%define name sfa %define version 2.0 %define taglevel 9 %define release %{taglevel}%{?pldistro:.%{pldistro}}%{?date:.%{date}} %global python_sitearch %( python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib(1)" ) %{!?python_sitelib: %define python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")} Name: %{name} Version: %{version} Release: %{release} Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2 License: GPL Group: Applications/System BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot # xxx TODO : package cron.d/ Vendor: PlanetLab Packager: PlanetLab Central Distribution: PlanetLab %{plrelease} URL: %{SCMURL} Summary: the SFA python libraries Group: Applications/System BuildRequires: make Requires: myplc-config Requires: python >= 2.5 Requires: pyOpenSSL >= 0.7 Requires: m2crypto Requires: xmlsec1-openssl-devel Requires: libxslt-python Requires: python-ZSI # for uuidgen - used in db password generation # on f8 this actually comes with e2fsprogs, go figure Requires: util-linux-ng # xmlbuilder depends on lxml Requires: python-lxml Requires: python-setuptools Requires: python-dateutil # for the registry Requires: postgresql >= 8.2, postgresql-server >= 8.2 Requires: postgresql-python Requires: python-psycopg2 # f8=0.4 - f12=0.5 f14=0.6 f16=0.7 Requires: python-sqlalchemy # the eucalyptus aggregate uses this module Requires: python-xmlbuilder # python 2.5 has uuid module added, for python 2.4 we still need it. # we can't really check for if we can load uuid as a python module, # it'll be installed by "devel.pkgs". we have the epel repository so # python-uuid will be provided. but we can test for the python # version. # %define has_py24 %( python -c "import sys;sys.exit(sys.version_info[0:2] == (2,4))" 2> /dev/null; echo $? ) # %if %has_py24 # # this also didn't work very well. I'll just check for distroname - baris #%if %{distroname} == "centos5" #Requires: python-uuid #%endif %package plc Summary: the SFA layer around MyPLC Group: Applications/System Requires: sfa Requires: python-psycopg2 %package client Summary: the SFA experimenter-side CLI Group: Applications/System Requires: sfa Requires: pyOpenSSL >= 0.7 %package sfatables Summary: sfatables policy tool for SFA Group: Applications/System Requires: sfa %package cm Summary: the SFA layer around MyPLC NodeManager Group: Applications/System Requires: sfa Requires: pyOpenSSL >= 0.6 %package flashpolicy Summary: SFA support for flash clients Group: Applications/System Requires: sfa %package xmlbuilder Summary: third-party xmlbuilder tool Group: Applications/System Provides: python-xmlbuilder %package tests Summary: unit tests suite for SFA Group: Applications/System Requires: sfa %description This package provides the python libraries for the PlanetLab implementation of SFA %description plc This package implements the SFA interface which serves as a layer between the existing PlanetLab interfaces and the SFA API. %description client This package provides the client side of the SFA API, in particular sfi.py, together with other utilities. %description sfatables sfatables is a tool for defining access and admission control policies in an SFA network, in much the same way as iptables is for ip networks. This is the command line interface to manage sfatables %description cm This package implements the SFA interface which serves as a layer between the existing PlanetLab NodeManager interfaces and the SFA API. %description flashpolicy This package provides support for adobe flash client applications. %description xmlbuilder This package contains the xmlbuilder python library, packaged for convenience as it is not supported by fedora %description tests Provides some binary unit tests in /usr/share/sfa/tests %prep %setup -q %build make VERSIONTAG="%{version}-%{taglevel}" SCMURL="%{SCMURL}" %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make VERSIONTAG="%{version}-%{taglevel}" SCMURL="%{SCMURL}" install DESTDIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files # sfa and sfatables depend on each other. %{python_sitelib}/sfa /etc/init.d/sfa %{_bindir}/sfa-start.py* %{_bindir}/keyconvert.py* %{_bindir}/sfa-config-tty %config /etc/sfa/default_config.xml %config (noreplace) /etc/sfa/aggregates.xml %config (noreplace) /etc/sfa/registries.xml /usr/share/sfa/sfa.sql /usr/share/sfa/examples /var/www/html/wsdl/*.wsdl %files plc %defattr(-,root,root) /etc/sfa/pl.rng /etc/sfa/credential.xsd /etc/sfa/top.xsd /etc/sfa/sig.xsd /etc/sfa/xml.xsd /etc/sfa/protogeni-rspec-common.xsd /etc/sfa/topology %{_bindir}/sfa-import-plc.py* %{_bindir}/sfa-nuke-plc.py* %{_bindir}/sfa-clean-peer-records.py* %{_bindir}/gen-sfa-cm-config.py* %{_bindir}/sfa-ca.py* %files client %config (noreplace) /etc/sfa/sfi_config %{_bindir}/sfi*.py* %{_bindir}/sfi %{_bindir}/get*.py* %{_bindir}/setRecord.py* %{_bindir}/sfascan.py* %{_bindir}/sfascan %{_bindir}/sfadump.py* %files sfatables /etc/sfatables/* %{_bindir}/sfatables %{python_sitelib}/sfatables %files cm /etc/init.d/sfa-cm %{_bindir}/sfa_component_setup.py* # cron jobs here %files flashpolicy %{_bindir}/sfa_flashpolicy.py* /etc/sfa/sfa_flashpolicy_config.xml %files xmlbuilder %{python_sitelib}/xmlbuilder %files tests %{_datadir}/sfa/tests ### sfa-plc installs the 'sfa' service %post plc chkconfig --add sfa %preun plc if [ "$1" = 0 ] ; then /sbin/service sfa stop || : /sbin/chkconfig --del sfa || : fi %postun plc [ "$1" -ge "1" ] && service sfa restart ### sfa-cm installs the 'sfa-cm' service %post cm chkconfig --add sfa-cm %preun cm if [ "$1" = 0 ] ; then /sbin/service sfa-cm stop || : /sbin/chkconfig --del sfa-cm || : fi %postun cm [ "$1" -ge "1" ] && service sfa-cm restart || : %changelog * Sat Jan 7 2012 Tony Mack - sfa-2.0-9 - bugfix: 'geni_api' should be in the top level struct, not the code struct - bugfix: Display the correct host and port in 'geni_api_versions' field of the GetVersion output returned by the Aggregate Manager. - bugfix: sfa.util.sfatime now handles numeric string inputs correctly. - bugfix: sfa.util.sfatime.datetime_to_epoch() returns integers instead of doubles. - bugfix: Fixed bug that prevented the rspec parser from identifying an rspec's schema when there is extra whitespace in the schemaLocation field. - bugfix: Fixed bug that caused PlanetLab initscripts from showing up in the PGv2 and GENIv3 advertisement rspecs. - bugfix: RSpec element should contain the 'username' attribute. - bugfix: Use sfa.util.plxrn.PlXrn to parse the login_base (authority) out of a urn. * Wed Jan 4 2012 Tony Mack - sfa-2.0-8 - bugfix: Fixed a bug in the sfa-import-plc.py script that caused the script to exit when it encountered a user with an invalid public key. - server: imporved logging in sfa-import-plc.py * Tue Jan 3 2012 Tony Mack - sfa-2.0-7 - bugfix: Fixed appending public keys in CreateSliver - bugfix: Fixed various bugs in the PGv2/GENIv3 request, advertisement and manifest rspecs. - client: -c --current option allows users to request the current/uncached rspec. - server: Added 'geni_api_versions' field to GetVersion() output. - server: Moved PLC specific code from sfa.importer.sfaImport to sfa.importer.sfa-import-plc. * Fri Dec 16 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-2.0-6 - bugfix: sfi was not sending call_id with ListResources to v2 servers - SFA_API_DEBUG replaced with SFA_API_LOGLEVEL - PlDriver / PlShell : PLCAPI methods now explicitly go to the shell * Wed Dec 14 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-2.0-5 - client: sfi -a / -p deprecated (use -s instead) - client: sfi cleaned up - client: sfi has backward support for APIv1 aggregates again - server: only APIv2 is supported and should be rather strict - server: settings for turning on/off caching in sm or am - server: plc-dependant code has moved from aggregate to pldriver - server: driver interface extended accordingly * Fri Dec 09 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-2.0-4 - screwed up previous tag * Fri Dec 09 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-2.0-3 - client side revisited with a bootstrap library - client side has a new source layout - various (nasty) bug fixes wrt options and call_id * Tue Dec 06 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-2.0-2 - various fixes in rspecs for sfav1&slice tags - uses 'geni_rspec_version' and not just 'rspec_version' - example flavour for the max testbed - embryo for an sfa client library - topology.py moved into plc - sql: table is named records; record_types are enforced - sql: table creation cleaned up * Wed Nov 30 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-2.0-1 - cleaned up all references to SFA_*_TYPE in config - enable cache at the aggregate by default - registry now uses the