#!/usr/bin/python from lxml import etree from StringIO import StringIO from sfa.rspecs.rspec import RSpec from sfa.util.xrn import * from sfa.util.plxrn import hostname_to_urn, xrn_to_hostname from sfa.util.config import Config from sfa.rspecs.rspec_version import RSpecVersion _ad_version = {'type': 'ProtoGENI', 'version': '2', 'schema': 'http://www.protogeni.net/resources/rspec/2/ad.xsd', 'namespace': 'http://www.protogeni.net/resources/rspec/2', 'extensions': [ 'http://www.protogeni.net/resources/rspec/ext/gre-tunnel/1', 'http://www.protogeni.net/resources/rspec/ext/other-ext/3' ] } _request_version = {'type': 'ProtoGENI', 'version': '2', 'schema': 'http://www.protogeni.net/resources/rspec/2/request.xsd', 'namespace': 'http://www.protogeni.net/resources/rspec/2', 'extensions': [ 'http://www.protogeni.net/resources/rspec/ext/gre-tunnel/1', 'http://www.protogeni.net/resources/rspec/ext/other-ext/3' ] } pg_rspec_ad_version = RSpecVersion(_ad_version) pg_rspec_request_version = RSpecVersion(_request_version) class PGRSpec(RSpec): xml = None header = '\n' template = '' def __init__(self, rspec="", namespaces={}, type=None): if not type: type = 'advertisement' self.type = type if type == 'advertisement': self.version = pg_rspec_ad_version rspec_type = 'ad' else: self.version = pg_rspec_request_version rspec_type = type self.template = self.template % {'rspec_type': rspec_type} if not namespaces: self.namespaces = {'rspecv2': self.version['namespace']} else: self.namespaces = namespaces if rspec: self.parse_rspec(rspec, self.namespaces) else: self.create() def create(self): RSpec.create(self) if self.type: self.xml.set('type', self.type) def get_network(self): network = None nodes = self.xml.xpath('//rspecv2:node[@component_manager_uuid][1]', namespaces=self.namespaces) if nodes: network = nodes[0].get('component_manager_uuid') return network def get_networks(self): networks = self.xml.xpath('//rspecv2:node[@component_manager_uuid]/@component_manager_uuid', namespaces=self.namespaces) return set(networks) def get_node_elements(self): nodes = self.xml.xpath('//rspecv2:node | //node', namespaces=self.namespaces) return nodes def get_nodes(self, network=None): xpath = '//rspecv2:node[@component_name]/@component_id | //node[@component_name]/@component_id' nodes = self.xml.xpath(xpath, namespaces=self.namespaces) nodes = [xrn_to_hostname(node) for node in nodes] return nodes def get_nodes_with_slivers(self, network=None): if network: nodes = self.xml.xpath('//rspecv2:node[@component_manager_id="%s"][sliver_type]/@component_id' % network, namespaces=self.namespaces) else: nodes = self.xml.xpath('//rspecv2:node[rspecv2:sliver_type]/@component_id', namespaces=self.namespaces) nodes = [xrn_to_hostname(node) for node in nodes] return nodes def get_nodes_without_slivers(self, network=None): return [] def get_slice_attributes(self, network=None): return [] def get_default_sliver_attributes(self, network=None): return [] def add_default_sliver_attribute(self, name, value, network=None): pass def add_nodes(self, nodes, check_for_dupes=False): if not isinstance(nodes, list): nodes = [nodes] for node in nodes: urn = "" if check_for_dupes and \ self.xml.xpath('//rspecv2:node[@component_uuid="%s"]' % urn, namespaces=self.namespaces): # node already exists continue node_tag = etree.SubElement(self.xml, 'node', exclusive='false') if 'network_urn' in node: node_tag.set('component_manager_id', node['network_urn']) if 'urn' in node: node_tag.set('component_id', node['urn']) if 'hostname' in node: node_tag.set('component_name', node['hostname']) # TODO: should replace plab-pc with pc model node_type_tag = etree.SubElement(node_tag, 'hardware_type', name='plab-pc') node_type_tag = etree.SubElement(node_tag, 'hardware_type', name='pc') available_tag = etree.SubElement(node_tag, 'available', now='true') sliver_type_tag = etree.SubElement(node_tag, 'sliver_type', name='plab-vnode') # protogeni uses the tag to identify the types of # vms available at the node. # only add location tag if longitude and latitude are not null if 'site' in node: longitude = node['site'].get('longitude', None) latitude = node['site'].get('latitude', None) if longitude and latitude: location_tag = etree.SubElement(node_tag, 'location', country="us", \ longitude=str(longitude), latitude=str(latitude)) def add_slivers(self, slivers, sliver_urn=None, no_dupes=False): # all nodes hould already be present in the rspec. Remove all # nodes that done have slivers slivers = self._process_slivers(slivers) sliver_hosts = [sliver['hostname'] for sliver in slivers] nodes = self.get_node_elements() for node in nodes: urn = node.get('component_id') hostname = xrn_to_hostname(urn) if hostname not in sliver_hosts: parent = node.getparent() parent.remove(node) else: node.set('client_id', hostname) if sliver_urn: node.set('sliver_id', sliver_urn) def add_default_sliver_attribute(self, name, value, network=None): pass def add_interfaces(self, interfaces, no_dupes=False): pass def add_links(self, links, no_dupes=False): pass def merge(self, in_rspec): """ Merge contents for specified rspec with current rspec """ # just copy over all the child elements under the root element tree = etree.parse(StringIO(in_rspec)) root = tree.getroot() for child in root.getchildren(): self.xml.append(child) def cleanup(self): # remove unncecessary elements, attributes if self.type in ['request', 'manifest']: # remove 'available' element from remaining node elements self.remove_element('//rspecv2:available | //available') if __name__ == '__main__': rspec = PGRSpec() rspec.add_nodes([1]) print rspec