import string from sfa.util.xrn import Xrn,get_authority import ldap from sfa.util.config import * from import * from import * from import * from import * import ldap.modlist as modlist class ldap_co: def __init__(self): #def __init__(self, param, level): """ Constructeur permettant l'initialisation des attributs de la classe :param param: Parametres de connexion au serveur LDAP :type param: dictionnary. :param level: Niveau de criticite de l'execution de l'objet ('critical, warning') :type level: string. """ self.__level = 'warning' #self.__param = param #self.__level = level self.login = 'cn=admin,dc=senslab,dc=info' self.passwd='sfa' print "\r\n INIT OK !" def connect(self, bind = True): """ Methode permettant la connexion a un serveur LDAP @param bool bind : Force ou non l'authentification au serveur @return array : Retour d'un tableau """ try: self.ldapserv ="") except ldap.LDAPError, e: return {'bool' : False, 'message' : e } # Bind non anonyme avec authentification if(bind): return self.bind() else: return {'bool': True} def bind(self): """ Methode permettant l'authentification a un serveur LDAP @return array : Retour d'un tableau """ try: print "\r\n BIND ??!" # Open a connection self.ldapserv = ldap.initialize("ldap://") # Bind/authenticate with a user with apropriate rights to add objects self.ldapserv.simple_bind_s(self.login, self.passwd) print "\r\n BIND ???" except ldap.LDAPError, e: return {'bool' : False, 'message' : e } print "\r\n BIND OK !" return {'bool': True} def close(self): """ Methode permettant la deconnexion a un serveur LDAP """ # Fermeture de la connexion try: self.ldapserv.unbind_s() except ldap.LDAPError, e: pass class LDAPapi : def __init__(self): self.senslabauth=Hierarchy() config=Config() self.authname=config.SFA_REGISTRY_ROOT_AUTH authinfo=self.senslabauth.get_auth_info(self.authname) self.auth=Auth() gid=authinfo.get_gid_object() self.ldapdictlist = ['type', 'pkey', 'uid', 'serial', 'authority', 'peer_authority', 'pointer' , 'hrn'] self.baseDN = "ou=people,dc=senslab,dc=info" self.conn = ldap_co() def ldapAdd(self, record = None) : #SFA users are added from here #They get a uidNumber range 9000 - 9999 (recerved for SFA) #They get a description attribute which others don't have. result = self.conn.connect(bind = False) if (result['bool']): #Find all the external SFA users in the LDAP msg_id =,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,"(description=*)",[]) result_type, result_data = self.conn.ldapserv.result(msg_id,1) #First external SFA user if result_data == []: max_uidnumber = 9000 #Get the highest uidNumber else: max_uidnumber = 0 for r in result_data: if r[1]['uidNumber'] > max_uidnumber : max_uidnumber = r[1]['uidNumber'] max_uidnumber = max_uidnumber +1 result = self.conn.connect() if(result['bool']): # A dict to help build the "body" of the object attrs = {} attrs['uidNumber'] = str(max_uidnumber) attrs['objectClass'] = [ 'organizationalPerson', 'inetOrgPerson', 'posixAccount', 'top', 'ldapPublicKey', 'systemQuotas'] #['top','inetOrgPerson','posixAccount', 'systemQuotas','ldapPuclicKey'] attrs['cn'] = str(record['first_name'])+' ' + str(record['last_name']) attrs['sn'] = str(record['last_name']) attrs['givenName'] = str(record['first_name']) attrs['gidNumber'] = '2000' loginslab =str(record['first_name'])+ str(record['last_name']) loginslab= loginslab.lower() #loginslab = loginslab[0:12] attrs['uid']= loginslab attrs['mail'] = record['mail'] attrs['quota'] = '/dev/sda3:2000000:2500000:0:0' attrs['homeDirectory'] = '/senslab/users/' + loginslab attrs['loginShell'] = '/senslab/users/.ssh/' #To be filled by Nicolas Turro attrs['sshPublicKey'] = record['sshpkey'] attrs['description'] = 'SFA USER FROM OUTSIDE SENSLAB' print >>sys.stderr, "\r\n \r\n \t LDAP.PY \t\t