from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from sface.screens.sfascreen import SfaScreen class HelpWidget(QWidget): def __init__(self, parent): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.showHelpText() def showHelpText(self): layout = QVBoxLayout(self) layout.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop) text = QLabel(self) text.setWordWrap(True) text.setOpenExternalLinks(True) text.setText("""

The PlanetLab Federation is a collection of testbeds that have joined forces using the Slice Federation Architecture (SFA).

This GUI allows users of OneLab and PlanetLab to allocate resources belonging to any federated testbed to an existing slice. To use it, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Configure screen and configure your slice, user, and user authority HRNs.
  2. Go to the Main Window and click Update Slice Data. This will load the set of resources currently allocated to your slice, and group them by testbeds. Expand the entry for a particular testbed to see the resources allocated there.
  3. To modify the resources allocated to your slice:
  4. After you have made your changes, click Submit. This will submit your changes and then refresh the set of slice resources to reflect the current allocation. No changes are made to your slice allocation until you click Submit.

This GUI was built by the OneLab and PlanetLab teams. Your feedback is appreciated

""") text.setTextFormat(Qt.RichText) layout.addWidget(text) class HelpScreen(SfaScreen): def __init__(self, parent): SfaScreen.__init__(self, parent) widget = HelpWidget(self) self.init(widget, "Help", "How to use the OneLab Federation GUI")