""" """ from sla.slaclient import wsag_model import json import dateutil.parser from sla.slaclient.templates.fed4fire.fed4fire import AgreementInput from sla.slaclient.templates.fed4fire.fed4fire import TemplateInput def templateinput_from_json(json_data): """Creates a TemplateInput from json data. :rtype: TemplateInput An example input is: { "agreement_id" : "agreement-id" "agreement_name" : "agreement-name", "template_id" : "template-id", "provider" : "provider", "service_id" : "service-id", "expiration_time" : "2014-03-28T13:55:00Z", "service_properties" : [ { "name" : "uptime", "servicename" : "service-a", "metric" : "xs:double", "location" : "//service-a/uptime" } ] } """ d = json.loads(json_data) if "expiration_time" in d: d["expiration_time"] = dateutil.parser.parse(d["expiration_time"]) t = TemplateInput( template_id=d.get("template_id", None), template_name=d.get("template_name", None), provider=d.get("provider", None), service_id=d.get("service_id"), expiration_time=d.get("expiration_time", None), service_properties=_json_parse_service_properties(d) ) return t def agreementinput_from_json(json_data): """Creates an AgreementInput from json data. :rtype: AgreementInput An example input is: { "agreement_id" : "agreement-id" "agreement_name" : "agreement-name", "template_id" : "template-id", "consumer" : "consumer", "provider" : "provider", "service_id" : "service-id", "expiration_time" : "2014-03-28T13:55:00Z", "guarantees": [ { "name" : "uptime", "bounds" : [ "0", "1" ] } ] } """ d = json.loads(json_data) t = AgreementInput( agreement_id=d.get("agreement_id", None), agreement_name=d.get("agreement_name", None), template_id=d.get("template_id", None), consumer=d.get("consumer", None), provider=d.get("provider", None), service_id=d.get("service_id"), expiration_time=d.get("expiration_time", None), service_properties=_json_parse_service_properties(d), guarantee_terms=_json_parse_guarantee_terms(d) ) return t def _json_parse_service_properties(d): """Parse service properties in a json and translates to Property. :type d: dict(str, str) :rtype: list(wsag_model.Agreement.Property) """ result = [] for sp in d.get("service_properties", None) or (): result.append( wsag_model.Agreement.Property( servicename=sp.get("servicename", None), name=sp.get("name", None), metric=sp.get("metric", None), location=sp.get("location", None) ) ) return result def _json_parse_guarantee_terms(d): """Parse guarantee terms in a son and translates to GuaranteeTerm. :type d: dict(str, str) :rtype: list(wsag_model.AgreementInput.GuaranteeTerm) """ result = [] for term in d.get("guarantees", None) or (): gs = AgreementInput.GuaranteeTerm.GuaranteeScope( term["scope"].get("service_name", ""), term["scope"].get("scope", "") ) print "*******GS****" print gs result.append( AgreementInput.GuaranteeTerm( metric_name=term["name"], bounds=tuple(term["bounds"]), guarantee_scopes=gs ) ) return result