import psycopg2 import psycopg2.extensions psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2.extensions.UNICODE) # UNICODEARRAY not exported yet psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2._psycopg.UNICODEARRAY) from sfa.util.config import Config from import SfaTable from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger # allow to run sfa2wsdl if this is missing (for mac) import sys try: import pgdb except: print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING, could not import pgdb" from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, DateTime from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, MetaData, join, ForeignKey from import Base from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref from import dbsession, engine from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table from sqlalchemy.exc import NoSuchTableError #Dict holding the columns names of the table as keys #and their type, used for creation of the table slice_table = {'record_id_user':'integer PRIMARY KEY references X ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE','oar_job_id':'integer DEFAULT -1', 'record_id_slice':'integer', 'slice_hrn':'text NOT NULL'} #Dict with all the specific senslab tables tablenames_dict = {'slice_senslab': slice_table} ############################## SlabBase = declarative_base(metadata= Base.metadata, bind=engine) class SlabSliceDB (SlabBase): __tablename__ = 'slice_senslab' record_id_user = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("records.record_id"), primary_key=True) oar_job_id = Column( Integer,default = -1) record_id_slice = Column(Integer) slice_hrn = Column(String,nullable = False) def __init__ (self, slice_hrn =None, oar_job_id=None, record_id_slice=None, record_id_user= None): if record_id_slice: self.record_id_slice = record_id_slice if slice_hrn: self.slice_hrn = slice_hrn if oar_job_id: self.oar_job_id = oar_job_id if slice_hrn: self.slice_hrn = slice_hrn if record_id_user: self.record_id_user= record_id_user class SlabDB: def __init__(self): self.config = Config() self.connection = None self.init_create_query() def init_create_query(self): sfatable = SfaTable() slice_table['record_id_user'] = slice_table['record_id_user'].replace("X",sfatable.tablename) print sys.stderr, " \r\n \r\n slice_table %s ",slice_table def cursor(self): if self.connection is None: # (Re)initialize database connection if psycopg2: try: # Try UNIX socket first self.connection = psycopg2.connect(user = 'sfa', password = 'sfa', database = 'sfa') #self.connection = psycopg2.connect(user = self.config.SFA_PLC_DB_USER, #password = self.config.SFA_PLC_DB_PASSWORD, #database = self.config.SFA_PLC_DB_NAME) except psycopg2.OperationalError: # Fall back on TCP self.connection = psycopg2.connect(user = self.config.SFA_PLC_DB_USER, password = self.config.SFA_PLC_DB_PASSWORD, database = self.config.SFA_PLC_DB_NAME, host = self.config.SFA_PLC_DB_HOST, port = self.config.SFA_PLC_DB_PORT) self.connection.set_client_encoding("UNICODE") else: self.connection = pgdb.connect(user = self.config.SFA_PLC_DB_USER, password = self.config.SFA_PLC_DB_PASSWORD, host = "%s:%d" % (self.config.SFA_PLC_DB_HOST, self.config.SFA_PLC_DB_PORT), database = self.config.SFA_PLC_DB_NAME) return self.connection.cursor() #Close connection to database def close(self): if self.connection is not None: self.connection.close() self.connection = None def selectall(self, query, hashref = True, key_field = None): """ Return each row as a dictionary keyed on field name (like DBI selectrow_hashref()). If key_field is specified, return rows as a dictionary keyed on the specified field (like DBI selectall_hashref()). """ cursor = self.cursor() cursor.execute(query) rows = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() self.connection.commit() if