ldapAdd attrs %s " %(attrs) # The dn of our new entry/object dn = 'uid=' +attrs['uid'] +","+self.baseDN try: ldif = modlist.addModlist(attrs) print " \r\n \r\n LDAPapi.PY add attrs %s \r\n ldif %s " %(attrs,ldif) self.conn.ldapserv.add_s(dn,ldif) except ldap.LDAPError, e: return {'bool' : False, 'message' : e } self.conn.close() return {'bool': True} else: return result return def ldapDelete(self, record_filter): #Find uid of the person person = self.ldapSearch(record_filter) if person: dn = 'uid=' +person['uid'] +","+self.baseDN else: return {'bool': False} #Connect and bind result = self.conn.connect() if(result['bool']): try: self.conn.ldapserv.delete_s(dn) return {'bool': True} except ldap.LDAPError, e: print>>sys.stderr, "\r\n LDAP.PY \tldapDelete error : %s" %(e) return {'bool': False} def ldapModify(self, record_filter, new_attributes): """ Gets the record from one user based on record_filter and changes the attributes according to the specified new_attributes. Does not use this if we need to modify the uid. Use a ModRDMN #operation instead ( modify relative DN ) """ person = self.ldapSearch(record_filter,[] ) if person: # The dn of our existing entry/object dn = 'uid=' +person['uid'] +","+self.baseDN else: return if new_attributes: old = {} for k in new_attributes: old[k] = person[k] ldif = modlist.modifyModlist(old,new_attributes) # Connect and bind/authenticate result = self.conn.connect(bind) if (result['bool']): try: self.conn.ldapserver.modify_s(dn,ldif) self.close() except ldap.LDAPError, e: return {'bool' : False, 'message' : e } return {'bool': True} #TODO Handle OR filtering in the ldap query when #dealing with a list of records instead of doing a for loop in GetPersons def make_ldap_filters_from_record(self, record=None): req_ldapdict = {} if record : if 'first_name' in record and 'last_name' in record: req_ldapdict['cn'] = str(record['first_name'])+" "+str(record['last_name']) if 'email' in record : req_ldapdict['mail'] = record['email'] if 'hrn' in record : splited_hrn = record['hrn'].split(".") if splited_hrn[0] != self.authname : print >>sys.stderr,"i know nothing about",record['hrn'], " my authname is ", self.authname, " not ", splited_hrn[0] login=splited_hrn[1] req_ldapdict['uid'] = login req_ldap='' print >>sys.stderr, "\r\n \r\n \t LDAP.PY \t\t make_ldap_filters_from_record record %s req_ldapdict %s" %(record,req_ldapdict) for k in req_ldapdict: req_ldap += '('+str(k)+'='+str(req_ldapdict[k])+')' if len(req_ldapdict.keys()) >1 : req_ldap = req_ldap[:0]+"(&"+req_ldap[0:] size = len(req_ldap) req_ldap= req_ldap[:(size-1)] +')'+ req_ldap[(size-1):] else: req_ldap = "(cn=*)" return req_ldap #Returns one matching entry def ldapSearch (self, record = None, expected_fields = None ): self.conn.connect(bind = False) #self.connect() req_ldap = self.make_ldap_filters_from_record(record) return_fields = [] if expected_fields == None : return_fields = ['mail','givenName', 'sn', 'uid','sshPublicKey'] else : return_fields = expected_fields print >>sys.stderr, "\r\n \r\n \t LDAP.PY \t\t ldapSearch req_ldap %s return_fields %s " %(req_ldap,return_fields) try:,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,req_ldap,return_fields) #Get all the results matching the search from ldap in one shot (1 value) result_type, result_data = self.conn.ldapserv.result(msg_id,1) #results = [] print >>sys.stderr, "\r\n \r\n \t LDAP.PY \t\t ldapSearch result_data %s" %(result_data) if result_data is None: return None #Asked for a specific user if record : ldapentry = result_data[0][1] print >>sys.stderr, "\r\n \r\n \t LDAP.PY \t\t ldapSearch ldapentry %s" %(ldapentry) tmpname = ldapentry['uid'][0] tmpemail = ldapentry['mail'][0] if ldapentry['mail'][0] == "unknown": tmpemail = None try: hrn = record['hrn'] parent_hrn = get_authority(hrn) peer_authority = None if parent_hrn is not self.authname: peer_authority = parent_hrn results= { 'type': 'user', 'pkey': ldapentry['sshPublicKey'][0], #'uid': ldapentry[1]['uid'][0], 'uid': tmpname , 'email':tmpemail, #'email': ldapentry[1]['mail'][0], 'first_name': ldapentry['givenName'][0], 'last_name': ldapentry['sn'][0], #'phone': 'none', 'serial': 'none', 'authority': parent_hrn, 'peer_authority': peer_authority, 'pointer' : -1, 'hrn': hrn, } except KeyError: print >>sys.stderr, "\r\n \r\n LDAPapi \t ldapSearch KEyError results %s" %(results) pass else: #Asked for all users in ldap results = [] for ldapentry in result_data: print>>sys.stderr,"\r\n\t\t ldapentry name : %s " %(ldapentry[1]['uid'][0]) tmpname = ldapentry[1]['uid'][0] hrn=self.authname+"."+ tmpname tmpemail = ldapentry[1]['mail'][0] if ldapentry[1]['mail'][0] == "unknown": tmpemail = None parent_hrn = get_authority(hrn) parent_auth_info = self.senslabauth.get_auth_info(parent_hrn) try: results.append( { 'type': 'user', 'pkey': ldapentry[1]['sshPublicKey'][0], #'uid': ldapentry[1]['uid'][0], 'uid': tmpname , 'email':tmpemail, #'email': ldapentry[1]['mail'][0], 'first_name': ldapentry[1]['givenName'][0], 'last_name': ldapentry[1]['sn'][0], # 'phone': 'none', 'serial': 'none', 'authority': self.authname, 'peer_authority': '', 'pointer' : -1, 'hrn': hrn, } ) except KeyError: pass return results except ldap.LDAPError,e : print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR LDAP %s" %(e) #def ldapFindHrn(self, record_filter = None): ##def ldapFindHrn(self, record_filter = None, columns=None): #results = [] #self.conn.connect(bind = False) ##self.connect() #if 'authority' in record_filter: ## ask for authority #if record_filter['authority']==self.authname: ## which is SFA_REGISTRY_ROOT_AUTH ## request all records which are under our authority, ie all ldap entries #ldapfilter="cn=*" #else: ##which is NOT SFA_REGISTRY_ROOT_AUTH #return [] #else : #if not 'hrn' in record_filter: #print >>sys.stderr,"find : don't know how to handle filter ",record_filter #return [] #else: #hrns=[] #h=record_filter['hrn'] #if isinstance(h,list): #hrns=h #else : #hrns.append(h) #ldapfilter="(|" #for hrn in hrns: #splited_hrn=hrn.split(".") #if splited_hrn[0] != self.authname : #print >>sys.stderr,"i know nothing about",hrn, " my authname is ", self.authname, " not ", splited_hrn[0] #else : #login=splited_hrn[1] #ldapfilter+="(uid=" #ldapfilter+=login #ldapfilter+=")" #ldapfilter+=")",ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,ldapfilter, ['mail','givenName', 'sn', 'uid','sshPublicKey']),ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,ldapfilter, ['mail','givenName', 'sn', 'uid','sshPublicKey']) #ldapresponse=self.conn.ldapserv.result(rindex,1) #for ldapentry in ldapresponse[1]: #tmpname = ldapentry[1]['uid'][0] #if ldapentry[1]['uid'][0] == "savakian": #tmpname = 'avakian' #hrn=self.authname+"."+ tmpname #tmpemail = ldapentry[1]['mail'][0] #if ldapentry[1]['mail'][0] == "unknown": #tmpemail = None ## uuid=create_uuid() ## RSA_KEY_STRING=ldapentry[1]['sshPublicKey'][0] ## pkey=convert_public_key(RSA_KEY_STRING) ## gid=self.senslabauth.create_gid("urn:publicid:IDN+"+self.authname+"+user+"+ldapentry[1]['uid'][0], uuid, pkey, CA=False) #parent_hrn = get_authority(hrn) #parent_auth_info = self.senslabauth.get_auth_info(parent_hrn) #results.append( { #'type': 'user', #'pkey': ldapentry[1]['sshPublicKey'][0], ##'uid': ldapentry[1]['uid'][0], #'uid': tmpname , #'email':tmpemail, ##'email': ldapentry[1]['mail'][0], #'first_name': ldapentry[1]['givenName'][0], #'last_name': ldapentry[1]['sn'][0], ## 'phone': 'none', #'serial': 'none', #'authority': self.authname, #'peer_authority': '', #'pointer' : -1, #'hrn': hrn, #} ) #return results