# # SFA XML-RPC and SOAP interfaces # import os import tempfile import datetime import xmlrpclib from sfa.util.faults import RecordNotFound, MissingSfaInfo from sfa.util.api import BaseAPI from sfa.util.config import Config from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger import sfa.util.xmlrpcprotocol as xmlrpcprotocol from sfa.util.xrn import hrn_to_urn from sfa.util.plxrn import hostname_to_hrn, hrn_to_pl_slicename, \ hrn_to_pl_slicename, slicename_to_hrn, hrn_to_pl_login_base from sfa.util.nodemanager import NodeManager from sfa.trust.auth import Auth from sfa.trust.rights import determine_rights from sfa.trust.credential import Credential from sfa.trust.certificate import Certificate, Keypair from sfa.trust.gid import GID try: from collections import defaultdict except: class defaultdict(dict): def __init__(self, default_factory=None, *a, **kw): if (default_factory is not None and not hasattr(default_factory, '__call__')): raise TypeError('first argument must be callable') dict.__init__(self, *a, **kw) self.default_factory = default_factory def __getitem__(self, key): try: return dict.__getitem__(self, key) except KeyError: return self.__missing__(key) def __missing__(self, key): if self.default_factory is None: raise KeyError(key) self[key] = value = self.default_factory() return value def __reduce__(self): if self.default_factory is None: args = tuple() else: args = self.default_factory, return type(self), args, None, None, self.items() def copy(self): return self.__copy__() def __copy__(self): return type(self)(self.default_factory, self) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): import copy return type(self)(self.default_factory, copy.deepcopy(self.items())) def __repr__(self): return 'defaultdict(%s, %s)' % (self.default_factory, dict.__repr__(self)) ## end of http://code.activestate.com/recipes/523034/ }}} def list_to_dict(recs, key): """ convert a list of dictionaries into a dictionary keyed on the specified dictionary key """ keys = [rec[key] for rec in recs] return dict(zip(keys, recs)) class SfaAPI(BaseAPI): # flat list of method names import sfa.methods methods = sfa.methods.all def __init__(self, config = "/etc/sfa/sfa_config.py", encoding = "utf-8", methods='sfa.methods', peer_cert = None, interface = None, key_file = None, cert_file = None, cache = None): BaseAPI.__init__(self, config=config, encoding=encoding, methods=methods, \ peer_cert=peer_cert, interface=interface, key_file=key_file, \ cert_file=cert_file, cache=cache) self.encoding = encoding from sfa.util.table import SfaTable self.SfaTable = SfaTable # Better just be documenting the API if config is None: return # Load configuration self.config = Config(config) self.auth = Auth(peer_cert) self.interface = interface self.key_file = key_file self.key = Keypair(filename=self.key_file) self.cert_file = cert_file self.cert = Certificate(filename=self.cert_file) self.credential = None # Initialize the PLC shell only if SFA wraps a myPLC rspec_type = self.config.get_aggregate_type() if (rspec_type == 'pl' or rspec_type == 'vini' or \ rspec_type == 'eucalyptus' or rspec_type == 'max'): self.plshell = self.getPLCShell() self.plshell_version = "4.3" self.hrn = self.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN self.time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" def getPLCShell(self): self.plauth = {'Username': self.config.SFA_PLC_USER, 'AuthMethod': 'password', 'AuthString': self.config.SFA_PLC_PASSWORD} # The native shell (PLC.Shell.Shell) is more efficient than xmlrpc, # but it leaves idle db connections open. use xmlrpc until we can figure # out why PLC.Shell.Shell doesn't close db connection properly #try: # sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath("/usr/bin/plcsh"))) # self.plshell_type = 'direct' # import PLC.Shell # shell = PLC.Shell.Shell(globals = globals()) #except: self.plshell_type = 'xmlrpc' url = self.config.SFA_PLC_URL shell = xmlrpclib.Server(url, verbose = 0, allow_none = True) return shell def get_server(self, interface, cred, timeout=30): """ Returns a connection to the specified interface. Use the specified credential to determine the caller and look for the caller's key/cert in the registry hierarchy cache. """ from sfa.trust.hierarchy import Hierarchy if not isinstance(cred, Credential): cred_obj = Credential(string=cred) else: cred_obj = cred caller_gid = cred_obj.get_gid_caller() hierarchy = Hierarchy() auth_info = hierarchy.get_auth_info(caller_gid.get_hrn()) key_file = auth_info.get_privkey_filename() cert_file = auth_info.get_gid_filename() server = interface.get_server(key_file, cert_file, timeout) return server def getCredential(self): """ Return a valid credential for this interface. """ type = 'authority' path = self.config.SFA_DATA_DIR filename = ".".join([self.interface, self.hrn, type, "cred"]) cred_filename = path + os.sep + filename cred = None if os.path.isfile(cred_filename): cred = Credential(filename = cred_filename) # make sure cred isnt expired if not cred.get_expiration or \ datetime.datetime.utcnow() < cred.get_expiration(): return cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True) # get a new credential if self.interface in ['registry']: cred = self.__getCredentialRaw() else: cred = self.__getCredential() cred.save_to_file(cred_filename, save_parents=True) return cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True) def getDelegatedCredential(self, creds): """ Attempt to find a credential delegated to us in the specified list of creds. """ from sfa.trust.hierarchy import Hierarchy if creds and not isinstance(creds, list): creds = [creds] hierarchy = Hierarchy() delegated_cred = None for cred in creds: if hierarchy.auth_exists(Credential(string=cred).get_gid_caller().get_hrn()): delegated_cred = cred break return delegated_cred def __getCredential(self): """ Get our credential from a remote registry """ from sfa.server.registry import Registries registries = Registries() registry = registries.get_server(self.hrn, self.key_file, self.cert_file) cert_string=self.cert.save_to_string(save_parents=True) # get self credential self_cred = registry.GetSelfCredential(cert_string, self.hrn, 'authority') # get credential cred = registry.GetCredential(self_cred, self.hrn, 'authority') return Credential(string=cred) def __getCredentialRaw(self): """ Get our current credential directly from the local registry. """ hrn = self.hrn auth_hrn = self.auth.get_authority(hrn) # is this a root or sub authority if not auth_hrn or hrn == self.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN: auth_hrn = hrn auth_info = self.auth.get_auth_info(auth_hrn) table = self.SfaTable() records = table.findObjects({'hrn': hrn, 'type': 'authority+sa'}) if not records: raise RecordNotFound record = records[0] type = record['type'] object_gid = record.get_gid_object() new_cred = Credential(subject = object_gid.get_subject()) new_cred.set_gid_caller(object_gid) new_cred.set_gid_object(object_gid) new_cred.set_issuer_keys(auth_info.get_privkey_filename(), auth_info.get_gid_filename()) r1 = determine_rights(type, hrn) new_cred.set_privileges(r1) new_cred.encode() new_cred.sign() return new_cred def loadCredential (self): """ Attempt to load credential from file if it exists. If it doesnt get credential from registry. """ # see if this file exists # XX This is really the aggregate's credential. Using this is easier than getting # the registry's credential from iteslf (ssl errors). ma_cred_filename = self.config.SFA_DATA_DIR + os.sep + self.interface + self.hrn + ".ma.cred" try: self.credential = Credential(filename = ma_cred_filename) except IOError: self.credential = self.getCredentialFromRegistry() ## # Convert SFA fields to PLC fields for use when registering up updating # registry record in the PLC database # # @param type type of record (user, slice, ...) # @param hrn human readable name # @param sfa_fields dictionary of SFA fields # @param pl_fields dictionary of PLC fields (output) def sfa_fields_to_pl_fields(self, type, hrn, record): def convert_ints(tmpdict, int_fields): for field in int_fields: if field in tmpdict: tmpdict[field] = int(tmpdict[field]) pl_record = {} #for field in record: # pl_record[field] = record[field] if type == "slice": if not "instantiation" in pl_record: pl_record["instantiation"] = "plc-instantiated" pl_record["name"] = hrn_to_pl_slicename(hrn) if "url" in record: pl_record["url"] = record["url"] if "description" in record: pl_record["description"] = record["description"] if "expires" in record: pl_record["expires"] = int(record["expires"]) elif type == "node": if not "hostname" in pl_record: if not "hostname" in record: raise MissingSfaInfo("hostname") pl_record["hostname"] = record["hostname"] if not "model" in pl_record: pl_record["model"] = "geni" elif type == "authority": pl_record["login_base"] = hrn_to_pl_login_base(hrn) if not "name" in pl_record: pl_record["name"] = hrn if not "abbreviated_name" in pl_record: pl_record["abbreviated_name"] = hrn if not "enabled" in pl_record: pl_record["enabled"] = True if not "is_public" in pl_record: pl_record["is_public"] = True return pl_record def fill_record_pl_info(self, records): """ Fill in the planetlab specific fields of a SFA record. This involves calling the appropriate PLC method to retrieve the database record for the object. PLC data is filled into the pl_info field of the record. @param record: record to fill in field (in/out param) """ # get ids by type node_ids, site_ids, slice_ids = [], [], [] person_ids, key_ids = [], [] type_map = {'node': node_ids, 'authority': site_ids, 'slice': slice_ids, 'user': person_ids} for record in records: for type in type_map: if type == record['type']: type_map[type].append(record['pointer']) # get pl records nodes, sites, slices, persons, keys = {}, {}, {}, {}, {} if node_ids: node_list = self.plshell.GetNodes(self.plauth, node_ids) nodes = list_to_dict(node_list, 'node_id') if site_ids: site_list = self.plshell.GetSites(self.plauth, site_ids) sites = list_to_dict(site_list, 'site_id') if slice_ids: slice_list = self.plshell.GetSlices(self.plauth, slice_ids) slices = list_to_dict(slice_list, 'slice_id') if person_ids: person_list = self.plshell.GetPersons(self.plauth, person_ids) persons = list_to_dict(person_list, 'person_id') for person in persons: key_ids.extend(persons[person]['key_ids']) pl_records = {'node': nodes, 'authority': sites, 'slice': slices, 'user': persons} if key_ids: key_list = self.plshell.GetKeys(self.plauth, key_ids) keys = list_to_dict(key_list, 'key_id') # fill record info for record in records: # records with pointer==-1 do not have plc info. # for example, the top level authority records which are # authorities, but not PL "sites" if record['pointer'] == -1: continue for type in pl_records: if record['type'] == type: if record['pointer'] in pl_records[type]: record.update(pl_records[type][record['pointer']]) break # fill in key info if record['type'] == 'user': if 'key_ids' not in record: logger.info("user record has no 'key_ids' - need to import from myplc ?") else: pubkeys = [keys[key_id]['key'] for key_id in record['key_ids'] if key_id in keys] record['keys'] = pubkeys # fill in record hrns records = self.fill_record_hrns(records) return records def fill_record_hrns(self, records): """ convert pl ids to hrns """ # get ids slice_ids, person_ids, site_ids, node_ids = [], [], [], [] for record in records: if 'site_id' in record: site_ids.append(record['site_id']) if 'site_ids' in records: site_ids.extend(record['site_ids']) if 'person_ids' in record: person_ids.extend(record['person_ids']) if 'slice_ids' in record: slice_ids.extend(record['slice_ids']) if 'node_ids' in record: node_ids.extend(record['node_ids']) # get pl records slices, persons, sites, nodes = {}, {}, {}, {} if site_ids: site_list = self.plshell.GetSites(self.plauth, site_ids, ['site_id', 'login_base']) sites = list_to_dict(site_list, 'site_id') if person_ids: person_list = self.plshell.GetPersons(self.plauth, person_ids, ['person_id', 'email']) persons = list_to_dict(person_list, 'person_id') if slice_ids: slice_list = self.plshell.GetSlices(self.plauth, slice_ids, ['slice_id', 'name']) slices = list_to_dict(slice_list, 'slice_id') if node_ids: node_list = self.plshell.GetNodes(self.plauth, node_ids, ['node_id', 'hostname']) nodes = list_to_dict(node_list, 'node_id') # convert ids to hrns for record in records: # get all relevant data type = record['type'] pointer = record['pointer'] auth_hrn = self.hrn login_base = '' if pointer == -1: continue if 'site_id' in record: site = sites[record['site_id']] login_base = site['login_base'] record['site'] = ".".join([auth_hrn, login_base]) if 'person_ids' in record: emails = [persons[person_id]['email'] for person_id in record['person_ids'] \ if person_id in persons] usernames = [email.split('@')[0] for email in emails] person_hrns = [".".join([auth_hrn, login_base, username]) for username in usernames] record['persons'] = person_hrns if 'slice_ids' in record: slicenames = [slices[slice_id]['name'] for slice_id in record['slice_ids'] \ if slice_id in slices] slice_hrns = [slicename_to_hrn(auth_hrn, slicename) for