#---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2008 Board of Trustees, Princeton University # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and/or hardware specification (the "Work") to # deal in the Work without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Work, and to permit persons to whom the Work # is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Work. # # THE WORK IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT # HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORK OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE WORK. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- import re from sfa.util.faults import SfaAPIError # for convenience and smoother translation - we should get rid of these # functions eventually def get_leaf(hrn): return Xrn(hrn).get_leaf() def get_authority(hrn): return Xrn(hrn).get_authority_hrn() def urn_to_hrn(urn): xrn = Xrn(urn) return (xrn.hrn, xrn.type) def hrn_to_urn(hrn, type): return Xrn(hrn, type=type).urn def hrn_authfor_hrn( parenthrn, hrn): return Xrn.hrn_is_auth_for_hrn(parenthrn, hrn) class Xrn: # basic tools on HRNs # split a HRN-like string into pieces # this is like split('.') except for escaped (backslashed) dots # e.g. hrn_split ('a\.b.c.d') -> [ 'a\.b','c','d'] @staticmethod def hrn_split(hrn): return [x.replace('--sep--', '\\.') for x in hrn.replace('\\.', '--sep--').split('.')] # e.g. hrn_leaf ('a\.b.c.d') -> 'd' @staticmethod def hrn_leaf(hrn): return Xrn.hrn_split(hrn)[-1] # e.g. hrn_auth_list ('a\.b.c.d') -> ['a\.b', 'c'] @staticmethod def hrn_auth_list(hrn): return Xrn.hrn_split(hrn)[0:-1] # e.g. hrn_auth ('a\.b.c.d') -> 'a\.b.c' @staticmethod def hrn_auth(hrn): return '.'.join(Xrn.hrn_auth_list(hrn)) # e.g. escape ('a.b') -> 'a\.b' @staticmethod def escape(token): return re.sub(r'([^\\])\.', r'\1\.', token) # e.g. unescape ('a\.b') -> 'a.b' @staticmethod def unescape(token): return token.replace('\\.', '.') # Return the HRN authority chain from top to bottom. # e.g. hrn_auth_chain('a\.b.c.d') -> ['a\.b', 'a\.b.c'] @staticmethod def hrn_auth_chain(hrn): parts = Xrn.hrn_auth_list(hrn) chain = [] for i in range(len(parts)): chain.append('.'.join(parts[:i + 1])) # Include the HRN itself? # chain.append(hrn) return chain # Is the given HRN a true authority over the namespace of the other # child HRN? # A better alternative than childHRN.startswith(parentHRN) # e.g. hrn_is_auth_for_hrn('a\.b', 'a\.b.c.d') -> True, # but hrn_is_auth_for_hrn('a', 'a\.b.c.d') -> False # Also hrn_is_auth_for_hrn('a\.b.c.d', 'a\.b.c.d') -> True @staticmethod def hrn_is_auth_for_hrn(parenthrn, hrn): if parenthrn == hrn: return True for auth in Xrn.hrn_auth_chain(hrn): if parenthrn == auth: return True return False # basic tools on URNs URN_PREFIX = "urn:publicid:IDN" URN_PREFIX_lower = "urn:publicid:idn" @staticmethod def is_urn(text): return text.lower().startswith(Xrn.URN_PREFIX_lower) @staticmethod def urn_full(urn): if Xrn.is_urn(urn): return urn else: return Xrn.URN_PREFIX + urn @staticmethod def urn_meaningful(urn): if Xrn.is_urn(urn): return urn[len(Xrn.URN_PREFIX):] else: return urn @staticmethod def urn_split(urn): return Xrn.urn_meaningful(urn).split('+') @staticmethod def filter_type(urns=None, type=None): if urns is None: urns = [] urn_list = [] if not type: return urns for urn in urns: xrn = Xrn(xrn=urn) if (xrn.type == type): # Xrn is probably a urn so we can just compare types urn_list.append(urn) return urn_list #################### # the local fields that are kept consistent # self.urn # self.hrn # self.type # self.path # provide either urn, or (hrn + type) def __init__(self, xrn="", type=None, id=None): if not xrn: xrn = "" # user has specified xrn : guess if urn or hrn self.id = id if Xrn.is_urn(xrn): self.hrn = None self.urn = xrn if id: self.urn = "%s:%s" % (self.urn, str(id)) self.urn_to_hrn() else: self.urn = None self.hrn = xrn self.type = type self.hrn_to_urn() self._normalize() # happens all the time .. # if not type: # debug_logger.debug("type-less Xrn's are not safe") def __repr__(self): result = " 1: self.id = ":".join(parts[1:]) name = parts[0] hrn += '.%s' % Xrn.escape(name) self.hrn = str(hrn) self.type = str(type) def hrn_to_urn(self): """ compute urn from (hrn, type) """ # if not self.hrn or self.hrn.startswith(Xrn.URN_PREFIX): if Xrn.is_urn(self.hrn): raise SfaAPIError("Xrn.hrn_to_urn, hrn=%s" % self.hrn) if self.type and self.type.startswith('authority'): self.authority = Xrn.hrn_auth_list(self.hrn) leaf = self.get_leaf() # if not self.authority: # self.authority = [self.hrn] type_parts = self.type.split("+") self.type = type_parts[0] name = 'sa' if len(type_parts) > 1: name = type_parts[1] auth_parts = [part for part in [ self.get_authority_urn(), leaf] if part] authority_string = ":".join(auth_parts) else: self.authority = Xrn.hrn_auth_list(self.hrn) name = Xrn.hrn_leaf(self.hrn) authority_string = self.get_authority_urn() if self.type == None: urn = "+".join(['', authority_string, Xrn.unescape(name)]) else: urn = "+".join(['', authority_string, self.type, Xrn.unescape(name)]) if hasattr(self, 'id') and self.id: urn = "%s:%s" % (urn, self.id) self.urn = Xrn.URN_PREFIX + urn def dump_string(self): result = "-------------------- XRN\n" result += "URN=%s\n" % self.urn result += "HRN=%s\n" % self.hrn result += "TYPE=%s\n" % self.type result += "LEAF=%s\n" % self.get_leaf() result += "AUTH(hrn format)=%s\n" % self.get_authority_hrn() result += "AUTH(urn format)=%s\n" % self.get_authority_urn() return result