## # This module implements the client-side of the Geni API. Stubs are provided # that convert the supplied parameters to the necessary format and send them # via XMLRPC to a Geni Server. # # TODO: Investigate ways to combine this with existing PLC API? ## ### $Id$ ### $URL$ from sfa.trust.gid import * from sfa.trust.credential import * from sfa.util.record import * from sfa.util.sfaticket import SfaTicket ## # The GeniClient class provides stubs for executing Geni operations. A given # client object connects to one server. To connect to multiple servers, create # multiple GeniClient objects. # # The Geni protocol uses an HTTPS connection, and the client's side of the # connection uses his private key. Generally, this private key must match the # public key that is containing in the GID that the client is providing for # those functions that take a GID. class GeniClient: ## # Create a new GeniClient object. # # @param url is the url of the server # @param key_file = private key file of client # @param cert_file = x.509 cert containing the client's public key. This # could be a GID certificate, or any x.509 cert. # @param protocol The ORPC protocol to use. Can be "soap" or "xmlrpc" def __init__(self, url, key_file, cert_file, protocol="xmlrpc"): self.url = url self.key_file = key_file self.cert_file = cert_file if (protocol=="xmlrpc"): import xmlrpcprotocol self.server = xmlrpcprotocol.get_server(self.url, self.key_file, self.cert_file) elif (protocol=="soap"): import soapprotocol self.server = soapprotocol.get_server(self.url, self.key_file, self.cert_file) else: raise Exception("Attempted use of undefined protocol %s"%protocol) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Registry Interface # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Create a new GID. For MAs and SAs that are physically located on the # registry, this allows a owner/operator/PI to create a new GID and have it # signed by his respective authority. # # @param cred credential of caller # @param name hrn for new GID # @param uuid unique identifier for new GID # @param pkey_string public-key string (TODO: why is this a string and not a keypair object?) # # @return a GID object def create_gid(self, cred, name, uuid, pkey_string): gid_str = self.server.create_gid(cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True), name, uuid, pkey_string) return GID(string=gid_str) ## # Retrieve the GID for an object. This function looks up a record in the # registry and returns the GID of the record if it exists. # TODO: Is this function needed? It's a shortcut for Resolve() # # @param name hrn to look up # # @return a GID object def get_gid(self, name): gid_str_list = self.server.get_gid(name) gid_list = [] for str in gid_str_list: gid_list.append(GID(string=str)) return gid_list ## # Get_self_credential a degenerate version of get_credential used by a # client to get his initial credential when he doesn't have one. This is # the same as get_credential(..., cred=None,...). # # The registry ensures that the client is the principal that is named by # (type, name) by comparing the public key in the record's GID to the # private key used to encrypt the client-side of the HTTPS connection. Thus # it is impossible for one principal to retrieve another principal's # credential without having the appropriate private key. # # @param type type of object (user | slice | sa | ma | node # @param name human readable name of object # # @return a credential object def get_self_credential(self, type, name): cred_str = self.server.get_self_credential(type, name) return Credential(string = cred_str) ## # Retrieve a credential for an object. # # If cred==None, then the behavior reverts to get_self_credential() # # @param cred credential object specifying rights of the caller # @param type type of object (user | slice | sa | ma | node) # @param name human readable name of object # # @return a credental object def get_credential(self, cred, type, name): if cred: cred = cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True) cred_str = self.server.get_credential(cred, type, name) return Credential(string = cred_str) ## # List the records in an authority. The objectGID in the supplied credential # should name the authority that will be listed. # # @param cred credential object specifying rights of the caller # # @return list of record objects def list(self, cred, auth_hrn, caller_cred=None): result_dict_list = self.server.list(cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True), auth_hrn, caller_cred) result_rec_list = [] for dict in result_dict_list: result_rec_list.append(GeniRecord(dict=dict)) return result_rec_list ## # Register an object with the registry. In addition to being stored in the # Geni database, the appropriate records will also be created in the # PLC databases. # # # # @param cred credential object specifying rights of the caller # @return record to register # # @return GID object for the newly-registered record def register(self, cred, record, caller_cred=None): gid_str = self.server.register(cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True), record.as_dict(), caller_cred) return GID(string = gid_str) ## # Remove an object from the registry. If the object represents a PLC object, # then the PLC records will also be removed. # # @param cred credential object specifying rights of the caller # @param type # @param hrn def remove(self, cred, type, hrn, caller_cred=None): result = self.server.remove(cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True), type, hrn, caller_cred) return result ## # Resolve an object in the registry. A given HRN may have multiple records # associated