import string import random from passlib.hash import ldap_salted_sha1 as lssha from sfa.util.xrn import Xrn,get_authority import ldap from sfa.util.config import Config #from import * from import Hierarchy #from import * from import * import ldap.modlist as modlist from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger #API for OpenLDAP class ldap_co: """ Set admin login and server configuration variables.""" def __init__(self): #self.login = 'cn=admin,dc=senslab,dc=info' #self.passwd = 'sfa' self.server_ip = "" #Senslab PROD LDAP parameters #TODO : Use config file /etc/senslab/ if it is possible self.ldapPort = ldap.PORT self.ldapVersion = ldap.VERSION3 self.ldapSearchScope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE self.ldapHost = "" #set ldap.OPT_HOST_NAME maybe ? self.ldapPeopleDN = 'ou=People,dc=senslab,dc=info'; self.ldapGroupDN = 'ou=Group,dc=senslab,dc=info'; self.ldapAdminDN = 'uid=web,ou=Service,dc=senslab,dc=info'; self.ldapAdminPassword = 'XNB+1z(C' def connect(self, bind = True): """Enables connection to the LDAP server. Set the bind parameter to True if a bind is needed (for add/modify/delete operations). Set to False otherwise. """ try: self.ldapserv = except ldap.LDAPError, e: return {'bool' : False, 'message' : e } # Bind with authentification if(bind): return self.bind() else: return {'bool': True} def bind(self): """ Binding method. """ try: # Opens a connection after a call to in connect: self.ldapserv = ldap.initialize("ldap://" + self.server_ip ) # Bind/authenticate with a user with apropriate rights to add objects self.ldapserv.simple_bind_s(self.ldapAdminDN, self.ldapAdminPassword) except ldap.LDAPError, e: return {'bool' : False, 'message' : e } return {'bool': True} def close(self): """ Close the LDAP connection """ try: self.ldapserv.unbind_s() except ldap.LDAPError, e: return {'bool' : False, 'message' : e } class LDAPapi : def __init__(self): logger.setLevelDebug() #SFA related config self.senslabauth=Hierarchy() config=Config() self.authname=config.SFA_REGISTRY_ROOT_AUTH #self.baseDN = "ou=people,dc=senslab,dc=info" self.conn = ldap_co() self.baseDN = self.conn.ldapPeopleDN #authinfo=self.senslabauth.get_auth_info(self.authname) self.charsPassword = [ '!','$','(',')','*','+',',','-','.',\ '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9',\ 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J',\ 'K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T',\ 'U','V','W','X','Y','Z','_','a','b','c',\ 'd','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m',\ 'n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w',\ 'x','y','z','\''] self.ldapUserQuotaNFS = '/dev/vdb:2000000:2500000:0:0' self.lengthPassword = 8; self.ldapUserHomePath = '/senslab/users/' self.ldapUserGidNumber = '2000' self.ldapUserUidNumberMin = '2000' self.ldapShell = '/bin/bash' #self.auth=Auth() #gid=authinfo.get_gid_object() #self.ldapdictlist = ['type', #'pkey', #'uid', #'serial', #'authority', #'peer_authority', #'pointer' , #'hrn'] def generate_login(self, record): """Generate login for adding a new user in LDAP Directory (four characters minimum length) Record contains first name and last name. """ #Remove all special characters from first_name/last name lower_first_name = record['first_name'].replace('-','')\ .replace('_','').replace('[','')\ .replace(']','').replace(' ','')\ .lower() lower_last_name = record['last_name'].replace('-','')\ .replace('_','').replace('[','')\ .replace(']','').replace(' ','')\ .lower() length_last_name = len(lower_last_name) login_max_length = 8 #Try generating a unique login based on first name and last name getAttrs = ['uid'] if length_last_name >= login_max_length : login = lower_last_name[0:login_max_length] index = 0; logger.debug("login : %s index : %s" %(login,index)) elif length_last_name >= 4 : login = lower_last_name index = 0 logger.debug("login : %s index : %s" %(login,index)) elif length_last_name == 3 : login = lower_first_name[0:1] + lower_last_name index = 1 logger.debug("login : %s index : %s" %(login,index)) elif length_last_name == 2: if len ( lower_first_name) >=2: login = lower_first_name[0:2] + lower_last_name index = 2 logger.debug("login : %s index : %s" %(login,index)) else: logger.error("LoginException : \ Generation login error with \ minimum four characters") else : logger.error("LDAP generate_login failed : \ impossible to generate unique login for %s %s" \ %(lower_first_name,lower_last_name)) filter = '(uid=' + login + ')' try : #Check if login already in use while (len(self.LdapSearch(filter, getAttrs)) is not 0 ): index += 1 if index >= 9: logger.error("LoginException : Generation login error \ with minimum four characters") else: try: login = lower_first_name[0:index] + \ lower_last_name[0:login_max_length-index] filter = '(uid='+ login+ ')' except KeyError: print "lower_first_name - lower_last_name too short" logger.debug("LDAP.API \t generate_login login %s" %(login)) return login except ldap.LDAPError,e : logger.log_exc("LDAP generate_login Error %s" %e) return None def generate_password(self): """Generate password for adding a new user in LDAP Directory (8 characters length) return password """ password = str() for index in range(self.lengthPassword): password += self.charsPassword[random.randint(0, \ len(self.charsPassword))] return password def encrypt_password(self, password): """ Use passlib library to make a RFC2307 LDAP encrypted password salt size = 8, use sha-1 algorithm. Returns encrypted password. """ #Keep consistency with Java Senslab's LDAP API #RFC2307SSHAPasswordEncryptor so set the salt size to 8 bytres return lssha.encrypt(password,salt_size = 8) def find_max_uidNumber(self): """Find the LDAP max uidNumber (POSIX uid attribute) . Used when adding a new user in LDAP Directory returns string max uidNumber + 1 """ #First, get all the users in the LDAP getAttrs = "(uidNumber=*)" filter = ['uidNumber'] result_data = self.LdapSearch(getAttrs, filter) #It there is no user in LDAP yet, First LDAP user if result_data == []: max_uidnumber = self.ldapUserUidNumberMin #Otherwise, get the highest uidNumber else: uidNumberList = [int(r[1]['uidNumber'][0])for r in result_data ] logger.debug(" \tfind_max_uidNumber \ uidNumberList %s " %(uidNumberList)) max_uidnumber = max(uidNumberList) + 1 return str(max_uidnumber) #TODO ; Get ssh public key from sfa record #To be filled by N. Turro def get_ssh_pkey(self, record): return 'A REMPLIR ' #TODO Handle OR filtering in the ldap query when #dealing with a list of records instead of doing a for loop in GetPersons def make_ldap_filters_from_record(self, record=None): """ Helper function to make LDAP filter requests out of SFA records. """ req_ldapdict = {} if record : if 'first_name' in record and 'last_name' in record: req_ldapdict['cn'] = str(record['first_name'])+" "\ + str(record['last_name']) if 'email' in record : req_ldapdict['mail'] = record['email'] if 'mail' in record: req_ldapdict['mail'] = record['mail'] if 'hrn' in record : splited_hrn = record['hrn'].split(".") if splited_hrn[0] != self.authname : logger.warning(" \r\n LDAP.PY \ make_ldap_filters_from_record I know nothing \ about %s my authname is %s not %s" \ %(record['hrn'], self.authname, splited_hrn[0]) ) login=splited_hrn[1] req_ldapdict['uid'] = login req_ldap='' logger.debug("\r\n \t LDAP.PY make_ldap_filters_from_record \ record %s req_ldapdict %s" \ %(record, req_ldapdict)) for k in req_ldapdict: req_ldap += '('+str(k)+'='+str(req_ldapdict[k])+')' if len(req_ldapdict.keys()) >1 : req_ldap = req_ldap[:0]+"(&"+req_ldap[0:] size = len(req_ldap) req_ldap= req_ldap[:(size-1)] +')'+ req_ldap[(size-1):] else: req_ldap = "(cn=*)" return req_ldap def make_ldap_attributes_from_record(self, record): """When addind a new user to Senslab's LDAP, creates an attributes dictionnary from the SFA record. """ attrs = {} attrs['objectClass'] = ["top", "person", "inetOrgPerson",\ "organizationalPerson", "posixAccount",\ "shadowAccount", "systemQuotas",\ "ldapPublicKey"] attrs['givenName'] = str(record['first_name']).lower().capitalize() attrs['sn'] = str(record['last_name']).lower().capitalize() attrs['cn'] = attrs['givenName'] + ' ' + attrs['sn'] attrs['gecos'] = attrs['givenName'] + ' ' + attrs['sn'] attrs['uid'] = self.generate_login(record) attrs['quota'] = self.ldapUserQuotaNFS attrs['homeDirectory'] = self.ldapUserHomePath + attrs['uid'] attrs['loginShell'] = self.ldapShell