driver in a sensible way (see managers/driver.py) - slice manager supports sfav1/pgv2 neighbours - get_key renamed into get_key_from_incoming_ip - new sfa.storage module for record/table and all db-related stuff - db schema in sfa.storage.sfa.sql - init.d and cron.d move one step up - cleaned up rspec/ directory - add deps to pyopenssl and myplc-config - start support for new API (return value) - plc.remoteshell removed, use plshell instead - plshell uses a 'capability' auth method whenever possible - various tweaks in rspec elements - made dependency on sfatables softer * Thu Nov 24 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.1-5 - sfa should now be started *before* the initial import - sfa to use its own database (default sfa) - can run without myplc - server calls support optional 'options' - client sends options in argument when needed - fix infinite getattr recursion in elements/element.py - error codes in line with geni * Fri Nov 18 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.1-4 - fixed links and attributes in rspecs - minor cleanup in the API methods, and more consistent names in manager methods * Thu Nov 17 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.1-3 - ongoing refoactoring towards more genericity - passes tests again although known issues remain with attributes/tags * Mon Nov 07 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.1-2 - checkpoint tag: use SFA_GENERIC_FLAVOUR instead of SFA_*_TYPE - improvements in the pgv2 rspecs - driver separated from api - code starts moving around where it belongs - sfascan caches getversion across invokations - vini topology extracted as a config file * Fri Oct 28 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.1-1 - first support for protogeni rspecs is working - vini no longer needs a specific manager - refactoring underway towards more flexible/generic architecture * Thu Sep 15 2011 Tony Mack - sfa-1.0-36 - Unicode-friendliness for user names with accents/special chars. - Fix bug that could cause create the client to fail when calling CreateSliver for a slice that has the same hrn as a user. - CreaetSliver no longer fails for users that have a capital letter in their URN. - Fix bug in CreateSliver that generated incorrect login bases and email addresses for ProtoGENI requests. - Allow files with .gid, .pem or .crt extension to be loaded into the server's list of trusted certs. - Fix bugs and missing imports * Tue Aug 30 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-35 - new method record.get_field for sface * Mon Aug 29 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-34 - new option -c to sfa-nuke-plc.py - CreateSliver fixed for admin-only slice tags * Wed Aug 24 2011 Tony Mack - sfa-1.0-32 - Fixed exploit that allowed an authorities to issue certs for objects that dont belong to them. - Fixed holes in certificate verification logic. - Aggregates no longer try to lookup slice and person records when processing CreateSliver requests. Clients are now required to specify this info in the 'users' argument. - Added 'boot_state' as an attribute of the node element in SFA rspec. - Non authority certificates are marked as CA:FALSE. * Tue Aug 16 2011 Tony Mack - sfa-1.0-32 - fix typo in sfa-1.0-31 tag. - added CreateGid() Registry interface method. * Tue Aug 16 2011 Tony Mack - sfa-1.0-31 - fix typo in sfa-1.0-30 tag * Tue Aug 16 2011 Tony Mack - sfa-1.0-30 - Declare namespace and schema location in the credential. - Fix bug that prevetend connections from timing out. - Fix slice delegation. - Add statistics to slicemaanger listresources/createsliver rspec. - Added SFA_MAX_SLICE_RENEW which allows operators to configure the max ammout of days a user can extend their slice expiration. - CA certs are only issued to objects of type authority * Fri Aug 05 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-29 - tag 1.0-28 was broken due to typo in the changelog - new class sfa/util/httpsProtocol.py that supports timeouts * Thu Aug 4 2011 Tony Mack - sfa-1.0-28 - Resolved issue that caused sfa hold onto idle db connections. - Fix bug that caused the registry to use the wrong type of credential. - Support authority+sm type. - Fix rspec merging bugs. - Only load certs that have .gid extension from /etc/sfa/trusted_roots/ - Created a 'planetlab' extension to the ProtoGENI v2 rspec for supporting