## # This module implements a hierarchy of authorities and performs a similar # function as the "tree" module of the original SFA prototype. An HRN # is assumed to be a string of authorities separated by dots. For example, # "planetlab.us.arizona.bakers". Each component of the HRN is a different # authority, with the last component being a leaf in the tree. # # Each authority is stored in a subdirectory on the registry. Inside this # subdirectory are several files: # *.GID - GID file # *.PKEY - private key file # *.DBINFO - database info ## import os from sfa.util.faults import MissingAuthority from sfa.util.sfalogging import logger from sfa.util.xrn import get_leaf, get_authority, hrn_to_urn, urn_to_hrn from sfa.trust.certificate import Keypair from sfa.trust.credential import Credential from sfa.trust.gid import GID, create_uuid from sfa.util.config import Config from sfa.trust.sfaticket import SfaTicket ## # The AuthInfo class contains the information for an authority. This information # includes the GID, private key, and database connection information. class AuthInfo: hrn = None gid_object = None gid_filename = None privkey_filename = None dbinfo_filename = None ## # Initialize and authority object. # # @param xrn the human readable name of the authority (urn will be converted to hrn) # @param gid_filename the filename containing the GID # @param privkey_filename the filename containing the private key # @param dbinfo_filename the filename containing the database info def __init__(self, xrn, gid_filename, privkey_filename, dbinfo_filename): hrn, type = urn_to_hrn(xrn) self.hrn = hrn self.set_gid_filename(gid_filename) self.privkey_filename = privkey_filename self.dbinfo_filename = dbinfo_filename ## # Set the filename of the GID # # @param fn filename of file containing GID def set_gid_filename(self, fn): self.gid_filename = fn self.gid_object = None def get_privkey_filename(self): return self.privkey_filename def get_gid_filename(self): return self.gid_filename ## # Get the GID in the form of a GID object def get_gid_object(self): if not self.gid_object: self.gid_object = GID(filename = self.gid_filename) return self.gid_object ## # Get the private key in the form of a Keypair object def get_pkey_object(self): return Keypair(filename = self.privkey_filename) ## # Get the dbinfo in the form of a dictionary def get_dbinfo(self): f = file(self.dbinfo_filename) dict = eval(f.read()) f.close() return dict ## # Replace the GID with a new one. The file specified by gid_filename is # overwritten with the new GID object # # @param gid object containing new GID def update_gid_object(self, gid): gid.save_to_file(self.gid_filename) self.gid_object = gid ## # The Hierarchy class is responsible for managing the tree of authorities. # Each authority is a node in the tree and exists as an AuthInfo object. # # The tree is stored on disk in a hierarchical manner than reflects the # structure of the tree. Each authority is a subdirectory, and each subdirectory # contains the GID, pkey, and dbinfo files for that authority (as well as # subdirectories for each sub-authority) class Hierarchy: ## # Create the hierarchy object. # # @param basedir the base directory to store the hierarchy in def __init__(self, basedir = None): self.config = Config() if not basedir: basedir = os.path.join(self.config.SFA_DATA_DIR, "authorities") self.basedir = basedir ## # Given a hrn, return the filenames of the GID, private key, and dbinfo # files. # # @param xrn the human readable name of the authority (urn will be convertd to hrn) def get_auth_filenames(self, xrn): hrn, type = urn_to_hrn(xrn) leaf = get_leaf(hrn) parent_hrn = get_authority(hrn) directory = os.path.join(self.basedir, hrn.replace(".", "/")) gid_filename = os.path.join(directory, leaf+".gid") privkey_filename = os.path.join(directory, leaf+".pkey") dbinfo_filename = os.path.join(directory, leaf+".dbinfo") return (directory, gid_filename, privkey_filename, dbinfo_filename) ## # Check to see if an authority exists. An authority exists if it's disk # files exist. # # @param