from lxml import etree class Element: def __init__(self, root_node, namespaces = None): self.root_node = root_node self.namespaces = namespaces def xpath(self, xpath): return this.root_node.xpath(xpath, namespaces=self.namespaces) def add_element(self, name, attrs={}, parent=None, text=""): """ Generic wrapper around etree.SubElement(). Adds an element to specified parent node. Adds element to root node is parent is not specified. """ if parent == None: parent = self.root_node element = etree.SubElement(parent, name) if text: element.text = text if isinstance(attrs, dict): for attr in attrs: element.set(attr, attrs[attr]) return element def remove_element(self, element_name, root_node = None): """ Removes all occurences of an element from the tree. Start at specified root_node if specified, otherwise start at tree's root. """ if not root_node: root_node = self.root_node if not element_name.startswith('//'): element_name = '//' + element_name elements = root_node.xpath('%s ' % element_name, namespaces=self.namespaces) for element in elements: parent = element.getparent() parent.remove(element) def add_attribute(self, elem, name, value): """ Add attribute to specified etree element """ opt = etree.SubElement(elem, name) opt.text = value def remove_attribute(self, elem, name, value): """ Removes an attribute from an element """ if not elem == None: opts = elem.iterfind(name) if opts is not None: for opt in opts: if opt.text == value: elem.remove(opt) def get_attributes(self, elem=None, depth=None): if elem == None: elem = self.root_node attrs = dict(elem.attrib) attrs['text'] = str(elem.text).strip() if depth is None or isinstance(depth, int) and depth > 0: for child_elem in list(elem): key = str(child_elem.tag) if key not in attrs: attrs[key] = [self.get_attributes(child_elem, recursive)] else: attrs[key].append(self.get_attributes(child_elem, recursive)) return attrs def attributes_list(self, elem): # convert a list of attribute tags into list of tuples # (tagnme, text_value) opts = [] if not elem == None: for e in elem: opts.append((e.tag, e.text)) return opts