### $Id: update.py 16477 2010-01-05 16:31:37Z thierry $ ### $URL: https://svn.planet-lab.org/svn/sfa/trunk/sfa/methods/update.py $ import time from sfa.util.faults import * from sfa.util.method import Method from sfa.util.parameter import Parameter, Mixed from sfa.util.debug import log from sfa.trust.credential import Credential class update(Method): """ Update an object in the registry. Currently, this only updates the PLC information associated with the record. The SFA fields (name, type, GID) are fixed. @param cred credential string specifying rights of the caller @param record a record dictionary to be updated @return 1 if successful, faults otherwise """ interfaces = ['registry'] accepts = [ Parameter(str, "Credential string"), Parameter(dict, "Record dictionary to be updated"), Mixed(Parameter(str, "Human readable name of the original caller"), Parameter(None, "Origin hrn not specified")) ] returns = Parameter(int, "1 if successful") def call(self, cred, record_dict, origin_hrn=None): user_cred = Credential(string=cred) #log the call if not origin_hrn: origin_hrn = user_cred.get_gid_caller().get_hrn() self.api.logger.info("interface: %s\tcaller-hrn: %s\ttarget-hrn: %s\tmethod-name: %s"%(self.api.interface, origin_hrn, None, self.name)) # validate the cred self.api.auth.check(cred, "update") # send the call to the right manager manager_base = 'sfa.managers' mgr_type = self.api.config.SFA_REGISTRY_TYPE manager_module = manager_base + ".registry_manager_%s" % mgr_type manager = __import__(manager_module, fromlist=[manager_base]) return manager.update(self.api, record_dict)