"""Sliver manager. The sliver manager has several functions. It is responsible for creating, resource limiting, starting, stopping, and destroying slivers. It provides an API for users to access these functions and also to make inter-sliver resource loans. The sliver manager is also responsible for handling delegation accounts. """ try: from bwlimit import bwmin, bwmax except ImportError: bwmin, bwmax = 8, 1000*1000*1000 import accounts import api import database import delegate import logger import sliver_vs DEFAULT_ALLOCATION = { 'enabled': 1, # CPU parameters 'cpu_min': 0, # ms/s 'cpu_share': 32, # proportional share # bandwidth parameters 'net_min_rate': bwmin / 1000, # kbps 'net_max_rate': bwmax / 1000, # kbps 'net_share': 1, # proportional share # bandwidth parameters over routes exempt from node bandwidth limits 'net_i2_min_rate': bwmin / 1000, # kbps 'net_i2_max_rate': bwmax / 1000, # kbps 'net_i2_share': 1, # proportional share 'disk_max': 5000000 # bytes } start_requested = False # set to True in order to request that all slivers be started @database.synchronized def GetSlivers(data, fullupdate=True): """This function has two purposes. One, convert GetSlivers() data into a more convenient format. Two, even if no updates are coming in, use the GetSlivers() heartbeat as a cue to scan for expired slivers.""" node_id = None try: f = open('/etc/planetlab/node_id') try: node_id = int(f.read()) finally: f.close() except: logger.log_exc() if data.has_key('node_id') and data['node_id'] != node_id: return if data.has_key('networks'): for network in data['networks']: if network['is_primary'] and network['bwlimit'] is not None: DEFAULT_ALLOCATION['net_max_rate'] = network['bwlimit'] / 1000 ### Emulab-specific hack begins here emulabdelegate = { 'instantiation': 'plc-instantiated', 'keys': '''ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA5Rimz6osRvlAUcaxe0YNfGsLL4XYBN6H30V3l/0alZOSXbGOgWNdEEdohwbh9E8oYgnpdEs41215UFHpj7EiRudu8Nm9mBI51ARHA6qF6RN+hQxMCB/Pxy08jDDBOGPefINq3VI2DRzxL1QyiTX0jESovrJzHGLxFTB3Zs+Y6CgmXcnI9i9t/zVq6XUAeUWeeXA9ADrKJdav0SxcWSg+B6F1uUcfUd5AHg7RoaccTldy146iF8xvnZw0CfGRCq2+95AU9rbMYS6Vid8Sm+NS+VLaAyJaslzfW+CAVBcywCOlQNbLuvNmL82exzgtl6fVzutRFYLlFDwEM2D2yvg4BQ== root@boss.emulab.net''', 'name': 'utah_elab_delegate', 'timestamp': data['timestamp'], 'type': 'delegate', 'vref': None } database.db.deliver_record(emulabdelegate) ### Emulab-specific hack ends here initscripts_by_id = {} for is_rec in data['initscripts']: initscripts_by_id[str(is_rec['initscript_id'])] = is_rec['script'] for sliver in data['slivers']: rec = sliver.copy() rec.setdefault('timestamp', data['timestamp']) # convert attributes field to a proper dict attr_dict = {} for attr in rec.pop('attributes'): attr_dict[attr['name']] = attr['value'] # squash keys keys = rec.pop('keys') rec.setdefault('keys', '\n'.join([key_struct['key'] for key_struct in keys])) rec.setdefault('type', attr_dict.get('type', 'sliver.VServer')) rec.setdefault('vref', attr_dict.get('vref', 'default')) is_id = attr_dict.get('plc_initscript_id') if is_id is not None and is_id in initscripts_by_id: rec['initscript'] = initscripts_by_id[is_id] else: rec['initscript'] = '' rec.setdefault('delegations', []) # XXX - delegation not yet supported # extract the implied rspec rspec = {} rec['rspec'] = rspec for resname, default_amt in DEFAULT_ALLOCATION.iteritems(): try: amt = int(attr_dict[resname]) except (KeyError, ValueError): amt = default_amt rspec[resname] = amt database.db.deliver_record(rec) if fullupdate: database.db.set_min_timestamp(data['timestamp']) database.db.sync() # handle requested startup global start_requested if start_requested: start_requested = False cumulative_delay = 0 for name in database.db.iterkeys(): accounts.get(name).start(delay=cumulative_delay) cumulative_delay += 3 def deliver_ticket(data): return GetSlivers(data, fullupdate=False) def start(options, config): accounts.register_class(sliver_vs.Sliver_VS) accounts.register_class(delegate.Delegate) global start_requested start_requested = options.startup database.start() api.deliver_ticket = deliver_ticket api.start()