attrs['gidNumber'] = '2000' attrs['uidNumber'] = self.find_max_uidNumber() attrs['mail'] = record['mail'].lower() attrs['sshPublicKey'] = self.get_ssh_pkey(record) #Password is automatically generated because SFA user don't go #through the Senslab website used to register new users, #There is no place in SFA where users can enter such information #yet. #If the user wants to set his own password , he must go to the Senslab #website. password = self.generate_password() attrs['userPassword']= self.encrypt_password(password) #Account automatically validated (no mail request to admins) #Set to 0 to disable the account, -1 to enable it, attrs['shadowExpire'] = '-1' #Motivation field in Senslab attrs['description'] = 'SFA USER FROM OUTSIDE SENSLAB' attrs['ou'] = "SFA" #Optional: organizational unit #No info about those here: attrs['l'] = 'Grenoble - TBD'#Optional: Locality. attrs['st'] = 'FRANCE - TBD' #Optional: state or province (country). return attrs def LdapAddUser(self, record = None) : """Add SFA user to LDAP if it is not in LDAP yet. """ user_ldap_attrs = self.make_ldap_attributes_from_record(record) #Check if user already in LDAP wih email, first name and last name filter_by = self.make_ldap_filters_from_record(user_ldap_attrs) user_exist = self.LdapSearch(filter_by) if user_exist: logger.warning(" \r\n \t LDAP LdapAddUser user %s %s already exists" \ %(user_ldap_attrs['sn'],user_ldap_attrs['mail'])) return {'bool': False} #Bind to the server result = self.conn.connect() if(result['bool']): # A dict to help build the "body" of the object logger.debug(" \r\n \t LDAP LdapAddUser attrs %s " %user_ldap_attrs) # The dn of our new entry/object dn = 'uid=' + user_ldap_attrs['uid'] + "," + self.baseDN try: ldif = modlist.addModlist(user_ldap_attrs) logger.debug(" add attrs %s \r\n ldif %s"\ %(user_ldap_attrs,ldif) ) self.conn.ldapserv.add_s(dn,ldif)"Adding user %s login %s in LDAP" \ %(user_ldap_attrs['cn'] ,user_ldap_attrs['uid'])) except ldap.LDAPError, e: logger.log_exc("LDAP Add Error %s" %e) return {'bool' : False, 'message' : e } self.conn.close() return {'bool': True} else: return result def LdapDelete(self, person_dn): """ Deletes a person in LDAP. Uses the dn of the user. """ #Connect and bind result = self.conn.connect() if(result['bool']): try: self.conn.ldapserv.delete_s(person_dn) self.conn.close() return {'bool': True} except ldap.LDAPError, e: logger.log_exc("LDAP Delete Error %s" %e) return {'bool': False} def LdapDeleteUser(self, record_filter): """ Deletes a SFA person in LDAP, based on the user's hrn. """ #Find uid of the person person = self.LdapFindUser(record_filter,[]) logger.debug(" \t LdapDeleteUser record %s person %s" \ %(record_filter,person)) if person: dn = 'uid=' + person['uid'] + "," +self.baseDN else: return {'bool': False} result = self.LdapDelete(dn) return result def LdapModify(self, dn, old_attributes_dict, new_attributes_dict): """ Modifies a LDAP entry """ ldif = modlist.modifyModlist(old_attributes_dict,new_attributes_dict) # Connect and bind/authenticate result = self.conn.connect() if (result['bool']): try: self.conn.ldapserv.modify_s(dn,ldif) self.conn.close() return {'bool' : True } except ldap.LDAPError, e: logger.log_exc("LDAP LdapModify Error %s" %e) return {'bool' : False } def LdapModifyUser(self, user_uid_login, new_attributes_dict): """ Gets the record from one user_uid_login based on record_filter and changes the attributes according to the specified new_attributes. Does not use this if we need to modify the uid. Use a ModRDN #operation instead ( modify relative DN ) """ if user_uid_login is None: logger.error("LDAP \t LdapModifyUser Need user_uid_login ") return {'bool': False} #Get all the attributes of the user_uid_login #person = self.LdapFindUser(record_filter,[]) req_ldap = "(uid=" + user_uid_login + ')' person_list = self.LdapSearch(req_ldap, [], bind = True) logger.debug(" \t LdapModifyUser person_list : %s" %(person_list)) if person_list and len(person_list) > 1 : logger.error("LDAP \t LdapModifyUser Too many users returned") return {'bool': False} if person_list is None : logger.error("LDAP \t LdapModifyUser User %s doesn't exist "\ %(user_uid_login)) return {'bool': False} # The dn of our existing entry/object #One result only from ldapSearch person = person_list[0][1] dn = 'uid=' + person['uid'][0] + "," +self.baseDN