from sfa.util.faults import * from sfa.util.namespace import * from sfa.util.method import Method from sfa.util.parameter import Parameter, Mixed from sfa.util.sfatablesRuntime import run_sfatables import sys from import Credential from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger class CreateSliver(Method): """ Allocate resources to a slice. This operation is expected to start the allocated resources asynchornously after the operation has successfully completed. Callers can check on the status of the resources using SliverStatus. @param slice_urn (string) URN of slice to allocate to @param credentials ([string]) of credentials @param rspec (string) rspec to allocate """ interfaces = ['aggregate', 'slicemgr', 'geni_am'] accepts = [ Parameter(str, "Slice URN"), Mixed(Parameter(str, "Credential string"), Parameter(type([str]), "List of credentials")), Parameter(str, "RSpec"), Parameter(type([]), "List of user information") ] returns = Parameter(str, "Allocated RSpec") def call(self, slice_xrn, creds, rspec, users): hrn, type = urn_to_hrn(slice_xrn)"interface: %s\ttarget-hrn: %s\tmethod-name: %s"%(self.api.interface, hrn, # Find the valid credentials valid_creds = self.api.auth.checkCredentials(creds, 'createsliver', hrn) origin_hrn = Credential(string=valid_creds[0]).get_gid_caller().get_hrn() manager = self.api.get_interface_manager() # flter rspec through sfatables if self.api.interface in ['aggregate', 'geni_am']: chain_name = 'OUTGOING' elif self.api.interface in ['slicemgr']: chain_name = 'FORWARD-OUTGOING' rspec = run_sfatables(chain_name, hrn, origin_hrn, rspec) allocated = manager.create_slice(self.api, slice_xrn, valid_creds, rspec, users) if allocated: return rspec return ''