the human readable name of the authority to check def auth_exists(self, xrn): hrn, type = urn_to_hrn(xrn) (directory, gid_filename, privkey_filename, dbinfo_filename) = \ self.get_auth_filenames(hrn) return os.path.exists(gid_filename) and \ os.path.exists(privkey_filename) and \ os.path.exists(dbinfo_filename) ## # Create an authority. A private key for the authority and the associated # GID are created and signed by the parent authority. # # @param xrn the human readable name of the authority to create (urn will be converted to hrn) # @param create_parents if true, also create the parents if they do not exist def create_auth(self, xrn, create_parents=False): hrn, type = urn_to_hrn(xrn) logger.debug("Hierarchy: creating authority: %s"% hrn) # create the parent authority if necessary parent_hrn = get_authority(hrn) parent_urn = hrn_to_urn(parent_hrn, 'authority') if (parent_hrn) and (not self.auth_exists(parent_urn)) and (create_parents): self.create_auth(parent_urn, create_parents) (directory, gid_filename, privkey_filename, dbinfo_filename) = \ self.get_auth_filenames(hrn) # create the directory to hold the files try: os.makedirs(directory) # if the path already exists then pass except OSError, (errno, strerr): if errno == 17: pass if os.path.exists(privkey_filename): logger.debug("using existing key %r for authority %r"%(privkey_filename,hrn)) pkey = Keypair(filename = privkey_filename) else: pkey = Keypair(create = True) pkey.save_to_file(privkey_filename) gid = self.create_gid(xrn, create_uuid(), pkey) gid.save_to_file(gid_filename, save_parents=True) # XXX TODO: think up a better way for the dbinfo to work dbinfo = Config().get_plc_dbinfo() dbinfo_file = file(dbinfo_filename, "w") dbinfo_file.write(str(dbinfo)) dbinfo_file.close() def create_top_level_auth(self, hrn=None): """ Create top level records (includes root and sub authorities (local/remote) """ if not hrn: hrn = self.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN # make sure parent exists parent_hrn = get_authority(hrn) if not parent_hrn: parent_hrn = hrn if not parent_hrn == hrn: self.create_top_level_auth(parent_hrn) # create the authority if it doesnt alrady exist if not self.auth_exists(hrn): self.create_auth(hrn) def get_interface_auth_info(self, create=True): hrn = self.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN if not self.auth_exists(hrn): if create==True: self.create_top_level_auth(hrn) else: raise MissingAuthority(hrn) return self.get_auth_info(hrn) ## # Return the AuthInfo object for the specified authority. If the authority # does not exist, then an exception is thrown. As a side effect, disk files # and a subdirectory may be created to store the authority. # # @param xrn the human readable name of the authority to create (urn will be converted to hrn). def get_auth_info(self, xrn): hrn, type = urn_to_hrn(xrn) if not self.auth_exists(hrn): logger.warning("Hierarchy: missing authority - xrn=%s, hrn=%s"%(xrn,hrn)) raise MissingAuthority(hrn) (directory, gid_filename, privkey_filename, dbinfo_filename) = \ self.get_auth_filenames(hrn) auth_info = AuthInfo(hrn, gid_filename, privkey_filename, dbinfo_filename) # check the GID and see if it needs to be refreshed gid = auth_info.get_gid_object() gid_refreshed = self.refresh_gid(gid) if gid != gid_refreshed: auth_info.update_gid_object(gid_refreshed) return auth_info ## # Create a new GID. The GID will be signed by the authority that is it's # immediate parent in the hierarchy (and recursively, the parents' GID # will be signed by its parent) # # @param hrn the human readable name to store in the GID # @param uuid the unique identifier to store in the GID # @param pkey the public key to store in the GID def create_gid(self, xrn, uuid, pkey, CA=False): hrn, type = urn_to_hrn(xrn) parent_hrn = get_authority(hrn) # Using hrn_to_urn() here to make sure the urn is in the right format # If xrn was a hrn instead of a urn, then the gid's urn will be # of type None urn = hrn_to_urn(hrn, type) gid = GID(subject=hrn, uuid=uuid, hrn=hrn, urn=urn) # is this a CA cert if hrn == self.