planetlab hosted initscripts using the tag - Can now handle extraneous whitespace in the rspec without failing. * Fri Jul 8 2011 Tony Mack - sfa-1.0-27 - ProtoGENI v2 RSpec updates. - Convert expiration timestamps with timezone info in credentials to utc. - Fixed redundant logging issue. - Improved SliceManager and SFI client logging. - Support aggregates that don't support the optional 'call_id' argument. - Only call get_trusted_certs() at aggreage interfaces that support the call. - CreateSliver() now handles MyPLC slice attributes/tags. - Cache now supports persistence. - Hide whitelisted nodes. * Tue Jun 21 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-26 - fixed issues with sup authority signing - fixed bugs in remove_slivers and SliverStatus * Thu Jun 16 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-25 - fix typo that prevented aggregates from operating properly * Tue Jun 14 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-24 - load trusted certs into ssl context prior to handshake - client's logfile lives in ~/.sfi/sfi.log * Fri Jun 10 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-23 - includes a change on passphrases that was intended in 1.0-22 * Thu Jun 6 2011 Tony Mack - sfa-1.0-22 - Added support for ProtoGENI RSpec v2 * Wed Mar 16 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-21 - stable sfascan - fix in initscript, *ENABLED tags in config now taken into account * Fri Mar 11 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-20 - some commits had not been pushed in tag 19 * Fri Mar 11 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-19 - GetVersion should now report full URLs with path - scansfa has nicer output and new syntax (entry URLs as args and not options) - dos2unix'ed flash policy pill * Wed Mar 09 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-18 - fix packaging again for f8 * Wed Mar 09 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-17 - fix packaging (apparently broken in 1.0-16) - first working version of sfascan - tweaks in GetVersion for exposing hrn(AM) and full set of aggregates(SM) - deprecated the sfa_geni_aggregate config category * Tue Mar 08 2011 Andy Bavier - sfa-1.0-16 - Fix build problem - First version of SFA scanner * Mon Mar 07 2011 Andy Bavier - sfa-1.0-15 - Add support for Flash clients using flashpolicy - Fix problems with tag handling in RSpec * Wed Mar 02 2011 Andy Bavier - sfa-1.0-14 - Modifications to the Eucalyptus Aggregate Manager - Fixes for VINI RSpec - Fix tag handling for PL RSpec - Fix XML Schema ordering for element * Tue Feb 01 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-13 - just set x509 version to 2 * Wed Jan 26 2011 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-12 - added urn to the node area in rspecs - conversion to urn now exports fqdn - sfa-import-plc.py now creates a unique registry record for each SFA interface * Thu Dec 16 2010 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-11 - undo broken attempt for python-2.7 * Wed Dec 15 2010 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-10 - SMs avoid duplicates for when call graph has dags; - just based on network's name, when a duplicate occurs, one is just dropped - does not try to merge/aggregate 2 networks - also reviewed logging with the hope to fix the sfa startup msg: - TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting * Tue Dec 07 2010 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-9 - verify credentials against xsd schema - Fix SM to SM communication - Fix bug in sfa.util.sfalogging, sfa-import.py now logs to sfa_import.log - new setting session_key_path * Tue Nov 09 2010 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-8 - fix registry credential regeneration and handle expiration - support for setting slice tags (min_role=user) - client can display its own version: sfi.py version --local - GetVersion to provide urn in addition to hrn - more code uses plxrn vs previous helper functions - import replaces '+' in email addresses with '_' * Fri Oct 22 2010 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-7 - fix GetVersion code_tag and add code_url * Fri Oct 22 2010 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-6 - extend GetVersion towards minimum federation introspection, and expose local tag * Wed Oct 20 2010 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-5 - fixed some legacy issues (list vs List) - deprecated sfa.util.namespace for xrn and plxrn - unit tests ship as the sfa-tests rpm * Mon Oct 11 2010 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-2 - deprecated old methods (e.g. List/list, and GetCredential/get_credential) - NOTE: get_(self_)credential both have type and hrn swapped when moving to Get(Self)Credential - hrn-urn translations tweaked - fixed 'service sfa status' - sfa-nuke-plc has a -f/--file-system option to clean up /var/lib/authorities (exp.) - started to repair sfadump - although not usable yet - trust objects now have dump_string method that dump() actually prints - unit tests under review - logging cleanup ongoing (always safe to use sfalogging.sfa_logger()) - binaries now support -v or -vv to increase loglevel - trashed obsolete sfa.util.client * Mon Oct 04 2010 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-1.0-1 - various bugfixes and cleanup, improved/harmonized logging * Tue Sep 07 2010 Tony Mack - sfa-0.9-16 - truncate login base of external (ProtoGeni, etc) slices to 20 characters to avoid returning a PLCAPI exception that might confuse users. - Enhance PLC aggregate performace by using a better filter when querying SliceTags. - fix build errors. * Tue Aug 24 2010 Tony Mack - sfa-0.9-15 - (Architecture) Credential format changed to match ProtoGENI xml format - (Architecture) All interfaces export a new set of methods that are compatible with the ProtoGeni Aggregate spec. These new methods are considered a replacement for the pervious methods exported by the interfaces. All previous methods are still exported and work as normal, but they are considered deprecated and will not be supported in future releases. - (Architecture) SFI has been updated to use the new interface methods. - (Architecture) Changed keyconvet implementation from c to python. - (Architecture) Slice Manager now attempts looks for a delegated credential provided by the client before using its own server credential. - (Archiceture) Slice Interface no longers stores cache of resources on disk. This cache now exists only in memory and is cleared when service is restarted or cache lifetime is exceeded. - (Performance) SliceManager sends request to Aggregates in parallel instead of sequentially. - (Bug fix) SFA tickets now support the new rspec format. - (Bug fix) SFI only uses cahced credential if they aren't expired. - (Bug fix) Cerdential delegation modified to work with new credential format. - (Enhancement) SFI -a --aggregatge option now sends requests directly to the Aggregate instead of relaying through the Slice Manager. - (Enhancement) Simplified caching. Accociated a global cache instance with the api handler on every new server request, making it easier to access the cache and use in more general ways. * Thu May 11 2010 Tony Mack - sfa-0.9-11 - SfaServer now uses a pool of threads to handle requests concurrently - sfa.util.rspec no longer used to process/manage rspecs (deprecated). This is now handled by sfa.plc.network and is not backwards compatible - PIs can now get a slice credential for any slice at their site without having to be a member of the slice - Registry records for federated peers (defined in registries.xml, aggregates.xml) updated when sfa service is started - Interfaces will try to fetch and install gids from peers listed in registries.xml/aggregates.xml if gid is not found in /etc/sfa/trusted_roots dir - Component manager does not install gid files if slice already has them - Server automatically fetches and installs peer certificats (defined in registries/aggregates.xml) when service is restarted. - fix credential verification exploit (verify that the trusted signer is a parent of the object it it signed) - made it easier for root authorities to sign their sub's certifiacate using the sfa-ca.py (sfa/server/sfa-ca.py) tool * Thu Jan 21 2010 anil vengalil - sfa-0.9-10 - This tag is quite same as the previous one (sfa-0.9-9) except that the vini and max aggregate managers are also updated for urn support. Other features are: - - sfa-config-tty now has the same features like plc-config-tty - - Contains code to support both urn and hrn - - Cleaned up request_hash related stuff - - SM, AM and Registry code is organized under respective managers - - Site and Slice synchronization across federated