#!/usr/bin/python # # SFA PLC Wrapper # # This wrapper implements the SFA Registry and Slice Interfaces on PLC. # Depending on command line options, it starts some combination of a # Registry, an Aggregate Manager, and a Slice Manager. # # There are several items that need to be done before starting the wrapper # server. # # NOTE: Many configuration settings, including the PLC maintenance account # credentials, URI of the PLCAPI, and PLC DB URI and admin credentials are initialized # from your MyPLC configuration (/etc/planetlab/plc_config*). Please make sure this information # is up to date and accurate. # # 1) Import the existing planetlab database, creating the # appropriate SFA records. This is done by running the "sfa-import-plc.py" tool. # # 2) Create a "trusted_roots" directory and place the certificate of the root # authority in that directory. Given the defaults in sfa-import-plc.py, this # certificate would be named "planetlab.gid". For example, # # mkdir trusted_roots; cp authorities/planetlab.gid trusted_roots/ # # TODO: Can all three servers use the same "registry" certificate? ## # TCP ports for the three servers #registry_port=12345 #aggregate_port=12346 #slicemgr_port=12347 ### xxx todo not in the config yet component_port=12346 import os, os.path import sys from optparse import OptionParser from sfa.util.sfalogging import sfa_logger from sfa.trust.trustedroot import TrustedRootList from sfa.trust.certificate import Keypair, Certificate from sfa.trust.hierarchy import Hierarchy from sfa.util.config import Config from sfa.plc.api import SfaAPI from sfa.server.registry import Registries from sfa.server.aggregate import Aggregates # after http://www.erlenstar.demon.co.uk/unix/faq_2.html def daemon(): """Daemonize the current process.""" if os.fork() != 0: os._exit(0) os.setsid() if os.fork() != 0: os._exit(0) os.umask(0) devnull = os.open(os.devnull, os.O_RDWR) os.dup2(devnull, 0) # xxx fixme - this is just to make sure that nothing gets stupidly lost - should use devnull crashlog = os.open('/var/log/httpd/sfa_access_log', os.O_RDWR | os.O_APPEND | os.O_CREAT, 0644) os.dup2(crashlog, 1) os.dup2(crashlog, 2) def init_server_key(server_key_file, server_cert_file, config, hierarchy): subject = config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN # check if the server's private key exists. If it doesnt, # get the right one from the authorities directory. If it cant be # found in the authorities directory, generate a random one if not os.path.exists(server_key_file): hrn = config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN.lower() hrn_parts = hrn.split(".") rel_key_path = hrn pkey_filename = hrn+".pkey" # sub authority's have "." in their hrn. This must # be converted to os.path separator if len(hrn_parts) > 0: rel_key_path = hrn.replace(".", os.sep) pkey_filename= hrn_parts[-1]+".pkey" key_file = os.sep.join([hierarchy.basedir, rel_key_path, pkey_filename]) if not os.path.exists(key_file): # if it doesnt exist then this is probably a fresh interface # with no records. Generate a random keypair for now sfa_logger().debug("server's public key not found in %s" % key_file) sfa_logger().debug("generating a random server key pair") key = Keypair(create=True) key.save_to_file(server_key_file) cert = Certificate(subject=subject) cert.set_issuer(key=key, subject=subject) cert.set_pubkey(key) cert.sign() cert.save_to_file(server_cert_file, save_parents=True) else: # the pkey was found in the authorites directory. lets # copy it to where the server key should be and generate # the cert key = Keypair(filename=key_file) key.save_to_file(server_key_file) cert = Certificate(subject=subject) cert.set_issuer(key=key, subject=subject) cert.set_pubkey(key) cert.sign() cert.save_to_file(server_cert_file, save_parents=True) # If private key exists and cert doesnt, recreate cert if (os.path.exists(server_key_file)) and (not os.path.exists(server_cert_file)): key = Keypair(filename=server_key_file) cert = Certificate(subject=subject) cert.set_issuer(key=key, subject=subject) cert.set_pubkey(key) cert.sign() cert.save_to_file(server_cert_file) def init_server(options, config): """ Execute the init method defined in the manager file """ manager_base = 'sfa.managers' if options.registry: mgr_type = config.SFA_REGISTRY_TYPE manager_module = manager_base + ".registry_manager_%s" % mgr_type try: manager = __import__(manager_module, fromlist=[manager_base]) except: manager = None if manager and hasattr(manager, 'init_server'): manager.init_server() if options.am: mgr_type = config.SFA_AGGREGATE_TYPE manager_module = manager_base + ".aggregate_manager_%s" % mgr_type try: manager = __import__(manager_module, fromlist=[manager_base]) except: manager = None if manager and hasattr(manager, 'init_server'): manager.init_server() if options.sm: mgr_type = config.SFA_SM_TYPE manager_module = manager_base + ".slice_manager_%s" % mgr_type try: manager = __import__(manager_module, fromlist=[manager_base]) except: manager = None if manager and hasattr(manager, 'init_server'): manager.init_server() if options.cm: mgr_type = config.SFA_CM_TYPE manager_module = manager_base + ".component_manager_%s" % mgr_type try: manager = __import__(manager_module, fromlist=[manager_base]) except: manager = None if manager and hasattr(manager, 'init_server'): manager.init_server() def sync_interfaces(server_key_file, server_cert_file): """ Attempt to install missing trusted gids and db records for our federated interfaces """ api = SfaAPI(key_file = server_key_file, cert_file = server_cert_file) registries = Registries(api) aggregates = Aggregates(api) registries.sync_interfaces() aggregates.sync_interfaces() def main(): # Generate command line parser parser = OptionParser(usage="sfa-server [options]") parser.add_option("-r", "--registry", dest="registry", action="store_true", help="run registry server", default=False) parser.add_option("-s", "--slicemgr", dest="sm", action="store_true", help="run slice manager", default=False) parser.add_option("-a", "--aggregate", dest="am", action="store_true", help="run aggregate manager", default=False) parser.add_option("-c", "--component", dest="cm", action="store_true", help="run component server", default=False) parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="count", dest="verbose", default=0, help="verbose mode - cumulative") parser.add_option("-d", "--daemon", dest="daemon", action="store_true", help="Run as daemon.", default=False) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() sfa_logger().setLevelFromOptVerbose(options.verbose) config = Config() if config.SFA_API_DEBUG: sfa_logger().setLevelDebug() hierarchy = Hierarchy() server_key_file = os.path.join(hierarchy.basedir, "server.key") server_cert_file = os.path.join(hierarchy.basedir, "server.cert") init_server_key(server_key_file, server_cert_file, config, hierarchy) init_server(options, config) sync_interfaces(server_key_file, server_cert_file) if (options.daemon): daemon() # start registry server if (options.registry): from sfa.server.registry import Registry r = Registry("", config.SFA_REGISTRY_PORT, server_key_file, server_cert_file) r.start() # start aggregate manager if (options.am): from sfa.server.aggregate import Aggregate a = Aggregate("", config.SFA_AGGREGATE_PORT, server_key_file, server_cert_file) a.start() # start slice manager if (options.sm): from sfa.server.slicemgr import SliceMgr s = SliceMgr("", config.SFA_SM_PORT, server_key_file, server_cert_file) s.start() if (options.cm): from sfa.server.component import Component c = Component("", config.component_port, server_key_file, server_cert_file) # c = Component("", config.SFA_COMPONENT_PORT, server_key_file, server_cert_file) c.start() if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except: sfa_logger().log_exc_critical("SFA server is exiting")