## # This Module implements rights and lists of rights for the SFA. Rights # are implemented by two classes: # # Right - represents a single right # # Rights - represents a list of rights # # A right may allow several different operations. For example, the "info" right # allows "listslices", "listcomponentresources", etc. ## ## # privilege_table is a list of priviliges and what operations are allowed # per privilege. # Note that "*" is a privilege granted by ProtoGENI slice authorities, and we # give it access to the GENI AM calls privilege_table = {"authority": ["register", "remove", "update", "resolve", "list", "getcredential", "*"], "refresh": ["remove", "update"], "resolve": ["resolve", "list", "getcredential"], "sa": ["getticket", "redeemslice", "redeemticket", "createslice", "createsliver", "deleteslice", "deletesliver", "updateslice", "getsliceresources", "getticket", "loanresources", "stopslice", "startslice", "renewsliver", "deleteslice", "deletesliver", "resetslice", "listslices", "listnodes", "getpolicy", "sliverstatus"], "embed": ["getticket", "redeemslice", "redeemticket", "createslice", "createsliver", "renewsliver", "deleteslice", "deletesliver", "updateslice", "sliverstatus", "getsliceresources", "shutdown"], "bind": ["getticket", "loanresources", "redeemticket"], "control": ["updateslice", "createslice", "createsliver", "renewsliver", "sliverstatus", "stopslice", "startslice", "deleteslice", "deletesliver", "resetslice", "getsliceresources", "getgids"], "info": ["listslices", "listnodes", "getpolicy"], "ma": ["setbootstate", "getbootstate", "reboot", "getgids", "gettrustedcerts"], "operator": ["gettrustedcerts", "getgids"], "*": ["createsliver", "deletesliver", "sliverstatus", "renewsliver", "shutdown"]} ## # Determine the rights that an object should have. The rights are entirely # dependent on the type of the object. For example, users automatically # get "refresh", "resolve", and "info". # # @param type the type of the object (user | sa | ma | slice | node) # @param name human readable name of the object (not used at this time) # # @return Rights object containing rights def determine_rights(type, name): rl = Rights() # rights seem to be somewhat redundant with the type of the credential. # For example, a "sa" credential implies the authority right, because # a sa credential cannot be issued to a user who is not an owner of # the authority if type == "user": rl.add("refresh") rl.add("resolve") rl.add("info") elif type in ["sa", "authority+sa"]: rl.add("authority") rl.add("sa") elif type in ["ma", "authority+ma", "cm", "authority+cm", "sm", "authority+sm"]: rl.add("authority") rl.add("ma") elif type == "authority": rl.add("authority") rl.add("sa") rl.add("ma") elif type == "slice": rl.add("refresh") rl.add("embed") rl.add("bind") rl.add("control") rl.add("info") elif type == "component": rl.add("operator") return rl ## # The Right class represents a single privilege. class Right: ## # Create a new right. # # @param kind is a string naming the right. For example "control" def __init__(self, kind, delegate=False): self.kind = kind self.delegate = delegate ## # Test to see if this right object is allowed to perform an operation. # Returns True if the operation is allowed, False otherwise. # # @param op_name is a string naming the operation. For example "listslices". def can_perform(self, op_name): allowed_ops = privilege_table.get(self.kind.lower(), None) if not allowed_ops: return False # if "*" is specified, then all ops are permitted if "*" in allowed_ops: return True return (op_name.lower() in allowed_ops) ## # Test to see if this right is a superset of a child right. A right is a # superset if every operating that is allowed by the child is also allowed # by this object. # # @param child is a Right object describing the child right def is_superset(self, child): my_allowed_ops = privilege_table.get(self.kind.lower(), None) child_allowed_ops = privilege_table.get(child.kind.lower(), None) if not self.delegate: return False if "*" in my_allowed_ops: return True for right in child_allowed_ops: if not right in my_allowed_ops: return False return True ## # A Rights object represents a list of privileges. class Rights: ## # Create a new rightlist object, containing no rights. # # @param string if string!=None, load the rightlist from the string def __init__(self, string=None): self.rights = [] if string: self.load_from_string(string) def is_empty(self): return self.rights == [] ## # Add a right to this list # # @param right is either a Right object or a string describing the right def add(self, right, delegate=False): if isinstance(right, str): right = Right(right, delegate) self.rights.append(right) ## # Load the rightlist object from a string def load_from_string(self, string): self.rights = [] # none == no rights, so leave the list empty if not string: return parts = string.split(",") for part in parts: if ':' in part: spl = part.split(':') kind = spl[0].strip() delegate = bool(int(spl[1])) else: kind = part.strip() delegate = 0 self.rights.append(Right(kind, bool(delegate))) ## # Save the rightlist object to a string. It is saved in the format of a # comma-separated list. def save_to_string(self): right_names = [] for right in self.rights: right_names.append('%s:%d' % (right.kind.strip(), right.delegate)) return ",".join(right_names) ## # Check to see if some right in this list allows an operation. This is # done by evaluating the can_perform function of each operation in the # list. # # @param op_name is an operation to check, for example "listslices" def can_perform(self, op_name): for right in self.rights: if right.can_perform(op_name): return True return False ## # Check to see if all of the rights in this rightlist are a superset # of all the rights in a child rightlist. A rightlist is a superset # if there is no operation in the child rightlist that cannot be # performed in the parent rightlist. # # @param child is a rightlist object describing the child def is_superset(self, child): for child_right in child.rights: allowed = False for my_right in self.rights: if my_right.is_superset(child_right): allowed = True break if not allowed: return False return True ## # set the delegate bit to 'delegate' on # all privileges # # @param delegate boolean (True or False) def delegate_all_privileges(self, delegate): for right in self.rights: right.delegate = delegate ## # true if all privileges have delegate bit set true # false otherwise def get_all_delegate(self): for right in self.rights: if not right.delegate: return False return True ## # Determine the rights that an object should have. The rights are entirely # dependent on the type of the object. For example, users automatically # get "refresh", "resolve", and "info". # # @param type the type of the object (user | sa | ma | slice | node) # @param name human readable name of the object (not used at this time) # # @return Rights object containing rights def determine_rights(self, type, name): rl = Rights() # rights seem to be somewhat redundant with the type of the credential. # For example, a "sa" credential implies the authority right, because # a sa credential cannot be issued to a user who is not an owner of # the authority if type == "user": rl.add("refresh") rl.add("resolve") rl.add("info") elif type in ["sa", "authority+sa"]: rl.add("authority") rl.add("sa") elif type in ["ma", "authority+ma", "cm", "authority+cm", "sm", "authority+sm"]: rl.add("authority") rl.add("ma") elif type == "authority": rl.add("authority") rl.add("sa") rl.add("ma") elif type == "slice": rl.add("refresh") rl.add("embed") rl.add("bind") rl.add("control") rl.add("info") elif type == "component": rl.add("operator") return rl