if new_attributes_dict: old = {} for k in new_attributes_dict: old[k] = person[k] logger.debug(" \t LdapModifyUser new_attributes %s"\ %( new_attributes_dict)) result = self.LdapModify(dn, old,new_attributes_dict) return result else: logger.error("LDAP \t LdapModifyUser No new attributes given. ") return {'bool': False} def LdapResetPassword(self,record): """ Resets password for the user whose record is the parameter and changes the corresponding entry in the LDAP. """ password = self.generate_password() attrs = {} attrs['userPassword'] = self.encrypt_password(password) logger.debug("LDAP LdapModifyUser Error %s" %e) result = self.LdapModifyUser(record, attrs) return result def LdapSearch (self, req_ldap = None, expected_fields = None, bind = False): """ Used to search directly in LDAP, by using ldap filters and return fields. When req_ldap is None, returns all the entries in the LDAP. """ result = self.conn.connect(bind ) if (result['bool']) : return_fields_list = [] if expected_fields == None : return_fields_list = ['mail','givenName', 'sn', 'uid','sshPublicKey'] else : return_fields_list = expected_fields #No specifc request specified, gert the whole LDAP if req_ldap == None: req_ldap = '(cn=*)' logger.debug("LDAP.PY \t LdapSearch req_ldap %s \ return_fields_list %s" %(req_ldap,return_fields_list)) try: msg_id = self.baseDN,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,\ req_ldap,return_fields_list) #Get all the results matching the search from ldap in one #shot (1 value) result_type, result_data = \ self.conn.ldapserv.result(msg_id,1) self.conn.close() logger.debug("LDAP.PY \t LdapSearch result_data %s"\ %(result_data)) return result_data except ldap.LDAPError,e : logger.log_exc("LDAP LdapSearch Error %s" %e) return [] else: logger.error("LDAP.PY \t Connection Failed" ) return def LdapFindUser(self,record = None, expected_fields = None): """ Search a SFA user with a hrn. User should be already registered in Senslab LDAP. Returns one matching entry """ req_ldap = self.make_ldap_filters_from_record(record) return_fields_list = [] if expected_fields == None : return_fields_list = ['mail','givenName', 'sn', 'uid','sshPublicKey'] else : return_fields_list = expected_fields result_data = self.LdapSearch(req_ldap, return_fields_list ) logger.debug("LDAP.PY \t LdapFindUser result_data %s" %(result_data)) if len(result_data) is 0: return None #Asked for a specific user if record : #try: ldapentry = result_data[0][1] logger.debug("LDAP.PY \t LdapFindUser ldapentry %s" %(ldapentry)) tmpname = ldapentry['uid'][0] tmpemail = ldapentry['mail'][0] if ldapentry['mail'][0] == "unknown": tmpemail = None #except IndexError: #logger.error("LDAP ldapFindHRn : no entry for record %s found"\ #%(record)) #return None try: hrn = record['hrn'] parent_hrn = get_authority(hrn) peer_authority = None if parent_hrn is not self.authname: peer_authority = parent_hrn results = { 'type': 'user', 'pkey': ldapentry['sshPublicKey'][0], #'uid': ldapentry[1]['uid'][0], 'uid': tmpname , 'email':tmpemail, #'email': ldapentry[1]['mail'][0], 'first_name': ldapentry['givenName'][0], 'last_name': ldapentry['sn'][0], #'phone': 'none', 'serial': 'none', 'authority': parent_hrn, 'peer_authority': peer_authority, 'pointer' : -1, 'hrn': hrn, } except KeyError,e: logger.log_exc("LDAPapi \t LdaFindUser KEyError %s" \ %e ) return else: #Asked for all users in ldap results = [] for ldapentry in result_data: logger.debug(" LdapFindUser ldapentry name : %s " \ %(ldapentry[1]['uid'][0])) tmpname = ldapentry[1]['uid'][0] hrn=self.authname+"."+ tmpname tmpemail = ldapentry[1]['mail'][0] if ldapentry[1]['mail'][0] == "unknown": tmpemail = None parent_hrn = get_authority(hrn) parent_auth_info = self.senslabauth.get_auth_info(parent_hrn) try: results.append( { 'type': 'user', 'pkey': ldapentry[1]['sshPublicKey'][0], #'uid': ldapentry[1]['uid'][0], 'uid': tmpname , 'email':tmpemail, #'email': ldapentry[1]['mail'][0], 'first_name': ldapentry[1]['givenName'][0], 'last_name': ldapentry[1]['sn'][0], #'phone': 'none', 'serial': 'none', 'authority': self.authname, 'peer_authority': '', 'pointer' : -1, 'hrn': hrn, } ) except KeyError,e: logger.log_exc("LDAPapi.PY \t LdapFindUser EXCEPTION %s" %(e)) return return results