with it, and therefore multiple records may be returned. The # caller should check the type fields of the records to find the one that # he is interested in. # # @param cred credential object specifying rights of the caller # @param name human readable name of object def resolve(self, cred, name, caller_cred=None): result_dict_list = self.server.resolve(cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True), name, caller_cred) result_rec_list = [] for dict in result_dict_list: if dict['type'] in ['authority']: result_rec_list.append(AuthorityRecord(dict=dict)) elif dict['type'] in ['node']: result_rec_list.append(NodeRecord(dict=dict)) elif dict['type'] in ['slice']: result_rec_list.append(SliceRecord(dict=dict)) elif dict['type'] in ['user']: result_rec_list.append(UserRecord(dict=dict)) else: result_rec_list.append(GeniRecord(dict=dict)) return result_rec_list ## # Update an object in the registry. Currently, this only updates the # PLC information associated with the record. The Geni fields (name, type, # GID) are fixed. # # # # @param cred credential object specifying rights of the caller # @param record a record object to be updated def update(self, cred, record, caller_cred=None): result = self.server.update(cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True), record.as_dict(), caller_cred) return result #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Aggregate Interface #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## list resources # # @param cred a credential # @param hrn slice hrn def get_resources(self, cred, hrn=None, caller_cred=None): result = self.server.get_resources(cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True), hrn, caller_cred) return result def get_aggregates(self, cred, hrn=None): result = self.server.get_aggregates(cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True), hrn) return result def get_registries(self, cred, hrn=None): result = self.server.get_registries(cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True), hrn) return result ## get policy # # @param cred a credential def get_policy(self, cred): result = self.server.get_policy(cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True)) return result ## create slice # # @param cred a credential # @param rspec resource specification defining how to instantiate the slice def create_slice(self, cred, hrn, rspec, caller_cred=None): result = self.server.create_slice(cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True), hrn, rspec, caller_cred) return result ## delete slice # # @param cred a credential # @param hrn slice to delete def delete_slice(self, cred, hrn, caller_cred=None): result = self.server.delete_slice(cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True), hrn, caller_cred) return result # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Slice Interface # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## # Start a slice. # # @param cred a credential identifying the caller (callerGID) and the slice # (objectGID) def start_slice(self, cred, hrn): result = self.server.start_slice(cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True), hrn) return result ## # Stop a slice. # # @param cred a credential identifying the caller (callerGID) and the slice # (objectGID) def stop_slice(self, cred, hrn): result = self.server.stop_slice(cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True), hrn) return result ## # Reset a slice. # # @param cred a credential identifying the caller (callerGID) and the slice # (objectGID) def reset_slice(self, cred, hrn): result = self.server.reset_slice(cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True), hrn) return result ## # Delete a slice. # # @param cred a credential identifying the caller (callerGID) and the slice # (objectGID) def delete_slice(self, cred, hrn, caller_cred=None): result = self.server.delete_slice(cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True), hrn, caller_cred) return result ## # List the slices on a component. # # @param cred credential object that authorizes the caller # # @return a list of slice names def get_slices(self, cred): result = self.server.get_slices(cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True)) return result ## # Retrieve a ticket. This operation is currently implemented on the # registry (see SFA, engineering decisions), and is not implemented on # components. # # The ticket is filled in with information from the PLC database. This # information includes resources, and attributes such as user keys and # initscripts. # # @param cred credential object # @param name name of the slice to retrieve a ticket for # @param rspec resource specification dictionary # # @return a ticket object def get_ticket(self, cred, name, rspec): ticket_str = self.server.get_ticket(cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True), name, rspec) ticket = SfaTicket(string=ticket_str) return ticket ## # Redeem a ticket. This operation is currently implemented on the # component. # # The ticket is submitted to the node manager, and the slice is instantiated # or updated as appropriate. # # TODO: This operation should return a sliver credential and indicate # whether or not the component will accept only sliver credentials, or # will accept both sliver and slice credentials. # # @param ticket a ticket object containing the ticket def redeem_ticket(self, ticket): result = self.server.redeem_ticket(ticket.save_to_string(save_parents=True)) return result def remove_remote_object(self, cred, hrn, record): result = self.server.remove_remote_object(cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True), hrn, record) return result