### $Id$ ### $URL$ import time from sfa.util.faults import * from sfa.util.method import Method from sfa.util.parameter import Parameter, Mixed from sfa.trust.auth import Auth from sfa.util.config import Config from sfa.trust.credential import Credential from sfa.util.genitable import GeniTable from sfa.util.sfaticket import SfaTicket from sfa.plc.slices import Slices from sfatables.runtime import SFATablesRules from sfa.util.rspec import * class get_ticket(Method): """ Retrieve a ticket. This operation is currently implemented on PLC only (see SFA, engineering decisions); it is not implemented on components. The ticket is filled in with information from the PLC database. This information includes resources, and attributes such as user keys and initscripts. @param cred credential string @param name name of the slice to retrieve a ticket for @param rspec resource specification dictionary @return the string representation of a ticket object """ interfaces = ['aggregate', 'slicemgr'] accepts = [ Parameter(str, "Credential string"), Parameter(str, "Human readable name of slice to retrive a ticket for (hrn)"), Parameter(str, "Resource specification (rspec)"), Mixed(Parameter(str, "Request hash"), Parameter(None, "Request hash not specified")) ] returns = Parameter(str, "String represeneation of a ticket object") def call(self, cred, hrn, rspec, request_hash=None): user_cred = Credential(string=cred) #log the call gid_origin_caller = user_cred.get_gid_origin_caller() origin_hrn = gid_origin_caller.get_hrn() self.api.logger.info("interface: %s\tcaller-hrn: %s\ttarget-hrn: %s\tmethod-name: %s"%(self.api.interface, origin_hrn, hrn, self.name)) self.api.auth.authenticateCred(cred, [cred, hrn, rspec], request_hash) self.api.auth.check(cred, "getticket") # set the right outgoing rules manager_base = 'sfa.managers' if self.api.interface in ['aggregate']: outgoing_rules = SFATablesRules('OUTGOING') mgr_type = self.api.config.SFA_AGGREGATE_TYPE manager_module = manager_base + ".aggregate_manager_%s" % mgr_type manager = __import__(manager_module, fromlist=[manager_base]) elif self.api.interface in ['slicemgr']: outgoing_rules = SFATablesRules('FORWARD-OUTGOING') mgr_type = self.api.config.SFA_SM_TYPE manager_module = manager_base + ".slice_manager_%s" % mgr_type manager = __import__(manager_module, fromlist=[manager_base]) # Filter the incoming rspec using sfatables incoming_rules = SFATablesRules('INCOMING') #incoming_rules.set_slice(hrn) # This is a temporary kludge. Eventually, we'd like to fetch the context requested by the match/target contexts = incoming_rules.contexts caller_hrn = Credential(string=cred).get_gid_caller().get_hrn() request_context = manager.fetch_context(hrn, caller_hrn, contexts) incoming_rules.set_context(request_context) rspec = incoming_rules.apply(rspec) # remove nodes that are not available at this interface from the rspec valid_rspec = RSpec(xml=manager.get_rspec(self.api, None, origin_hrn)) valid_nodes = valid_rspec.getDictsByTagName('NodeSpec') valid_hostnames = [node['name'] for node in valid_nodes] rspec_object = RSpec(xml=rspec) rspec_object.filter(tagname='NodeSpec', attribute='name', whitelist=valid_hostnames) rspec = rspec_object.toxml() ticket = manager.get_ticket(self.api, hrn, rspec, gid_origin_caller) return ticket