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN or not parent_hrn: # root or sub authority gid.set_intermediate_ca(True) elif type and 'authority' in type: # authority type gid.set_intermediate_ca(True) elif CA: gid.set_intermediate_ca(True) else: gid.set_intermediate_ca(False) # set issuer if not parent_hrn or hrn == self.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN: # if there is no parent hrn, then it must be self-signed. this # is where we terminate the recursion gid.set_issuer(pkey, hrn) else: # we need the parent's private key in order to sign this GID parent_auth_info = self.get_auth_info(parent_hrn) gid.set_issuer(parent_auth_info.get_pkey_object(), parent_auth_info.hrn) gid.set_parent(parent_auth_info.get_gid_object()) gid.set_pubkey(pkey) gid.encode() gid.sign() return gid ## # Refresh a GID. The primary use of this function is to refresh the # the expiration time of the GID. It may also be used to change the HRN, # UUID, or Public key of the GID. # # @param gid the GID to refresh # @param hrn if !=None, change the hrn # @param uuid if !=None, change the uuid # @param pubkey if !=None, change the public key def refresh_gid(self, gid, xrn=None, uuid=None, pubkey=None): # TODO: compute expiration time of GID, refresh it if necessary gid_is_expired = False # update the gid if we need to if gid_is_expired or xrn or uuid or pubkey: if not xrn: xrn = gid.get_urn() if not uuid: uuid = gid.get_uuid() if not pubkey: pubkey = gid.get_pubkey() gid = self.create_gid(xrn, uuid, pubkey) return gid ## # Retrieve an authority credential for an authority. The authority # credential will contain the authority privilege and will be signed by # the authority's parent. # # @param hrn the human readable name of the authority (urn is converted to hrn) # @param authority type of credential to return (authority | sa | ma) def get_auth_cred(self, xrn, kind="authority"): hrn, type = urn_to_hrn(xrn) auth_info = self.get_auth_info(hrn) gid = auth_info.get_gid_object() cred = Credential(subject=hrn) cred.set_gid_caller(gid) cred.set_gid_object(gid) cred.set_privileges(kind) cred.get_privileges().delegate_all_privileges(True) #cred.set_pubkey(auth_info.get_gid_object().get_pubkey()) parent_hrn = get_authority(hrn) if not parent_hrn or hrn == self.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN: # if there is no parent hrn, then it must be self-signed. this # is where we terminate the recursion cred.set_issuer_keys(auth_info.get_privkey_filename(), auth_info.get_gid_filename()) else: # we need the parent's private key in order to sign this GID parent_auth_info = self.get_auth_info(parent_hrn) cred.set_issuer_keys(parent_auth_info.get_privkey_filename(), parent_auth_info.get_gid_filename()) cred.set_parent(self.get_auth_cred(parent_hrn, kind)) cred.encode() cred.sign() return cred ## # Retrieve an authority ticket. An authority ticket is not actually a # redeemable ticket, but only serves the purpose of being included as the # parent of another ticket, in order to provide a chain of authentication # for a ticket. # # This looks almost the same as get_auth_cred, but works for tickets # XXX does similarity imply there should be more code re-use? # # @param xrn the human readable name of the authority (urn is converted to hrn) def get_auth_ticket(self, xrn): hrn, type = urn_to_hrn(xrn) auth_info = self.get_auth_info(hrn) gid = auth_info.get_gid_object() ticket = SfaTicket(subject=hrn) ticket.set_gid_caller(gid) ticket.set_gid_object(gid) ticket.set_delegate(True) ticket.set_pubkey(auth_info.get_gid_object().get_pubkey()) parent_hrn = get_authority(hrn) if not parent_hrn: # if there is no parent hrn, then it must be self-signed. this # is where we terminate the recursion ticket.set_issuer(auth_info.get_pkey_object(), hrn) else: # we need the parent's private key in order to sign this GID parent_auth_info = self.get_auth_info(parent_hrn) ticket.set_issuer(parent_auth_info.get_pkey_object(), parent_auth_info.hrn) ticket.set_parent(self.get_auth_cred(parent_hrn)) ticket.encode() ticket.sign() return ticket