aggregates - - Script to generate sfa_component_config * Fri Jan 15 2010 anil vengalil - sfa-0.9-9 - sfa-config-tty now has the same features like plc-config-tty - Contains code to support both urn and hrn - Cleaned up request_hash related stuff - SM, AM and Registry code is organized under respective managers - Slice synchronization across federated aggregates - some bugs are fixed * Wed Jan 06 2010 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-0.9-8 - checkpoint with fewer mentions of geni * Tue Jan 05 2010 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-0.9-7 - checkpointing - this is believed to pass the tests; among other things: - reworked configuration based on the myplc config with xml skeleton (no more sfa_config) * Mon Nov 16 2009 anil vengalil - sfa-0.9-6 - This tag includes: - - Sfatables - - Preliminary version of hash based authentication - - Initial code for Component Manager - - Authority structure is moved to /var/lib/sfa/ - - some bug-fixes * Fri Oct 09 2009 anil vengalil - sfa-0.9-5 - Create_slice and get_resources methods are connected to sfatables. - Other features include compatibility with RP, handling remote objects created as part of federation, preliminary version of sfatables, call tracability and logging. * Wed Oct 07 2009 anil vengalil - sfa-0.9-4 - Bug fix on update and remove_peer_object methods - Compatibility with RP, preliminiary version of sfatables, call tracability and logging * Mon Oct 05 2009 anil vengalil - sfa-0.9-3 - Compatibility with RP, two additional methods to handle remote objects, call tracability and logging, PLCDB now has single table for sfa records, preliminary version of sfatables (still under development) * Fri Sep 18 2009 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-0.9-2 - compatibility with RefreshPeer - incremental mechanism for importing PLC records into SFA tables - unified single database (still inside the underlying PLC db postgresql server) - includes/improves call traceability and logging features - several bug fixes * Thu Sep 17 2009 Baris Metin - added libxslt-python dependency * Thu Sep 10 2009 Thierry Parmentelat - sfa-0.9-1 - unified single SFA database in the PLC-DB - upcalls from PLCAPI to SFA methods - SFA call traceability and logging features - many bug fixes - includes first/rough version of sfatables for policy implementation * Thu Jul 23 2009 Thierry Parmentelat - geniwrapper-0.8-6 - snapshot after the GEC5 demo - should be the last tag set in the geniwrapper module, are we are now moving to the sfa module * Wed Jul 15 2009 Thierry Parmentelat - geniwrapper-0.8-5 - snapshot july 15 - has gone through superficial manual testing - hopefully a good basis for gec5 demo - multi-dir sfi client tested as well * Wed Jul 08 2009 Thierry Parmentelat - geniwrapper-0.8-4 - rename geniwrapper.spec into sfa.spec * Wed Jul 08 2009 Thierry Parmentelat - geniwrapper-0.8-3 - clean up in xmlrpc/soap, --protocol option to chose between both - keyconvert packaged in /usr/bin, no /usr/share/keyconvert anymore - hopefully more helpful context in case of crashes when importing - bugfixes for using only /etc/sfa for site-dep files - bugfixes in wsdl generation * Mon Jul 06 2009 Thierry Parmentelat - geniwrapper-0.8-2 - cleanup of the config area; no dependency to a PLC config anymore as sfa can be run in standalone - config variables in sfa_config now start with SFA_ and not GENI_ - config.py can be loaded even with no config present * Sun Jul 05 2009 Thierry Parmentelat - geniwrapper-0.8-1 - first step for cleanup and reorganization - mass-renaming from geni to sfa (some are still needed) - sfa/trust implements the security architecture * Wed Jul 01 2009 Thierry Parmentelat - geniwrapper-0.2-7 - snapshot for reproducible builds * Thu Jun 25 2009 Thierry Parmentelat - geniwrapper-0.2-6 - snapshot for the convenience of alpha users * Tue Jun 16 2009 Thierry Parmentelat - geniwrapper-0.2-5 - build fix - keyconvert was getting installed in /usr/share/keyconvert/keyconvert * Tue Jun 16 2009 Thierry Parmentelat - geniwrapper-0.2-4 - ongoing work - snapshot for 4.3-rc9 * Wed Jun 03 2009 Thierry Parmentelat - geniwrapper-0.2-3 - various fixes * Sat May 30 2009 Thierry Parmentelat - geniwrapper-0.2-2 - bugfixes - still a work in progress * Fri May 18 2009 Baris Metin - initial package %define module_current_branch 0.2