import os from sfa.util.faults import InvalidRSpec, UnsupportedRSpecVersion from sfa.rspecs.baseversion import BaseVersion from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger class VersionManager: def __init__(self): self.versions = [] self.load_versions() def load_versions(self): path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( __file__ )) versions_path = path + os.sep + 'versions' versions_module_path = 'sfa.rspecs.versions' valid_module = lambda x: os.path.isfile(os.sep.join([versions_path, x])) \ and not x.endswith('.pyc') and x not in [''] files = [f for f in os.listdir(versions_path) if valid_module(f)] for filename in files: basename = filename.split('.')[0] module_path = versions_module_path +'.'+basename module = __import__(module_path, fromlist=module_path) for attr_name in dir(module): attr = getattr(module, attr_name) if hasattr(attr, 'version') and hasattr(attr, 'enabled') and attr.enabled == True: self.versions.append(attr()) def _get_version(self, type, version_num=None, content_type=None): retval = None for version in self.versions: if type is None or type.lower() == version.type.lower(): if version_num is None or str(version_num) == version.version: if content_type is None or content_type.lower() == version.content_type.lower() \ or version.content_type == '*': retval = version ### sounds like we should be glad with the first match, not the last one break if not retval: raise UnsupportedRSpecVersion("[%s %s %s] is not suported here"% (type, version_num, content_type)) return retval def get_version(self, version=None): retval = None if isinstance(version, dict): retval = self._get_version(version.get('type'), version.get('version'), version.get('content_type')) elif isinstance(version, basestring): version_parts = version.split(' ') num_parts = len(version_parts) type = version_parts[0] version_num = None content_type = None if num_parts > 1: version_num = version_parts[1] if num_parts > 2: content_type = version_parts[2] retval = self._get_version(type, version_num, content_type) elif isinstance(version, BaseVersion): retval = version else: raise UnsupportedRSpecVersion("No such version: %s "% str(version)) return retval def get_version_by_schema(self, schema): retval = None for version in self.versions: if schema == version.schema: retval = version if not retval: raise InvalidRSpec("Unkwnown RSpec schema: %s" % schema) return retval def show_by_string(string): try: print v.get_version(string) except Exception,e: print e def show_by_schema(string): try: print v.get_version_by_schema(string) except Exception,e: print e if __name__ == '__main__': v = VersionManager() print v.versions show_by_string('sfa 1') show_by_string('protogeni 2') show_by_string('protogeni 2 advertisement') show_by_schema('') show_by_schema('')