hashref or key_field is not None: # Return each row as a dictionary keyed on field name # (like DBI selectrow_hashref()). labels = [column[0] for column in cursor.description] rows = [dict(zip(labels, row)) for row in rows] if key_field is not None and key_field in labels: # Return rows as a dictionary keyed on the specified field # (like DBI selectall_hashref()). return dict([(row[key_field], row) for row in rows]) else: return rows def exists(self, tablename): """ Checks if the table specified as tablename exists. """ try: metadata = MetaData (bind=engine) table=Table (tablename, metadata, autoload=True) return True except NoSuchTableError: print>>sys.stderr, " \r\n \r\n \t SLABPOSTGRES EXISTS NOPE! tablename %s " %(tablename) return False ##mark = self.cursor() #sql = "SELECT * from pg_tables" ##mark.execute(sql) ##rows = mark.fetchall() ##mark.close() ##labels = [column[0] for column in mark.description] ##rows = [dict(zip(labels, row)) for row in rows] #rows = self.selectall(sql) #rows = filter(lambda row: row['tablename'].startswith(tablename), rows) #if rows: #return True #print>>sys.stderr, " \r\n \r\n \t SLABPOSTGRES EXISTS NOPE ! tablename %s " %(tablename) #return False def createtable(self, tablename ): """ Creates the specifed table. Uses the global dictionnary holding the tablenames and the table schema. """ print>>sys.stderr, " \r\n \r\n \t SLABPOSTGRES CREATETABLE " SlabBase.metadata.create_all(engine) print>>sys.stderr, " \r\n \r\n \t SLABPOSTGRES CREATETABLE YAAAAAAAAAAY" #mark = self.cursor() #tablelist =[] #if tablename not in tablenames_dict: #logger.error("Tablename unknown - creation failed") #return #T = tablenames_dict[tablename] #print>>sys.stderr, " \r\n \r\n \t SLABPOSTGRES.PY T %s" %(T) #for k in T.keys(): #tmp = str(k) +' ' + T[k] #tablelist.append(tmp) #end_of_statement = ",".join(tablelist) #statement = "CREATE TABLE " + tablename + " ("+ end_of_statement +");" #print>>sys.stderr, " \r\n \r\n \t SLABPOSTGRES.PY statement %s" %(statement) ##template = "CREATE INDEX %s_%s_idx ON %s (%s);" ##indexes = [template % ( self.tablename, field, self.tablename, field) \ ##for field in ['hrn', 'type', 'authority', 'peer_authority', 'pointer']] ##IF EXISTS doenst exist in postgres < 8.2 #try: #print>>sys.stderr, " \r\n \r\n \t SLABPOSTGRES.PY AVANT LE DROP IF EXISTS" #mark.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' + tablename +';') #except: #try: #mark.execute('DROP TABLE' + tablename +';') #except: #pass #print>>sys.stderr, " \r\n \r\n \t SLABPOSTGRES.PY AVANT EXECUTE statement ",statement #mark.execute(statement) #print>>sys.stderr, " \r\n \r\n \t SLABPOSTGRES.PY OUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE " ##for index in indexes: #self.connection.commit() #print>>sys.stderr, " \r\n \r\n \t SLABPOSTGRES.PY COMMIT DE OUFGUEDIN " #mark.close() #self.close() return def insert(self, table, columns,values): """ Inserts data (values) into the columns of the specified table. """ mark = self.cursor() statement = "INSERT INTO " + table + \ "(" + ",".join(columns) + ") " + \ "VALUES(" + ", ".join(values) + ");" mark.execute(statement) self.connection.commit() mark.close() self.close() return def insert_slab_slice(self, person_rec): """ Inserts information about a user and his slice into the slice table. """ sfatable = SfaTable() keys = slice_table.keys() #returns a list of records from the sfa table (dicts) #the filters specified will return only one matching record, into a list of dicts #Finds the slice associated with the user (Senslabs slices hrns contains the user hrn) userrecord = sfatable.find({'hrn': person_rec['hrn'], 'type':'user'}) slicerec = sfatable.find({'hrn': person_rec['hrn']+'_slice', 'type':'slice'}) if slicerec : if (isinstance (userrecord, list)): userrecord = userrecord[0] if (isinstance (slicerec, list)): slicerec = slicerec[0] oar_dflt_jobid = -1 values = [ str(oar_dflt_jobid), ' \''+ str(slicerec['hrn']) + '\'', str(userrecord['record_id']), str( slicerec['record_id'])] self.insert('slice_senslab', keys, values) else : logger.error("Trying to import a not senslab slice") return def update(self, table, column_names, values, whereclause, valueclause): """ Updates a record in a given table. """ #Creates the values string for the update SQL command vclause = valueclause if len(column_names) is not len(values): return else: valueslist = [] valuesdict = dict(zip(column_names,values)) for k in valuesdict.keys(): valuesdict[k] = str(valuesdict[k]) #v = ' \''+ str(k) + '\''+ '='+' \''+ valuesdict[k]+'\'' v = str(k) + '=' + valuesdict[k] valueslist.append(v) if isinstance(vclause,str): vclause = '\''+ vclause + '\'' statement = "UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s = %s" % \ (table, ", ".join(valueslist), whereclause, vclause) print>>sys.stderr,"\r\n \r\n SLABPOSTGRES.PY update statement %s valuesdict %s valueslist %s" %(statement,valuesdict,valueslist) mark = self.cursor() mark.execute(statement) self.connection.commit() mark.close() self.close() return def update_senslab_slice(self, slice_rec): sfatable = SfaTable() hrn = str(slice_rec['hrn']) userhrn = hrn.rstrip('_slice') userrecord = sfatable.find({'hrn': userhrn, 'type':'user'}) print>>sys.stderr, " \r\n \r\n \t SLABPOSTGRES.PY update_senslab_slice : userrecord %s slice_rec %s userhrn %s" %( userrecord, slice_rec, userhrn) if (isinstance (userrecord, list)): userrecord = userrecord[0] columns = [ 'record_id_user', 'oar_job_id'] values = [slice_rec['record_id_user'],slice_rec['oar_job_id']] self.update('slice',columns, values,'record_id_slice', slice_rec['record_id_slice']) return def find(self, tablename,record_filter = None, columns=None): print>>sys.stderr, " \r\n \r\n \t SLABPOSTGRES.PY find : record_filter %s %s columns %s %s" %( record_filter , type(record_filter),columns , type(columns)) if not columns: columns = "*" else: columns = ",".join(columns) sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE True " % (columns, tablename) #if isinstance(record_filter, (list, tuple, set)): #ints = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, (int, long)), record_filter) #strs = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, StringTypes), record_filter) #record_filter = Filter(SfaRecord.all_fields, {'record_id': ints, 'hrn': strs}) #sql += "AND (%s) %s " % record_filter.sql("OR") #elif isinstance(record_filter, dict): #record_filter = Filter(SfaRecord.all_fields, record_filter) #sql += " AND (%s) %s" % record_filter.sql("AND") #elif isinstance(record_filter, StringTypes): #record_filter = Filter(SfaRecord.all_fields, {'hrn':[record_filter]}) #sql += " AND (%s) %s" % record_filter.sql("AND") #elif isinstance(record_filter, int): #record_filter = Filter(SfaRecord.all_fields, {'record_id':[record_filter]}) #sql += " AND (%s) %s" % record_filter.sql("AND") if isinstance(record_filter, dict): for k in record_filter.keys(): #sql += "AND "+' \''+ str(k) + '\''+ '='+' \''+ str(record_filter[k])+'\'' #sql += "AND "+ str(k) + '=' + str(record_filter[k]) sql += "AND "+ str(k) +'='+' \''+ str(record_filter[k])+'\'' elif isinstance(record_filter, str): sql += "AND slice_hrn ="+ ' \''+record_filter+'\'' #elif isinstance(record_filter, int): #record_filter = Filter(SfaRecord.all_fields, {'record_id':[record_filter]}) #sql += " AND (%s) %s" % record_filter.sql("AND") sql += ";" print>>sys.stderr, " \r\n \r\n \t SLABPOSTGRES.PY find : sql %s record_filter %s %s" %(sql, record_filter , type(record_filter)) results = self.selectall(sql) if isinstance(results, dict): results = [results] return results