from copy import deepcopy from StringIO import StringIO from sfa.util.xrn import urn_to_sliver_id from sfa.util.plxrn import hostname_to_urn, xrn_to_hostname from sfa.rspecs.rspec_version import BaseVersion from sfa.rspecs.elements.versions.pgv2Link import PGv2Link from sfa.rspecs.elements.versions.pgv2Node import PGv2Node from sfa.rspecs.elements.versions.pgv2SliverType import PGv2SliverType class PGv2(BaseVersion): type = 'ProtoGENI' content_type = 'ad' version = '2' schema = '' namespace = '' extensions = { 'flack': "", 'planetlab': "", } namespaces = dict(extensions.items() + [('default', namespace)]) # Networks def get_network(self): network = None nodes = self.xml.xpath('//default:node[@component_manager_id][1]', namespaces=self.namespaces) if nodes: network = nodes[0].get('component_manager_id') return network def get_networks(self): networks = self.xml.xpath('//default:node[@component_manager_id]/@component_manager_id', namespaces=self.namespaces) return set(networks) # Nodes def get_nodes(self, filter=None): return PGv2Node.get_nodes(self.xml, filter) def get_nodes_with_slivers(self): return PGv2Node.get_nodes_with_slivers(self.xml) def add_nodes(self, nodes, check_for_dupes=False): return PGv2Node.add_nodes(self.xml, nodes) def merge_node(self, source_node_tag): # this is untested self.xml.root.append(deepcopy(source_node_tag)) def get_nodes_with_slivers(self, network=None): if network: nodes = self.xml.xpath('//default:node[@component_manager_id="%s"][sliver_type]/@component_id' % network, namespaces=self.namespaces) else: nodes = self.xml.xpath('//default:node[default:sliver_type]/@component_id', namespaces=self.namespaces) nodes = [xrn_to_hostname(node) for node in nodes] return nodes # Slivers def get_sliver_attributes(self, hostname, network=None): node = self.get_node_element(hostname, network) sliver = node.xpath('./default:sliver_type', namespaces=self.namespaces) if sliver is not None and isinstance(sliver, list): sliver = sliver[0] return self.attributes_list(sliver) def get_slice_attributes(self, network=None): slice_attributes = [] nodes_with_slivers = self.get_nodes_with_slivers(network) # TODO: default sliver attributes in the PG rspec? default_ns_prefix = self.namespaces['default'] for node in nodes_with_slivers: sliver_attributes = self.get_sliver_attributes(node, network) for sliver_attribute in sliver_attributes: name=str(sliver_attribute[0]) text =str(sliver_attribute[1]) attribs = sliver_attribute[2] # we currently only suppor the and attributes if 'info' in name: attribute = {'name': 'flack_info', 'value': str(attribs), 'node_id': node} slice_attributes.append(attribute) elif 'initscript' in name: if attribs is not None and 'name' in attribs: value = attribs['name'] else: value = text attribute = {'name': 'initscript', 'value': value, 'node_id': node} slice_attributes.append(attribute) return slice_attributes def attributes_list(self, elem): opts = [] if elem is not None: for e in elem: opts.append((e.tag, str(e.text).strip(), e.attrib)) return opts def get_default_sliver_attributes(self, network=None): return [] def add_default_sliver_attribute(self, name, value, network=None): pass def add_slivers(self, hostnames, attributes=[], sliver_urn=None, append=False): # all nodes hould already be present in the rspec. Remove all # nodes that done have slivers for hostname in hostnames: node_elems = self.get_nodes({'component_id': '*%s*' % hostname}) if not node_elems: continue node_elem = node_elems[0] # determine sliver types for this node valid_sliver_types = ['emulab-openvz', 'raw-pc', 'plab-vserver', 'plab-vnode'] requested_sliver_type = None for sliver_type in node_elem.get('slivers', []): if sliver_type.get('type') in valid_sliver_types: requested_sliver_type = sliver_type['type'] if not requested_sliver_type: continue sliver = {'name': requested_sliver_type, 'pl_tags': attributes} # remove existing sliver_type tags for sliver_type in node_elem.get('slivers', []): node_elem.remove(sliver_type) # set the client id node.set('client_id', hostname) if sliver_urn: # set the sliver id slice_id = sliver_info.get('slice_id', -1) node_id = sliver_info.get('node_id', -1) sliver_id = urn_to_sliver_id(sliver_urn, slice_id, node_id) node_elem.set('sliver_id', sliver_id) # add the sliver type elemnt PGv1Sliver.add_slivers(node_elem, sliver) # remove all nodes without slivers if not append: for node_elem in self.get_nodes(): if not node['client_id']: parent = node.getparent() parent.remove(node_elem) def remove_slivers(self, slivers, network=None, no_dupes=False): PGv2Node.remove_slivers(self.xml, slivers) # Links def get_links(self, network=None): return PGv2Link.get_links(self.xml) def get_link_requests(self): return PGv2Link.get_link_requests(self.xml) def add_links(self, links): PGv2Link.add_links(self.xml.root, links) def add_link_requests(self, link_tuples, append=False): PGv2Link.add_link_requests(self.xml.root, link_tuples, append) # Utility def merge(self, in_rspec): """ Merge contents for specified rspec with current rspec """ from sfa.rspecs.rspec import RSpec # just copy over all the child elements under the root element if isinstance(in_rspec, RSpec): in_rspec = in_rspec.toxml() rspec = RSpec(in_rspec) for child in rspec.xml.iterchildren(): self.xml.root.append(child) def cleanup(self): # remove unncecessary elements, attributes if self.type in ['request', 'manifest']: # remove 'available' element from remaining node elements self.xml.remove_element('//default:available | //available') class PGv2Ad(PGv2): enabled = True content_type = 'ad' schema = '' template = '' class PGv2Request(PGv2): enabled = True content_type = 'request' schema = '' template = '' class PGv2Manifest(PGv2): enabled = True content_type = 'manifest' schema = '' template = '' if __name__ == '__main__': from sfa.rspecs.rspec import RSpec from sfa.rspecs.rspec_elements import * r = RSpec('/tmp/pg.rspec') r.load_rspec_elements(PGv2.elements) r.namespaces = PGv2.namespaces print r.get(RSpecElements.NODE)