from types import StringTypes from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger Base=declarative_base() class Alchemy: def __init__ (self, config): dbname="sfa" # will be created lazily on-demand self._session = None # the former used the psycopg2 directly and was doing #self.connection.set_client_encoding("UNICODE") # it's unclear how to achieve this in sqlalchemy, nor if it's needed at all # # we indeed have /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf where # this setting is unset, it might be an angle to tweak that if need be # try a unix socket first - omitting the hostname does the trick unix_desc = "postgresql+psycopg2://%s:%s@:%s/%s"%\ (config.SFA_DB_USER,config.SFA_DB_PASSWORD,config.SFA_DB_PORT,dbname) # the TCP fallback method tcp_desc = "postgresql+psycopg2://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s"%\ (config.SFA_DB_USER,config.SFA_DB_PASSWORD,config.SFA_DB_HOST,config.SFA_DB_PORT,dbname) for engine_desc in [ unix_desc, tcp_desc ] : try: self.engine = create_engine (engine_desc) self.check() return except: pass self.engine=None raise Exception,"Could not connect to database" # expects boolean True: debug is ON or False: debug is OFF def debug (self, echo): self.engine.echo=echo def check (self): self.engine.execute ("select 1").scalar() # create schema # warning: need to have all Base subclass loaded for this to work def create_schema (self): return Base.metadata.create_all(self.engine) # does a complete wipe of the schema, use with care def drop_schema (self): return Base.metadata.drop_all(self.engine) def session (self): if self._session is None: Session=sessionmaker () self._session=Session(bind=self.engine) return self._session def close_session (self): if self._session is None: return self._session.close() self._session=None def commit (self): self.session().commit() def insert (self, stuff, commit=False): if isinstance (stuff,list): self.session().add_all(stuff) else: self.session().add(obj) # for compat with the previous PostgreSQL stuff def update (self, record): self.commit() def remove (self, record): del record self.commit() #################### # dicts vs objects #################### # historically the front end to the db dealt with dicts, so the code was only dealing with dicts # sqlalchemy however offers an object interface, meaning that you write instead of obj['id'] # which is admittedly much nicer # however we still need to deal with dictionaries if only for the xmlrpc layer # # here are a few utilities for this # # (*) first off, when an old pieve of code needs to be used as-is, if only temporarily, the simplest trick # is to use obj.__dict__ # this behaves exactly like required, i.e. obj.__dict__['field']='new value' does change obj.field # however this depends on sqlalchemy's implementation so it should be avoided # # (*) second, when an object needs to be exposed to the xmlrpc layer, we need to convert it into a dict # remember though that writing the resulting dictionary won't change the object # essentially obj.__dict__ would be fine too, except that we want to discard alchemy private keys starting with '_' # 2 ways are provided for that: # . dict(obj) # . obj.todict() # the former dict(obj) relies on __iter__() and next() below, and does not rely on the fields names # although it seems to work fine, I've found cases where it issues a weird python error that I could not get right # so the latter obj.todict() seems more reliable but more hacky as is relies on the form of fields, so this can probably be improved # # (*) finally for converting a dictionary into an sqlalchemy object, we provide # obj.set_from_dict(dict) from sqlalchemy.orm import object_mapper class AlchemyObj: def __iter__(self): self._i = iter(object_mapper(self).columns) return self def next(self): n = return n, getattr(self, n) def todict (self): d=self.__dict__ keys=[k for k in d.keys() if not k.startswith('_')] return dict ( [ (k,d[k]) for k in keys ] ) def set_from_dict (self, d): for (k,v) in d.iteritems(): # experimental if isinstance(v, StringTypes): if v.lower() in ['true']: v=True if v.lower() in ['false']: v=False setattr(self,k,v) #################### from sfa.util.config import Config alchemy=Alchemy (Config()) engine=alchemy.engine dbsession=alchemy.session()