#!/usr/bin/python import sys import os import tempfile from optparse import OptionParser from sfa.util.config import Config import sfa.util.xmlrpcprotocol as xmlrpcprotocol import sfa.util.misc as misc from sfa.trust.certificate import Keypair, Certificate from sfa.trust.credential import Credential from sfa.trust.gid import GID from sfa.trust.hierarchy import Hierarchy def get_server(url=None, port=None, keyfile=None, certfile=None,verbose=False): """ returns an xmlrpc connection to the service a the specified address """ if url: url_parts = url.split(":") if len(url_parts) >1: pass else: url = "http://%(url)s:%(port)s" % locals() else: # connect to registry by default config = Config() addr, port = config.SFA_REGISTRY_HOST, config.SFA_REGISTRY_PORT url = "http://%(addr)s:%(port)s" % locals() if verbose: print "Contacting registry at: %(url)s" % locals() server = xmlrpcprotocol.get_server(url, keyfile, certfile) return server def create_default_dirs(): config = Config() hierarchy = Hierarchy() config_dir = config.config_path trusted_certs_dir = config.get_trustedroots_dir() authorities_dir = hierarchy.basedir all_dirs = [config_dir, trusted_certs_dir, authorities_dir] for dir in all_dirs: if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) def get_node_key(registry=None, verbose=False): # this call requires no authentication, # so we can generate a random keypair here subject="component" keyfile = tempfile.mktemp() certfile = tempfile.mktemp() key = Keypair(create=True) key.save_to_file(keyfile) cert = Certificate(subject=subject) cert.set_issuer(key=key, subject=subject) cert.set_pubkey(key) cert.sign() cert.save_to_file(certfile) registry = get_server(url = registry, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile) registry.get_key() def create_server_keypair(keyfile=None, certfile=None, hrn="component", verbose=False): """ create the server key/cert pair in the right place """ key = Keypair(filename=keyfile) key.save_to_file(keyfile) cert = Certificate(subject=hrn) cert.set_issuer(key=key, subject=hrn) cert.set_pubkey(key) cert.sign() cert.save_to_file(certfile, save_parents=True) def get_credential(registry=None, verbose=False): config = Config() hierarchy = Hierarchy() key_dir= hierarchy.basedir data_dir = config.data_path config_dir = config.config_path credfile = data_dir + os.sep + 'node.cred' # check for existing credential if os.path.exists(credfile): if verbose: print "Loading Credential from %(credfile)s " % locals() cred = Credential(filename=credfile).save_to_string(save_parents=True) else: if verbose: print "Getting credential from registry" # make sure node private key exists node_pkey_file = config_dir + os.sep + "node.key" node_gid_file = config_dir + os.sep + "node.gid" if not os.path.exists(node_pkey_file) or \ not os.path.exists(node_gid_file): get_node_key(registry=registry, verbose=verbose) gid = GID(filename=node_gid_file) hrn = gid.get_hrn() # create server key and certificate keyfile =data_dir + os.sep + "server.key" certfile = data_dir + os.sep + "server.cert" key = Keypair(filename=node_pkey_file) key.save_to_file(keyfile) create_server_keypair(keyfile, certfile, hrn, verbose) # get credential from registry registry = get_server(url=registry, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile) cert_str = cert.save_to_string(save_parents=True) cred = registry.get_self_credential(cert_str, 'node', hrn) Credential(string=cred).save_to_file(credfile) return cred def get_trusted_certs(registry=None, verbose=False): """ refresh our list of trusted certs. """ # define useful variables config = Config() data_dir = config.data_path trusted_certs_dir = config.get_trustedroots_dir() keyfile = data_dir + os.sep + "server.key" certfile = data_dir + os.sep + "server.cert" node_gid_file = config_dir + os.sep + "node.gid" node_gid = GID(filename=node_gid_file) hrn = node_gid.get_hrn() # get credential cred = get_credential(registry=registry, verbose=verbose) # make sure server key cert pair exists create_server_keypair(keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile, hrn=hrn, verbose=verbose) registry = get_server(url=registry, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile) # get