from sfa.util.xrn import Xrn from sfa.util.xml import XpathFilter from sfa.rspecs.elements.node import NodeElement from sfa.rspecs.elements.sliver import Sliver from sfa.rspecs.elements.location import Location from sfa.rspecs.elements.hardware_type import HardwareType from sfa.rspecs.elements.element import Element from sfa.rspecs.elements.interface import Interface from sfa.rspecs.elements.versions.iotlabv1Sliver import Iotlabv1Sliver from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger class IotlabNode(Node): #First get the fields already defined in the class Node fields = list(Node.fields) #Extend it with iotlab's specific fields fields.extend (['archi', 'radio', 'mobile','position']) class IotlabPosition(Element): fields = ['posx', 'posy','posz'] class IotlabLocation(Location): fields = list(Location.fields) fields.extend (['site']) class Iotlabv1Node: @staticmethod def add_connection_information(xml, ldap_username, sites_set): """ Adds login and ssh connection info in the network item in the xml. Does not create the network element, therefore should be used after add_nodes, which creates the network item. """ logger.debug(" add_connection_information " ) #Get network item in the xml network_elems = xml.xpath('//network') if len(network_elems) > 0: network_elem = network_elems[0] iotlab_network_dict = {} iotlab_network_dict['login'] = ldap_username iotlab_network_dict['ssh'] = \ ['ssh ' + ldap_username + '@'+site+'' \ for site in sites_set] network_elem.set('ssh', \ unicode(iotlab_network_dict['ssh'])) network_elem.set('login', unicode( iotlab_network_dict['login'])) @staticmethod def add_nodes(xml, nodes): #Add network item in the xml network_elems = xml.xpath('//network') if len(network_elems) > 0: network_elem = network_elems[0] elif len(nodes) > 0 and nodes[0].get('component_manager_id'): network_urn = nodes[0]['component_manager_id'] network_elem = xml.add_element('network', \ name = Xrn(network_urn).get_hrn()) else: network_elem = xml logger.debug("iotlabv1Node \t add_nodes nodes %s \r\n "%(nodes[0])) node_elems = [] #Then add nodes items to the network item in the xml for node in nodes: #Attach this node to the network element node_fields = ['component_manager_id', 'component_id', 'exclusive',\ 'boot_state', 'mobile'] node_elem = network_elem.add_instance('node', node, node_fields) node_elems.append(node_elem) #Set the attibutes of this node element for attribute in node: # set component name if attribute is 'component_id': component_name = node['component_name'] node_elem.set('component_name', component_name) # set hardware types, extend fields to add Iotlab's architecture #and radio type if attribute is 'hardware_types': for hardware_type in node.get('hardware_types', []): fields = HardwareType.fields fields.extend(['archi','radio']) node_elem.add_instance('hardware_types', node, fields) # set location if attribute is 'location': node_elem.add_instance('location', node['location'], \ IotlabLocation.fields) # add granularity of the reservation system #TODO put the granularity in network instead SA 18/07/12 if attribute is 'granularity' : granularity = node['granularity'] if granularity: node_elem.add_instance('granularity', \ granularity, granularity.fields) # set available element if attribute is 'boot_state': if node.get('boot_state').lower() == 'alive': available_elem = node_elem.add_element('available', \ now='true') else: available_elem = node_elem.add_element('available', \ now='false') #set position if attribute is 'position': node_elem.add_instance('position', node['position'], \ IotlabPosition.fields) ## add services #PGv2Services.add_services(node_elem, node.get('services', [])) # add slivers if attribute is 'slivers': slivers = node.get('slivers', []) if not slivers: # we must still advertise the available sliver types slivers = Sliver({'type': 'iotlab-node'}) # we must also advertise the available initscripts #slivers['tags'] = [] #if node.get('pl_initscripts'): #for initscript in node.get('pl_initscripts', []): #slivers['tags'].append({'name': 'initscript', \ #'value': initscript['name']}) Iotlabv1Sliver.add_slivers(node_elem, slivers) return node_elems @staticmethod def get_nodes(xml, filter={}): xpath = '//node%s | //default:node%s' % (XpathFilter.xpath(filter), \ XpathFilter.xpath(filter)) node_elems = xml.xpath(xpath) return Iotlabv1Node.get_node_objs(node_elems) @staticmethod def get_nodes_with_slivers(xml, sliver_filter={}): xpath = '//node[count(sliver)>0] | \ //default:node[count(default:sliver) > 0]' node_elems = xml.xpath(xpath) logger.debug("SLABV1NODE \tget_nodes_with_slivers \ node_elems %s"%(node_elems)) return Iotlabv1Node.get_node_objs(node_elems) @staticmethod def get_node_objs(node_elems): nodes = [] for node_elem in node_elems: node = NodeElement(node_elem.attrib, node_elem) nodes.append(node) if 'component_id' in node_elem.attrib: node['authority_id'] = \ Xrn(node_elem.attrib['component_id']).get_authority_urn() # get hardware types hardware_type_elems = node_elem.xpath('./default:hardware_type | \ ./hardware_type') node['hardware_types'] = [hw_type.get_instance(HardwareType) \ for hw_type in hardware_type_elems] # get location location_elems = node_elem.xpath('./default:location | ./location') locations = [location_elem.get_instance(Location) \ for location_elem in location_elems] if len(locations) > 0: node['location'] = locations[0] # get interfaces iface_elems = node_elem.xpath('./default:interface | ./interface') node['interfaces'] = [iface_elem.get_instance(Interface) \ for iface_elem in iface_elems] # get services #node['services'] = PGv2Services.get_services(node_elem) # get slivers node['slivers'] = Iotlabv1Sliver.get_slivers(node_elem) available_elems = node_elem.xpath('./default:available | \ ./available') if len(available_elems) > 0 and 'name' in available_elems[0].attrib: if available_elems[0].attrib.get('now', '').lower() == 'true': node['boot_state'] = 'boot' else: node['boot_state'] = 'disabled' logger.debug("SLABV1NODE \tget_nodes_objs \ #nodes %s"%(nodes)) return nodes @staticmethod def add_slivers(xml, slivers): logger.debug("Iotlabv1NODE \tadd_slivers ") component_ids = [] for sliver in slivers: filter_sliver = {} if isinstance(sliver, str): filter_sliver['component_id'] = '*%s*' % sliver sliver = {} elif 'component_id' in sliver and sliver['component_id']: filter_sliver['component_id'] = '*%s*' % sliver['component_id'] if not filter_sliver: continue nodes = Iotlabv1Node.get_nodes(xml, filter_sliver) if not nodes: continue node = nodes[0] Iotlabv1Sliver.add_slivers(node, sliver) @staticmethod def remove_slivers(xml, hostnames): for hostname in hostnames: nodes = Iotlabv1Node.get_nodes(xml, \ {'component_id': '*%s*' % hostname}) for node in nodes: slivers = Iotlabv1Sliver.get_slivers(node.element) for sliver in slivers: node.element.remove(sliver.element)