission(hrn) auth_info = api.auth.get_auth_info(record['authority']) pub_key = None # make sure record has a gid if 'gid' not in record: uuid = create_uuid() pkey = Keypair(create=True) if 'key' in record and record['key']: if isinstance(record['key'], types.ListType): pub_key = record['key'][0] else: pub_key = record['key'] pkey = convert_public_key(pub_key) gid_object = api.auth.hierarchy.create_gid(hrn, uuid, pkey) gid = gid_object.save_to_string(save_parents=True) record['gid'] = gid record.set_gid(gid) if type in ["authority"]: # update the tree if not api.auth.hierarchy.auth_exists(hrn): api.auth.hierarchy.create_auth(hrn) # get the GID from the newly created authority gid = auth_info.get_gid_object() record.set_gid(gid.save_to_string(save_parents=True)) pl_record = api.sfa_fields_to_pl_fields(type, hrn, record) sites = api.plshell.GetSites(api.plauth, [pl_record['login_base']]) if not sites: pointer = api.plshell.AddSite(api.plauth, pl_record) else: pointer = sites[0]['site_id'] record.set_pointer(pointer) record['pointer'] = pointer elif (type == "slice"): acceptable_fields=['url', 'instantiation', 'name', 'description'] pl_record = api.sfa_fields_to_pl_fields(type, hrn, record) for key in pl_record.keys(): if key not in acceptable_fields: pl_record.pop(key) slices = api.plshell.GetSlices(api.plauth, [pl_record['name']]) if not slices: pointer = api.plshell.AddSlice(api.plauth, pl_record) else: pointer = slices[0]['slice_id'] record.set_pointer(pointer) record['pointer'] = pointer elif (type == "user"): persons = api.plshell.GetPersons(api.plauth, [record['email']]) if not persons: pointer = api.plshell.AddPerson(api.plauth, dict(record)) else: pointer = persons[0]['person_id'] if 'enabled' in record and record['enabled']: api.plshell.UpdatePerson(api.plauth, pointer, {'enabled': record['enabled']}) # add this persons to the site only if he is being added for the first # time by sfa and doesont already exist in plc if not persons or not persons[0]['site_ids']: login_base = get_leaf(record['authority']) api.plshell.AddPersonToSite(api.plauth, pointer, login_base) # What roles should this user have? api.plshell.AddRoleToPerson(api.plauth, 'user', pointer) # Add the user's key if pub_key: api.plshell.AddPersonKey(api.plauth, pointer, {'key_type' : 'ssh', 'key' : pub_key}) elif (type == "node"): pl_record = api.sfa_fields_to_pl_fields(type, hrn, record) login_base = hrn_to_pl_login_base(record['authority']) nodes = api.plshell.GetNodes(api.plauth, [pl_record['hostname']]) if not nodes: pointer = api.plshell.AddNode(api.plauth, login_base, pl_record) else: pointer = nodes[0]['node_id'] record['pointer'] = pointer record.set_pointer(pointer) record_id = table.insert(record) record['record_id'] = record_id # update membership for researchers, pis, owners, operators api.update_membership(None, record) return record.get_gid_object().save_to_string(save_parents=True) def update(api, record_dict): new_record = SfaRecord(dict = record_dict) type = new_record['type'] hrn = new_record['hrn'] api.auth.verify_object_permission(hrn) table = SfaTable() # make sure the record exists records = table.findObjects({'type': type, 'hrn': hrn}) if not records: raise RecordNotFound(hrn) record = records[0] record['last_updated'] = time.gmtime() # Update_membership needs the membership lists in the existing record # filled in, so it can see if members were added or removed api.fill_record_info(record) # Use the pointer from the existing record, not the one that the user # gave us. This prevents the user from inserting a forged pointer pointer = record['pointer'] # update the PLC information that was specified with the record if (type == "authority"): api.plshell.UpdateSite(api.plauth, pointer, new_record) elif type == "slice": pl_record=api.sfa_fields_to_pl_fields(type, hrn, new_record) if 'name' in pl_record: pl_record.pop('name') api.plshell.UpdateSlice(api.plauth, pointer, pl_record) elif type == "user": # SMBAKER: UpdatePerson only allows a limited set of fields to be # updated. Ideally we should have a more generic way of doing # this. I copied the field names from update_fields = {} all_fields = new_record for key in all_fields.keys(): if key in ['first_name', 'last_name', 'title', 'email', 'password', 'phone', 'url', 'bio', 'accepted_aup', 'enabled']: update_fields[key] = all_fields[key] api.plshell.UpdatePerson(api.plauth, pointer, update_fields) if 'key' in new_record and new_record['key']: # must check this key against the previous one if it exists persons = api.plshell.GetPersons(api.plauth, [pointer], ['key_ids']) person = persons[0] keys = person['key_ids'] keys = api.plshell.GetKeys(api.plauth, person['key_ids']) key_exists = False if isinstance(new_record['key'], types.ListType): new_key = new_record['key'][0] else: new_key = new_record['key'] # Delete all stale keys for key in keys: if new_record['key'] != key['key']: api.plshell.DeleteKey(api.plauth, key['key_id']) else: key_exists = True if not key_exists: api.plshell.AddPersonKey(api.plauth, pointer, {'key_type': 'ssh', 'key': new_key}) # update the openssl key and gid pkey = convert_public_key(new_key) uuid = create_uuid() gid_object = api.auth.hierarchy.create_gid(hrn, uuid, pkey) gid = gid_object.save_to_string(save_parents=True) record['gid'] = gid record = SfaRecord(dict=record) table.update(record) elif type == "node": api.plshell.UpdateNode(api.plauth, pointer, new_record) else: raise UnknownSfaType(type) # update membership for researchers, pis, owners, operators api.update_membership(record, new_record) return 1 def remove(api, xrn, type, origin_hrn=None): # convert xrn to hrn if type: hrn = urn_to_hrn(xrn)[0] else: hrn, type = urn_to_hrn(xrn) table = SfaTable() filter = {'hrn': hrn} if type not in ['all', '*']: filter['type'] = type records = table.find(filter) if not records: raise RecordNotFound(hrn) record = records[0] type = record['type'] credential = api.getCredential() registries = Registries(api) # Try to remove the object from the PLCDB of federated agg. # This is attempted before removing the object from the local agg's PLCDB and sfa table if hrn.startswith(api.hrn) and type in ['user', 'slice', 'authority']: for registry in registries: if registry not in [api.hrn]: try: result=registries[registry].remove_peer_object(credential, record, origin_hrn) except: pass if type == "user": persons = api.plshell.GetPersons(api.plauth, record['pointer']) # only delete this person if he has site ids. if he doesnt, it probably means # he was just removed from a site, not actually deleted if persons and persons[0]['site_ids']: api.plshell.DeletePerson(api.plauth, record['pointer']) elif type == "slice": if api.plshell.GetSlices(api.plauth, record['pointer']): api.plshell.DeleteSlice(api.plauth, record['pointer']) elif type == "node": if api.plshell.GetNodes(api.plauth, record['pointer']): api.plshell.DeleteNode(api.plauth, record['pointer']) elif type == "authority": if api.plshell.GetSites(api.plauth, record['pointer']): api.plshell.DeleteSite(api.plauth, record['pointer']) else: raise UnknownSfaType(type) table.remove(record) return 1 def remove_peer_object(api, record, origin_hrn=None): pass def register_peer_object(api, record, origin_hrn=None): pass