the trusted certs and save them in the right place if verbose: print "Getting trusted certs from registry" trusted_certs = registry.get_trusted_certs(cred) trusted_gid_names = [] for gid_str in trusted_certs: gid = GID(string=gid_str) gid.decode() trusted_gid_names.append(gid.get_hrn()) gid_filename = trusted_certs_dir + os.sep + gid.get_hrn() + ".gid" if verbose: print "Writing GID for %s as %s" % (gid.get_hrn(), gid_filename) gid.save_to_file(gid_filename, save_parents=True) # remove old certs all_gids_names = os.listdir(trusted_certs_dir) for gid_name in all_gids_names: if gid_name not in trusted_gid_names: os.unlink(trusted_certs_dir + os.sep + gid_name) def get_gids(registry=None, verbose=False): """ Get the gid for all instantiated slices on this node and store it in /etc/sfa/slice.gid in the slice's filesystem """ # define useful variables config = Config() data_dir = config.data_path trusted_certs_dir = config.get_trustedroots_dir() keyfile = data_dir + os.sep + "server.key" certfile = data_dir + os.sep + "server.cert" node_gid_file = config_dir + os.sep + "node.gid" node_gid = GID(filename=node_gid_file) hrn = node_gid.get_hrn() interface_hrn = config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN # get credential cred = get_credential(registry=registry, verbose=verbose) # make sure server key cert pair exists create_server_keypair(keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile, hrn=hrn, verbose=verbose) registry = get_server(url=registry, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile) if verbose: print "Getting current slices on this node" # get a list of slices on this node from sfa.plc.api import ComponentAPI api = ComponentAPI() slicenames = api.nodemanger.GetXIDs().keys() slicename_to_hrn = lambda name: ".".join([interface_hrn, name.replace('_', '.')]) hrns = map(slicename_to_hrn, slicenames) if verbose: print "Getting gids for slices on this node from registry" # get the gids # and save them in the right palce records = registry.get_gids(cred, hrns) for record in records: # if this isnt a slice record skip it if not record['type'] == 'slice': continue slicename = misc.hrn_to_pl_slicename(record['hrn']) # if this slice isnt really instatiated skip it if not os.path.exists("/vservers/%(slicename)s" % locals()): continue # save the slice gid in /etc/sfa/ in the vservers filesystem vserver_path = "/vserver/%(slicename)s" % locals() gid = record['gid'] slice_gid_filename = os.sep.join([vserver_path, config_dir, "slice.gid"]) if verbose: print "Saving GID for %(slicename)s as %(slice_gid_filename)s" % locals() GID(string=gid).save_to_file(slice_gid_filename, save_parents=True) # save the node gid in /etc/sfa node_gid_filename = os.sep.join([vserver_path, config_dir, "node.gid"]) if verbose: print "Saving node GID for %(slicename)s as %(slice_gid_filename)s" % locals() node_gid.save_to_file(node_gid_filename, save_parents=True) def dispatch(options, args): create_default_dirs() if options.key: if options.verbose: print "Getting the component's pkey" get_node_key(registry=options.registry, verbose=options.verbose) if options.certs: if options.verbose: print "Getting the component's trusted certs" get_trusted_certs(verbose=options.verbose) if options.gids: if options.verbose: print "Geting the component's GIDs" get_gids(verbose=options.verbose) def main(): args = sys.argv prog_name = args[0] parser = OptionParser(usage="%(prog_name)s [options]" % locals()) parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="Be verbose") parser.add_option("-r", "--registry", dest="registry", default=None, help="Url of registry to contact") parser.add_option("-k", "--key", dest="key", action="store_true", default=False, help="Get the node's pkey from the registry") parser.add_option("-c", "--certs", dest="certs", action="store_true", default=False, help="Get the trusted certs from the registry") parser.add_option("-g", "--gids", dest="gids", action="store_true", default=False, help="Get gids for all the slices on the component") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() dispatch(options, args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()