#!/usr/bin/python # ### $Id$ ### $URL$ # ## # Import PLC records into the Geni database. It is indended that this tool be # run once to create Geni records that reflect the current state of the # planetlab database. # # The import tool assumes that the existing PLC hierarchy should all be part # of "planetlab.us" (see the root_auth and level1_auth variables below). # # Public keys are extracted from the users' SSH keys automatically and used to # create GIDs. This is relatively experimental as a custom tool had to be # written to perform conversion from SSH to OpenSSL format. It only supports # RSA keys at this time, not DSA keys. ## import getopt import sys import tempfile from sfa.util.record import * from sfa.util.genitable import GeniTable from sfa.util.misc import * from sfa.util.config import Config from sfa.util.report import trace, error from sfa.trust.certificate import convert_public_key, Keypair from sfa.trust.trustedroot import * from sfa.trust.hierarchy import * from sfa.trust.gid import create_uuid config = Config() # get PL account settings from config module plc_auth = config.get_plc_auth() shell = None def connect_shell(): global plc_auth # connect to planetlab if "Url" in plc_auth: from sfa.plc.remoteshell import RemoteShell shell = RemoteShell() else: import PLC.Shell shell = PLC.Shell.Shell(globals = globals()) return shell # connect to planetlab shell = connect_shell() ## # Two authorities are specified: the root authority and the level1 authority. #root_auth = "plc" #level1_auth = None #root_auth = "planetlab" #level1_auth = "planetlab.us" root_auth = config.SFA_REGISTRY_ROOT_AUTH level1_auth = config.SFA_REGISTRY_LEVEL1_AUTH if not level1_auth or level1_auth in ['']: level1_auth = None def un_unicode(str): if isinstance(str, unicode): return str.encode("ascii", "ignore") else: return str def cleanup_string(str): # pgsql has a fit with strings that have high ascii in them, so filter it # out when generating the hrns. tmp = "" for c in str: if ord(c) < 128: tmp = tmp + c str = tmp str = un_unicode(str) str = str.replace(" ", "_") str = str.replace(".", "_") str = str.replace("(", "_") str = str.replace("'", "_") str = str.replace(")", "_") str = str.replace('"', "_") return str def process_options(): global hrn (options, args) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', []) for opt in options: name = opt[0] val = opt[1] def get_auth_table(auth_name): AuthHierarchy = Hierarchy() auth_info = AuthHierarchy.get_auth_info(auth_name) table = GeniTable(hrn=auth_name, cninfo=auth_info.get_dbinfo()) # if the table doesn't exist, then it means we haven't put any records # into this authority yet. if not table.exists(): trace("Import: creating table for authority " + auth_name) table.create() return table def person_to_hrn(parent_hrn, person): # the old way - Lastname_Firstname #personname = person['last_name'] + "_" + person['first_name'] # the new way - use email address up to the "@" personname = person['email'].split("@")[0] personname = cleanup_string(personname) hrn = parent_hrn + "." + personname return hrn def import_person(parent_hrn, person): AuthHierarchy = Hierarchy() hrn = person_to_hrn(parent_hrn, person) # ASN.1 will have problems with hrn's longer than 64 characters if len(hrn) > 64: hrn = hrn[:64] trace("Import: importing person " + hrn) table = get_auth_table(parent_hrn) key_ids = [] if 'key_ids' in person and person['key_ids']: key_ids = person["key_ids"] # get the user's private key from the SSH keys they have uploaded # to planetlab keys = shell.GetKeys(plc_auth, key_ids) key = keys[0]['key'] pkey =convert_public_key(key) else: # the user has no keys trace(" person " + hrn + " does not have a PL public key") # if a key is unavailable, then we still need to put something in the # user's GID. So make one up. pkey = Keypair(create=True) # create the gid person_gid = AuthHierarchy.create_gid(hrn, create_uuid(), pkey) person_record = table.resolve("user", hrn) if not person_record: trace(" inserting user record for " + hrn) person_record = GeniRecord(hrn=hrn, gid=person_gid, type="user", pointer=person['person_id']) table.insert(person_record) else: trace(" updating user record for " + hrn) person_record = GeniRecord(hrn=hrn, gid=person_gid, type="user", pointer=person['person_id']) table.update(person_record) def import_slice(parent_hrn, slice): AuthHierarchy = Hierarchy() slicename = slice['name'].split("_",1)[-1] slicename = cleanup_string(slicename) if not slicename: error("Import_Slice: failed to parse slice name " + slice['name']) return hrn = parent_hrn + "." + slicename trace("Import: importing slice " + hrn) table = get_auth_table(parent_hrn) slice_record = table.resolve("slice", hrn) if not slice_record: pkey = Keypair(create=True) slice_gid = AuthHierarchy.create_gid(hrn, create_uuid(), pkey) slice_record = GeniRecord(hrn=hrn, gid=slice_gid, type="slice", pointer=slice['slice_id']) trace(" inserting slice record for " + hrn) table.insert(slice_record) def import_node(parent_hrn, node): AuthHierarchy = Hierarchy() nodename = node['hostname'].split(".")