slicename in slicenames] record['slices'] = slice_hrns if 'node_ids' in record: hostnames = [nodes[node_id]['hostname'] for node_id in record['node_ids'] \ if node_id in nodes] node_hrns = [hostname_to_hrn(auth_hrn, login_base, hostname) for hostname in hostnames] record['nodes'] = node_hrns if 'site_ids' in record: login_bases = [sites[site_id]['login_base'] for site_id in record['site_ids'] \ if site_id in sites] site_hrns = [".".join([auth_hrn, lbase]) for lbase in login_bases] record['sites'] = site_hrns return records def fill_record_sfa_info(self, records): def startswith(prefix, values): return [value for value in values if value.startswith(prefix)] # get person ids person_ids = [] site_ids = [] for record in records: person_ids.extend(record.get("person_ids", [])) site_ids.extend(record.get("site_ids", [])) if 'site_id' in record: site_ids.append(record['site_id']) # get all pis from the sites we've encountered # and store them in a dictionary keyed on site_id site_pis = {} if site_ids: pi_filter = {'|roles': ['pi'], '|site_ids': site_ids} pi_list = self.plshell.GetPersons(self.plauth, pi_filter, ['person_id', 'site_ids']) for pi in pi_list: # we will need the pi's hrns also person_ids.append(pi['person_id']) # we also need to keep track of the sites these pis # belong to for site_id in pi['site_ids']: if site_id in site_pis: site_pis[site_id].append(pi) else: site_pis[site_id] = [pi] # get sfa records for all records associated with these records. # we'll replace pl ids (person_ids) with hrns from the sfa records # we obtain # get the sfa records table = self.SfaTable() person_list, persons = [], {} person_list = table.find({'type': 'user', 'pointer': person_ids}) # create a hrns keyed on the sfa record's pointer. # Its possible for multiple records to have the same pointer so # the dict's value will be a list of hrns. persons = defaultdict(list) for person in person_list: persons[person['pointer']].append(person) # get the pl records pl_person_list, pl_persons = [], {} pl_person_list = self.plshell.GetPersons(self.plauth, person_ids, ['person_id', 'roles']) pl_persons = list_to_dict(pl_person_list, 'person_id') # fill sfa info for record in records: # skip records with no pl info (top level authorities) #if record['pointer'] == -1: # continue sfa_info = {} type = record['type'] if (type == "slice"): # all slice users are researchers record['geni_urn'] = hrn_to_urn(record['hrn'], 'slice') record['PI'] = [] record['researcher'] = [] for person_id in record.get('person_ids', []): hrns = [person['hrn'] for person in persons[person_id]] record['researcher'].extend(hrns) # pis at the slice's site if 'site_id' in record and record['site_id'] in site_pis: pl_pis = site_pis[record['site_id']] pi_ids = [pi['person_id'] for pi in pl_pis] for person_id in pi_ids: hrns = [person['hrn'] for person in persons[person_id]] record['PI'].extend(hrns) record['geni_creator'] = record['PI'] elif (type.startswith("authority")): record['url'] = None if record['hrn'] in self.aggregates: record['url'] = self.aggregates[record['hrn']].get_url() if record['pointer'] != -1: record['PI'] = [] record['operator'] = [] record['owner'] = [] for pointer in record.get('person_ids', []): if pointer not in persons or pointer not in pl_persons: # this means there is not sfa or pl record for this user continue hrns = [person['hrn'] for person in persons[pointer]] roles = pl_persons[pointer]['roles'] if 'pi' in roles: record['PI'].extend(hrns) if 'tech' in roles: record['operator'].extend(hrns) if 'admin' in roles: record['owner'].extend(hrns) # xxx TODO: OrganizationName elif (type == "node"): sfa_info['dns'] = record.get("hostname", "") # xxx TODO: URI, LatLong, IP, DNS elif (type == "user"): sfa_info['email'] = record.get("email", "") sfa_info['geni_urn'] = hrn_to_urn(record['hrn'], 'user') sfa_info['geni_certificate'] = record['gid'] # xxx TODO: PostalAddress, Phone record.update(sfa_info) def fill_record_info(self, records): """ Given a SFA record, fill in the PLC specific and SFA specific fields in the record. """ if not isinstance(records, list): records = [records] self.fill_record_pl_info(records) self.fill_record_sfa_info(records) def update_membership_list(self, oldRecord, record, listName, addFunc, delFunc): # get a list of the HRNs that are members of the old and new records if oldRecord: oldList = oldRecord.get(listName, []) else: oldList = [] newList = record.get(listName, []) # ugly hack to see what's next def normalize (value): from types import StringTypes from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger if isinstance(value,StringTypes): return value elif isinstance(value,dict): newvalue=value['text'] logger.info("Normalizing %s=>%s"%(value,newvalue)) return newvalue newList=[normalize(v) for v in newList] # if the lists are the same, then we don't have to update anything if (oldList == newList): return # build a list of the new person ids, by looking up each person to get # their pointer newIdList = [] table = self.SfaTable() records = table.find({'type': 'user', 'hrn': newList}) for rec in records: newIdList.append(rec['pointer']) # build a list of the old person ids from the person_ids field if oldRecord: oldIdList = oldRecord.get("person_ids", []) containerId = oldRecord.get_pointer() else: # if oldRecord==None, then we are doing a Register, instead of an # update. oldIdList = [] containerId = record.get_pointer() # add people who are in the new list, but not the oldList for personId in newIdList: if not (personId in oldIdList): addFunc(self.plauth, personId, containerId) # remove people who are in the old list, but not the new list for personId in oldIdList: if not (personId in newIdList): delFunc(self.plauth, personId, containerId) def update_membership(self, oldRecord, record): if record.type == "slice": self.update_membership_list(oldRecord, record, 'researcher', self.plshell.AddPersonToSlice, self.plshell.DeletePersonFromSlice) elif record.type == "authority": # xxx TODO pass class ComponentAPI(BaseAPI): def __init__(self, config = "/etc/sfa/sfa_config.py", encoding = "utf-8", methods='sfa.methods', peer_cert = None, interface = None, key_file = None, cert_file = None): BaseAPI.__init__(self, config=config, encoding=encoding, methods=methods, peer_cert=peer_cert, interface=interface, key_file=key_file, cert_file=cert_file) self.encoding = encoding # Better just be documenting the API if config is None: return self.nodemanager = NodeManager(self.config) def sliver_exists(self): sliver_dict = self.nodemanager.GetXIDs() ### xxx slicename is undefined if slicename in sliver_dict.keys(): return True else: return False def get_registry(self): addr, port = self.config.SFA_REGISTRY_HOST, self.config.SFA_REGISTRY_PORT url = "http://%(addr)s:%(port)s" % locals() server = xmlrpcprotocol.get_server(url, self.key_file, self.cert_file) return server def get_node_key(self): # this call requires no authentication, # so we can generate a random keypair here subject="component" (kfd, keyfile) = tempfile.mkstemp() (cfd, certfile) = tempfile.mkstemp() key = Keypair(create=True) key.save_to_file(keyfile) cert = Certificate(subject=subject) cert.set_issuer(key=key, subject=subject) cert.set_pubkey(key) cert.sign() cert.save_to_file(certfile) registry = self.get_registry() # the registry will scp the key onto the node registry.get_key() def getCredential(self): """ Get our credential from a remote registry """ path = self.config.SFA_DATA_DIR config_dir = self.config.config_path cred_filename = path + os.sep + 'node.cred' try: credential = Credential(filename = cred_filename) return credential.save_to_string(save_parents=True) except IOError: node_pkey_file = config_dir + os.sep + "node.key" node_gid_file = config_dir + os.sep + "node.gid" cert_filename = path + os.sep + 'server.cert' if not os.path.exists(node_pkey_file) or \ not os.path.exists(node_gid_file): self.get_node_key() # get node's hrn gid = GID(filename=node_gid_file) hrn = gid.get_hrn() # get credential from registry cert_str = Certificate(filename=cert_filename).save_to_string(save_parents=True) registry = self.get_registry() cred = registry.GetSelfCredential(cert_str, hrn, 'node') # xxx credfile is undefined Credential(string=cred).save_to_file(credfile, save_parents=True) return cred def clean_key_cred(self): """ remove the existing keypair and cred and generate new ones """ files = ["server.key", "server.cert", "node.cred"] for f in files: # xxx KEYDIR is undefined, could be meant to be "/var/lib/sfa/" from sfa_component_setup.py filepath = KEYDIR + os.sep + f if os.path.isfile(filepath): os.unlink(f) # install the new key pair # GetCredential will take care of generating the new keypair # and credential self.get_node_key() self.getCredential()