#!/usr/bin/python import plc api = plc.getAuthAPI() import sys import reboot from datetime import datetime, timedelta import database import comon from nodecommon import color_pcu_state, datetime_fromstr from nodehistory import get_filefromglob import time import traceback # region # total # up # up with good hardware # up with good hardware & functional pcu #cm_url="http://summer.cs.princeton.edu/status/tabulator.cgi?table=table_nodeviewshort&format=formatcsv&dumpcols='name,cpuspeed,memsize,disksize'" #cm = database.if_cached_else(1, "cmhardware", lambda : comon.comonget(cm_url)) def gethardwarequality(nodename, fb): if nodename in fb['nodes'] and 'comonstats' in fb['nodes'][nodename]['values']: cstat = fb['nodes'][nodename]['values']['comonstats'] for field in ['cpuspeed', 'memsize', 'disksize']: if field not in cstat: cstat[field] = "null" if cstat['cpuspeed'] != "null" and float(cstat['cpuspeed']) < 2.2: return "BAD" # "cpu_slow", if cstat['memsize'] != "null" and float(cstat['memsize']) < 2.8: return "BAD" # "mem_small", if cstat['disksize'] != "null" and float(cstat['disksize']) < 300.0: return "BAD" # "disk_small", if cstat['disksize'] == "null" and \ cstat['cpuspeed'] == "null" and \ cstat['memsize'] == "null": return "N/A" try: if float(cstat['cpuspeed']) >= 2.2 and \ float(cstat['memsize']) >= 2.8 and \ (cstat['disksize'] == "null" or float(cstat['disksize']) >= 300.0): return "A-OK" except: print cstat return "ZOO" else: return "N/A" def addtostats(stats, a): if a['cc'] not in stats: stats[a['cc']] = {'total' : 0, 'up' : 0, 'goodhw': 0, 'pcuok' : 0} stats[a['cc']]['total'] += 1 if a['status'] == "boot": stats[a['cc']]['up'] += 1 if a['hardware'] == "A-OK": stats[a['cc']]['goodhw'] += 1 if a['pcuok'] == "PCUOK " or a['pcuok'] == "PCUA-OK": stats[a['cc']]['pcuok'] += 1 def main(): stats = {} path = "archive-pdb" archive = database.SPickle(path) if len(sys.argv) > 2: timestr = sys.argv[1] format = sys.argv[2] begin = timestr else: format = "%Y-%m-%d" begin = time.strftime(format) d = datetime_fromstr(begin) fbstr = get_filefromglob(d, "production.findbad")[0] fbpcustr = get_filefromglob(d, "production.findbadpcus")[0] l_plcnodes = database.dbLoad("l_plcnodes") l_plcsites = database.dbLoad("l_plcsites") lb2hn = database.dbLoad("plcdb_lb2hn") fb = archive.load(fbstr) fbpcu = archive.load(fbpcustr) reboot.fb = fbpcu results = [] # COLLECT nodegroups, nodes and node lists for site in l_plcsites: CC="none" if site['login_base'] in lb2hn: nodes = lb2hn[site['login_base']] for node in nodes: hostname = node['hostname'] fields = hostname.split(".") if len(fields[-1]) == 2: CC=fields[-1] elif fields[-1] == "edu": CC="usedu" elif site['login_base'] == "ft": CC="fr" elif site['login_base'] == "ntu": CC="tw" elif site['login_base'] in ["mcgill", "canarieottawa", 'canariecalgary', 'canariehalifax', 'canariemontreal', 'canarietoronto', 'canariewinnipeg']: CC="ca" elif site['login_base'] in ["plcoloclarasanti", "plcoloclarasaopa", "plcoloclarabueno", "plcoloclaratijua", "plcoloclarapanam"]: CC="southamerica" elif site['login_base'] in ["plcoloamst", 'cwi']: CC="nl" elif site['login_base'] == "urv": CC="es" elif site['login_base'] == "ncl": CC="uk" elif site['login_base'] == "waterford": CC="ie" elif site['login_base'] in ["kisti", "snummlab"]: CC="kr" elif site['login_base'] == "astri": CC="cn" elif fields[-1] in [ "org", "net" ]: CC="usorg" elif fields[-1] == "com": CC="uscom" else: CC=fields[-1] if hostname in fb['nodes']: if 'state' in fb['nodes'][hostname]['values']: state = fb['nodes'][hostname]['values']['state'].lower() else: state = "unknown" args = {'cc': CC, 'site' : site['login_base'], 'host' : hostname, 'status' : state, 'hardware' : gethardwarequality(hostname, fb), 'pcuok' : color_pcu_state(fb['nodes'][hostname]['values']) } #except: # print traceback.print_exc() # print args # print fb['nodes'][hostname]['values'] results.append("%(cc)7s %(status)8s %(hardware)8s %(pcuok)8s %(site)15s %(host)42s " % args) addtostats(stats, args) else: site['latitude'] = -2 site['longitude'] = -2 #print "%4s %20s %8s %8s" % (CC, site['login_base'], site['latitude'], site['longitude']) regions = { 'mideast' : ['cy', 'gr', 'il', 'in', 'lb', 'pk'], 'ca' : ['ca'], 'usa' : ['pr','us', 'uscom', 'usedu', 'usorg'], 'europe' : ['at','ch','cz','be', 'de', 'dk', 'es','fi', 'fr', 'hu', 'ie', 'is', 'it','nl', 'no', 'pl', 'pt', 'se', 'tr', 'uk'], 'asia' : ['cn','hk','jp','kr', 'ru', 'sg', 'si','tw',], 'australia': ['au', 'nz',], 'southam' : ['ar','br','southamerica','uy', 've'], } # fold stats statsfold = {} for key in regions.keys(): statsfold[key] = {'total' : 0, 'up' : 0, 'goodhw': 0, 'pcuok' : 0} totaltotal = { 'total' : 0, 'up' : 0, 'goodhw': 0, 'pcuok' : 0} # for all of the cc stats for cc in stats.keys(): # search for the cc in the regions dict for region in regions: # if the cc is assigned to a region if cc in regions[region]: # add all values in cc stats to that region for key in statsfold[region]: statsfold[region][key] += stats[cc][key] totaltotal[key] += stats[cc][key] # print folded stats print " REGION | total | up |& goodhw |& pcuok " for region in statsfold.keys(): statsfold[region]['region'] = region print "%(region)13s | %(total)5s | %(up)3s | %(goodhw)7s | %(pcuok)3s" % statsfold[region] print " totals | %(total)5s | %(up)3s | %(goodhw)7s | %(pcuok)3s" % totaltotal print " Region | total | up |& goodhw |& pcuok " for region in stats.keys(): stats[region]['region'] = region print "%(region)13s | %(total)5s | %(up)3s | %(goodhw)7s | %(pcuok)3s" % stats[region] for line in results: print line if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except IOError: pass