[0] nodename = cleanup_string(nodename) if not nodename: error("Import_node: failed to parse node name " + node['hostname']) return hrn = parent_hrn + "." + nodename # ASN.1 will have problems with hrn's longer than 64 characters if len(hrn) > 64: hrn = hrn[:64] trace("Import: importing node " + hrn) table = get_auth_table(parent_hrn) node_record = table.resolve("node", hrn) if not node_record: pkey = Keypair(create=True) node_gid = AuthHierarchy.create_gid(hrn, create_uuid(), pkey) node_record = GeniRecord(hrn=hrn, gid=node_gid, type="node", pointer=node['node_id']) trace(" inserting node record for " + hrn) table.insert(node_record) def import_site(parent_hrn, site): AuthHierarchy = Hierarchy() sitename = site['login_base'] sitename = cleanup_string(sitename) hrn = parent_hrn + "." + sitename # Hardcode 'internet2' into the hrn for sites hosting # internet2 nodes. This is a special operation for some vini # sites only if ".vini" in parent_hrn and parent_hrn.endswith('vini'): if sitename.startswith("ii"): sitename = sitename.replace("ii", "") hrn = ".".join([parent_hrn, "internet2", sitename]) elif sitename.startswith("nlr"): hrn = ".".join([parent_hrn, "internet2", sitename]) sitename = sitename.replace("nlr", "") trace("Import_Site: importing site " + hrn) # create the authority if not AuthHierarchy.auth_exists(hrn): AuthHierarchy.create_auth(hrn) auth_info = AuthHierarchy.get_auth_info(hrn) table = get_auth_table(parent_hrn) auth_record = table.resolve("authority", hrn) if not auth_record: auth_record = GeniRecord(hrn=hrn, gid=auth_info.get_gid_object(), type="authority", pointer=site['site_id']) trace(" inserting authority record for " + hrn) table.insert(auth_record) if 'person_ids' in site: for person_id in site['person_ids']: persons = shell.GetPersons(plc_auth, [person_id]) if persons: try: import_person(hrn, persons[0]) except Exception, e: trace("Failed to import: %s (%s)" % (persons[0], e)) if 'slice_ids' in site: for slice_id in site['slice_ids']: slices = shell.GetSlices(plc_auth, [slice_id]) if slices: try: import_slice(hrn, slices[0]) except Exception, e: trace("Failed to import: %s (%s)" % (slices[0], e)) if 'node_ids' in site: for node_id in site['node_ids']: nodes = shell.GetNodes(plc_auth, [node_id]) if nodes: try: import_node(hrn, nodes[0]) except Exception, e: trace("Failed to import: %s (%s)" % (nodes[0], e)) def create_top_level_auth_records(hrn): parent_hrn = get_authority(hrn) print hrn, ":", parent_hrn if not parent_hrn: parent_hrn = hrn auth_info = AuthHierarchy.get_auth_info(parent_hrn) if level1_auth: auth_info = AuthHierarchy.get_auth_info(hrn) table = get_auth_table(parent_hrn) auth_record = table.resolve("authority", hrn) if not auth_record: auth_record = GeniRecord(hrn=hrn, gid=auth_info.get_gid_object(), type="authority", pointer=-1) trace(" inserting authority record for " + hrn) table.insert(auth_record) def main(): global AuthHierarchy global TrustedRoots process_options() AuthHierarchy = Hierarchy() TrustedRoots = TrustedRootList() print "Import: creating top level authorities" if not AuthHierarchy.auth_exists(root_auth): AuthHierarchy.create_auth(root_auth) create_top_level_auth_records(root_auth) if level1_auth: if not AuthHierarchy.auth_exists(level1_auth): AuthHierarchy.create_auth(level1_auth) create_top_level_auth_records(level1_auth) import_auth = level1_auth else: import_auth = root_auth print "Import: adding", root_auth, "to trusted list" root = AuthHierarchy.get_auth_info(root_auth) TrustedRoots.add_gid(root.get_gid_object()) sites = shell.GetSites(plc_auth, {'peer_id': None}) # create a fake internet2 site first i2site = {'name': 'Internet2', 'abbreviated_name': 'I2', 'login_base': 'internet2', 'site_id': -1} import_site(import_auth, i2site) for site in sites: import_site(import_auth, site) if __name__ == "__main__": main()